Donald Trump raided by the FBI


Well-known Member
Anyone else get a hard-on watching this? We need to take the Republican Party back from all these lunatic retards.
Anyone else get a hard-on watching this? We need to take the Republican Party back from all these lunatic retards.
lol @ you
But I guess you prefer the party that wears women's clothes and read books about sodomy to 3rd graders.
lol @ you
But I guess you prefer the party that wears women's clothes and read books about sodomy to 3rd graders.
Nope. I’m not into that woke shit.

But I’m not into domestic terrorism / Trump-style republicanism either. It’s nice how you’re deflecting, though.

Let’s get back to the original question. Did you enjoy seeing this domestic terrorist get raided? Why or why not?
Nope. I’m not into that woke shit.

But I’m not into domestic terrorism / Trump-style republicanism either. It’s nice how you’re deflecting, though.

Let’s get back to the original question. Did you enjoy seeing this domestic terrorist get raided? Why or why not?
You're just another monkeypox liberal pretending to be a moderate republican.
Many such cases.


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So let’s get this straight. I’m a monkeypox liberal because I don’t like Donald Trump or domestic terrorism?

Sorry to hear about your IQ.
The only terrorists in this country are democrats.
They hold kangaroo courts about an imaginary coup, attempted to assassinate a Supreme Court justice. Attempted to assassinate a republican candidate for governor in NY.
Dont forget the Bernie Sanders campaign worker who opened fire on a republican congressmen playing baseball attempting to assassinate dozens.
In fact any time you hear about a shooting, its usually another democrat shooting up the place. Remember the "white supremacist" who killed those Black people in the Buffalo supermarket? In his manifesto he identified himself as a socialist who hated Trump and used an AR-15 because he wanted them to get banned.
Anitfa and BLM terrorists literally burning cities to the ground, assaulting and murdering cops and citizens.
They demand an open boarder which results in a crime wave of human trafficking sex workers and drugs. Including fentanyl from China which is now the number one cause of death for people under age 40. Think about that for a while. The number one cause of death in America after heart disease and cancer is overdose from drugs coming in from Mexico and democrats fight tooth and nail to keep that border wide open.
You had BLM/anitfa terrorists take over several blocks of Seattle and declared it an independent country, terrorizing assaulting and stealing from local residents ( a gay neighborhood btw). A street rapper named Raz Simone took over "security" and handed out assault rifles to people in violation of multiple laws at then they immediately began gunning down unarmed black people.
That's right, BLM "security" shot and killed multiple unarmed blacks including a teenager.
The so-called president created an energy crisis by banning domestic and off-shore drilling. He sold off the strategic petroleum reserve to the Chinese government through a company that paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars for unspecified reasons.
Let's see, going back a few years you had that democrat she-male (an actual transvestite) who opened fire at the Family Research Counsel office because he didnt like their stance on gay marriage. He had a dufflebag full of Chik-fil-A sandwiches he was going to put on each dead body, but a security guard shot him first.
This is all just off the top of my head.
But do go on about a minor riot at the Capital where the only person killed was an unarmed woman shot by a cop as though it was worse than 9/11.
You fucking democrats refused to call actual terrorists in Iraq, Syria Iran, etc terrorists because it hurt their feelings and no you call anyone who disagrees with a domestic terrorist.
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I love trump. Hope he gets back in, i mean im canadian and trump will fuck us but i still love the guy for the way he carrys himself.

Fuck you, fuck you... your ok, fuck you. He has this additude and he isnt afraid to call out all the liberal leftist bullshit.

Don't care if he is perfect, he is what America needs though. Big corps are afraid of this man and that tells you he is the right fit.
I love trump. Hope he gets back in, i mean im canadian and trump will fuck us but i still love the guy for the way he carrys himself.

Fuck you, fuck you... your ok, fuck you. He has this additude and he isnt afraid to call out all the liberal leftist bullshit.

Don't care if he is perfect, he is what America needs though. Big corps are afraid of this man and that tells you he is the right fit.
That was one of the things I liked about him, he wasn't afraid to call out liberal bullshit. But...

You're Canadian and you think America needs:

- Domestic Terrorism (contrary to Chucky's beliefs)
- A President who acts like he's above the law
- A President who appointed his liberal daughter and son-in-law to important positions (nepotism)
- A president who significantly weakened the United States' standing in the world by allowing both Russia and China to go full retard

Huh? We need strong leadership, but we don't need it to be Trump, or anyone like him.
That was one of the things I liked about him, he wasn't afraid to call out liberal bullshit. But...

