Donald Trump raided by the FBI

For the OP question, I found it somewhat entertaining (as does most of the rest of the world, hell you should see how they are covering it over here in the PRC) but as always way overhyped and overcovered.

Being a Canadian expat overseas as well all I can say is it does not matter what side of the fence you are on as its all circling the drain.
Im torn. I hate trump. I think he is a poor leader in many ways. Hes laughing stock. In not a liberal i just think him and some other republicans are fucking idiots. The thing is though whenever the government shows strong interest in something like this its really just then protecting their own interests which usually have nothing to do with the peoples best interests..
He is a laughing stock, and it’s completely embarrassing that GOP sycophants continue to suck his small dick

Am I the only person that remembers virtually the entire system attempting to frame Trump as in bed with Moscow during his first 2 1/2 years?

OP... you're on the wrong kind of injectables, bro.
Says the kid rolling coal, with a flag that says Trump Won

You’re part of a group of brainless pussies
Says the kid rolling coal, with a flag that says Trump Won

You’re part of a group of brainless pussies
How do you idiots conclude based off my statement I support Trump?
Maybe I do. Maybe I don't.
You people are fucking morons.

RE-READ my post!
You people are the reason the two party duopoly continues.
You're fucking idiots.
That was one of the things I liked about him, he wasn't afraid to call out liberal bullshit. But...

You're Canadian and you think America needs:

- Domestic Terrorism (contrary to Chucky's beliefs)
- A President who acts like he's above the law
- A President who appointed his liberal daughter and son-in-law to important positions (nepotism)
- A president who significantly weakened the United States' standing in the world by allowing both Russia and China to go full retard

Huh? We need strong leadership, but we don't need it to be Trump, or anyone like him.
Give specific proven examples of domestic terrorism by Trump? Also explain why he hasn’t been charged with domestic terrorism. Also, don’t try and use Jan 6 as an example because Trump authorized troops, but Pelosi and the DC mayor declined then.

Trump acts like he is above the law? He’s definitely his own man, and he acted like the strongest president since Reagan. Got shit done, even with endless fake accusations.

He appointed trusted family members to do the job that politicians haven’t for decades. That’s a plus. I guess you think the peace deals they had going were bad somehow…

Weakened the US? This is THE biggest lie of them all. Trump was a boss and literally pushed everyone else aside to show he would be respected. He knew coming into office world leaders would think they could push him around. They found out immediately that was not going to be the case! America was then strongest it had been in decades both domestically and in foreign affairs. If your definition of weak is not bowing down to other world leaders then yep he was a weak President. I know what weak is, and Trump was definitely not it.

Your view of “strong leadership” must be Jeb Bush then huh? I’ll take a hard pass, and give my vote to Trump again proudly. We don’t need weak leaders anymore. That’s the problem with government. You don’t have to like Trump’s personality, but his policies were 100% on target.

Edit: If you think the raid ok Trump was a good thing, then you must want America to end up like Venezuela or Cuba. This is how that shit starts. And fuck Communism, socialism, fascism, and anything other than freedom.
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RE-READ my post!
You people are the reason the two party duopoly continues.
You're fucking idiots.
Thank you. These slaves and bootlickers in this country just accept whatever 2 choices their masters give them...and think they must choose between the approved choices.

What happened to the men in this world that loved liberty and freedom, and didn't want masters over them dictating their lives? We are doomed as a country.
Rolling coal…is that an example of liberty or freedom? Or simple douchebaggery?

Trumpers are seen as ignorant white militant misogynistic assholes. You see some scum on the street, and we all joke - must be a trumper

So go ahead and keep up with the anti-social bullshit so we can all ID you properly
Rolling coal…is that an example of liberty or freedom? Or simple douchebaggery?

Trumpers are seen as ignorant white militant misogynistic assholes. You see some scum on the street, and we all joke - must be a trumper

So go ahead and keep up with the anti-social bullshit so we can all ID you properly

Are you talking about the exhaust fumes? Who gives a fuck? Dude, the Federal Reserve is literally stealing from you....literally destroying the value of the dollar...causing our next recession with all the misery that is going to come from that, and you are talking about exhaust fumes. Get your head in the space where things really matter bro.
Are you talking about the exhaust fumes? Who gives a fuck? Dude, the Federal Reserve is literally stealing from you....literally destroying the value of the dollar...causing our next recession with all the misery that is going to come from that, and you are talking about exhaust fumes. Get your head in the space where things really matter bro.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.

We are talking about hardons watching Trump get raided, and if anyone else had a hard-on. Get back on track.

Did your dick get hard watching this? y/n (circle one)
Thank you. These slaves and bootlickers in this country just accept whatever 2 choices their masters give them...and think they must choose between the approved choices.

What happened to the men in this world that loved liberty and freedom, and didn't want masters over them dictating their lives? We are doomed as a country.

Someone with a brain.
How refreshing.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.

We are talking about hardons watching Trump get raided, and if anyone else had a hard-on. Get back on track.

Did your dick get hard watching this? y/n (circle one)
I don't have an opinion really. I don't believe the FBI should exist. I don't even think a Federal Government should exist. Niether in large part did the founders of this country. And they were smarter than all of us here.