Donald Trump raided by the FBI

Two things being discussed

- a fucked up government

- a fucked up cult that is Trump

These are separate discussions that only intersect when we see that trump further fucked up the government
I imagine trump still has followers. A place as big as the fbi and cia will be no exceptions for a leak. Im thinking he would have been tiped off. Hid all the bad stuff. Just left out a one mill syringe and a vile of bp157 for them to find.maybe a joint he shared with arnold. Maybe half a dozen dick pills. The 100gram bags of raws and brewing gear would have beeb burried redneck style.
Awe come on guys. Bp157 is just a peptide. Still in the shady area. Got this knee injury from collage football. The american voters will symperthise with that. Most guys hurt their knee fucking a cheerleader on a wonky table in collage.
Two things being discussed

- a fucked up government

- a fucked up cult that is Trump

These are separate discussions that only intersect when we see that trump further fucked up the government
What’s funny is this Trump “cult” helped bring in the best America in decades. All you people who talk about Trump supporters as you do are the ones supporting all the nonsensical stuff the left is about today, which is extremely sad as much if it is illogical, unscientific, and just plain stupid. Your argumentative style is that of children, and you ignore all the insane issues of the left.

But yes, the Trump cult is actually pretty fun. We celebrate freedom, don’t censor people, aren’t the real racists, love America, and live our lives without having to follow media talking points all day long to make sure we spout what we are told to believe. Critical thinking is done daily in this cult, and is something liberals should go back to doing.
If it ever comes to it, good luck finding a jury. Mango Mussolini isn't going anywhere.
Jury for what lol. You think there is something to this like there hasn’t been with any other “breaking story” about Trump in the past 6 years?

Show me a liberal and I’ll show you the definition on insanity.
This entire thread shows how bad the Republican Party has gotten. It’s turned into a cult lol.

You can’t insult Trump without the cult members coming to his defense and accusing you of being a liberal/commie/faggot and totally against conservative values.

This is what cults do. They shout down anyone who tries infer that something is wrong and start gaslighting them. Or in the case of Chucky, we are all apparently transgender monkeypox liberals.

There’s no substance in those arguments, just deranged cultism. I look forward to the day when real conservative values are combined with education, science, and all that jazz.
Because you aren’t worth responding to. You’re a terrorist sympathizer.

I’m simply asking how people feel about Trump being raided.
I've been arguing with these dipshits bending over for mango Mussolini since 2016. I don't understand the attraction.
Jury for what lol. You think there is something to this like there hasn’t been with any other “breaking story” about Trump in the past 6 years?

Show me a liberal and I’ll show you the definition on insanity.
Lol. I've been enjoying the fuck out of maga lunatics losing their minds.

Grab your guns.
This entire thread shows how bad the Republican Party has gotten. It’s turned into a cult lol.

You can’t insult Trump without the cult members coming to his defense and accusing you of being a liberal/commie/faggot and totally against conservative values.

This is what cults do. They shout down anyone who tries infer that something is wrong and start gaslighting them. Or in the case of Chucky, we are all apparently transgender monkeypox liberals.

There’s no substance in those arguments, just deranged cultism. I look forward to the day when real conservative values are combined with education, science, and all that jazz.
On that note i think it speaks highly of the legal system he is being treated like we would be. Hope he hid his gear.
He is using 75 milllion retarted trump rally degenerates as human shields and they are too fucking stupid to see it.
He is using 75 milllion retarted trump rally degenerates as human shields and they are too fucking stupid to see it.
This is what really pisses me off. I used to be able to make fun of liberals for being dumb/stupid/etc, but these days it's mostly other conservatives who are so brain-dead, so weaponized by retardation, and now I don't have a leg to stand on.

I mean the whole 50 genders thing is stupid, and pronouns other than he/she are also dumb, so don't get me wrong there. But let's be honest... I really don't give a fuck what anyone else does with their life.

My conservative values include truth, science and education, all of which have been rejected by the right to such an extreme that I'm starting to wonder... what else were we wrong about?
That was one of the things I liked about him, he wasn't afraid to call out liberal bullshit. But...

You're Canadian and you think America needs:

- Domestic Terrorism (contrary to Chucky's beliefs)
- A President who acts like he's above the law
- A President who appointed his liberal daughter and son-in-law to important positions (nepotism)
- A president who significantly weakened the United States' standing in the world by allowing both Russia and China to go full retard

Huh? We need strong leadership, but we don't need it to be Trump, or anyone like him.
"A president who acts like he's above the law"

Are you kidding me, with the all the shit on Biden and Hunter's business deals and nothing being said or done and you think Trump acts above the law. LOL

Give me a break! I suppose you consider Biden strong leadership for our country. Doing a bang up job so far don't you think?!

OK. Hence why our country is so fucked up right now.
I don't have an opinion really. I don't believe the FBI should exist. I don't even think a Federal Government should exist. Niether in large part did the founders of this country. And they were smarter than all of us here.
Believe me Ive never been a fan of federal le or any le for that matter, but it's good to see they are equal opportunity haters.
That was one of the things I liked about him, he wasn't afraid to call out liberal bullshit. But...

You're Canadian and you think America needs:

- Domestic Terrorism (contrary to Chucky's beliefs)
- A President who acts like he's above the law
- A President who appointed his liberal daughter and son-in-law to important positions (nepotism)
- A president who significantly weakened the United States' standing in the world by allowing both Russia and China to go full retard

Huh? We need strong leadership, but we don't need it to be Trump, or anyone like him.

Why should the US government steal wealth from Americans, and spill their blood, to go around the world and defend the borders of other countries? Why not be concerned with our own borders?

This is one thing that I used to agree with liberals on. Ending these pointless wars and having an America first policy. Now liberals are bigger warmongers than Republicans. What a sad state of affairs.
Unfortunately the truth is they are the greatest threat this nation has faced since the civil war.
The greatest threat this country has faced is right fucking now with the democrats fucking everything up. Trump isn't even president anymore but yet everyday the democrats find another bullshit witch hunt to spend more tax dollars on that result in nothing. Just like this raid will produce nothing.

Maybe they should spend more time fixing shit that needs fixing instead of wasting resources on bullshit? Dems are panicking because they know their about to get smoked come midterms.

75 million people is a lot more than the few members on here crying about Trump.