You're Canadian and you think America needs:

- Domestic Terrorism (contrary to Chucky's beliefs)
- A President who acts like he's above the law
- A President who appointed his liberal daughter and son-in-law to important positions (nepotism)
- A president who significantly weakened the United States' standing in the world by allowing both Russia and China to go full retard

Huh? We need strong leadership, but we don't need it to be Trump, or anyone like him.
I think American was more united with trump then any other. Under the circumstances of where this world is headed with all this social media baby bullshit.

The only way to shut it down is trump, otherwise its going to get worse. Sometimes you need someone who will shake things up tell people no , fuck you its not going to work like that.

As a Canadian, when i see trump i see a man who loves his country very much, he wants to make a difference not just be a puppet.
You're just repeating gibberish you read on facebook.
Russia invaded Ukraine and Crimea when Obongo/Biden was in charge. They literally did nothing to stop them.
One of Obongo's first acts as POTUS was to cancel funding for a missile defense system for Poland because Putin didn't want it.
When Trump took over, Russia knocked off their bullshit and Trump also sanctioned their Nord Stream pipeline. While giving the greenlight to our own Keystone Pipeline.
Guess what, Putin invaded Ukraine again as soon as Trump was gone.
One of Biden's first acts as president was to lift the sanctions on the Nord Stream because Putin wanted him to. And then axe our own pipeline in the name of "global warming".
Trump put all sorts of sanctions and tariffs on China to try to bring manufacturing back to the USA and Biden lifted them all.
Biden also sanction all the Russian oligrachs except for two who gave Hunter Biden millions of dollars, I guess because he is just such a swell guy.
That was one of the things I liked about him, he wasn't afraid to call out liberal bullshit. But...

You're Canadian and you think America needs:

- Domestic Terrorism (contrary to Chucky's beliefs)
- A President who acts like he's above the law
- A President who appointed his liberal daughter and son-in-law to important positions (nepotism)
- A president who significantly weakened the United States' standing in the world by allowing both Russia and China to go full retard

Huh? We need strong leadership, but we don't need it to be Trump, or anyone like him.
Bet you wish you never started this one incrediblefast. I think it will go sideways quicker than the titanic. You have my vote. But i agree with harley. When he was in america was united. Or it seemed like it from here.
Im out before im called a monkey fucker.
Im not very political, but let me be honest.

America has the same problem as canada, theres too many people out there that wanna have an opinion about absolutely everything and no one wants to do anything except voice there opinions on social media and cause more destruction.

This bullshit has to stop. So anyone who will fight it is whats needed.
Hopefully Trump will hang for treason against the United States, and our previously awesome Republican Party will reject his idiocy, terrorism and then usher in a new age of awesomeness where people don't reject science, the truth, education, etc.
Hopefully Trump will hang for treason against the United States, and our previously awesome Republican Party will reject his idiocy, terrorism and then usher in a new age of awesomeness where people don't reject science, the truth, education, etc.
I notice you dont have a single fact or argument other than repeating the same catchphrases you heard on Rachel Maddow.
I notice you dont have a single fact or argument other than repeating the same catchphrases you heard on Rachel Maddow.
Because you aren’t worth responding to. You’re a terrorist sympathizer.

I’m simply asking how people feel about Trump being raided.
Eh...I don't know. I'm a libertarian, so I don't necessarily like Trump or the FBI. I don't think a federal government should even exist.
Shrug. Whatever works for you. I respect your position.

I’d prefer living in a society with law and order. Now I’m not saying that includes punishment for steroid use, not at all. I think people should be able to use what they want as long as they aren’t hurting themselves or others.

However… it’s my very well informed opinion that Trump is a serious danger to this country. He cannot be allowed to escape what he’s done.
Shrug. Whatever works for you. I respect your position.

I’d prefer living in a society with law and order. Now I’m not saying that includes punishment for steroid use, not at all. I think people should be able to use what they want as long as they aren’t hurting themselves or others.

However… it’s my very well informed opinion that Trump is a serious danger to this country. He cannot be allowed to escape what he’s done.
So you think there is law and order with the federal government? Like when the CIA spies on American citizens? Or when the IRS steals your wealth? Or when these politicians dream up new endless wars to plunge us further into debt? Or when the Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air causing the inflation and misery we all now see?

Doesn't sound like law and order to me....sounds like tyranny.
So you think there is law and order with the federal government? Like when the CIA spies on American citizens? Or when the IRS steals your wealth? Or when these politicians dream up new endless wars to plunge us further into debt? Or when the Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air causing the inflation and misery we all now see?

Doesn't sound like law and order to me....sounds like tyranny.
Im with tren3times. Law and order was a good show. Bit lame now. If there were more tits i would keep watching.
It was tren3times who mentioned tits. He is a bad seed. I pleed the 5th.