Draining your own blood at home

Yeah, I dont have it down to an exact science. Parrin does though. Just experience I guess. I just plan on staying away from second compounds that raise red blood cell production dramatically like equipose, etc...

I was wondering about this. I'm gonna go read around, but is a basic 500mg test cycle typically requiring a blood donation?
How much do these at home testers run? Got any recommendations, or things to look for in one? Very interested in this if it's not stupid expensive.
Just google hemoglobin testers. They range from $200-$400. I don't have one. I give blood at a blood bank, but was considering buying one. At the blood bank they test you before you donate to make sure your RBC count is not too high. I'm curious to see how much of difference it makes after donating. Also how certain compounds affect it. On trt I can pass the 56 day mark and I'm still good. The last time I blasted with just test prop it got high pretty quickly. You can do blood work just the same, to get your numbers, but I think if your self draining getting one of those machines would make sense. Sometimes one pint is not enough to get it down if your too high so you might have to drain more frequently then once every 56 days. Blood banks don't allow that, but you can do it yourself.
Just google hemoglobin testers. They range from $200-$400. I don't have one. I give blood at a blood bank, but was considering buying one. At the blood bank they test you before you donate to make sure your RBC count is not too high. I'm curious to see how much of difference it makes after donating. Also how certain compounds affect it. On trt I can pass the 56 day mark and I'm still good. The last time I blasted with just test prop it got high pretty quickly. You can do blood work just the same, to get your numbers, but I think if your self draining getting one of those machines would make sense. Sometimes one pint is not enough to get it down if your too high so you might have to drain more frequently then once every 56 days. Blood banks don't allow that, but you can do it yourself.
A blood bank will allow every 8 days until your target hematocrit with a Dr.s script.. get one and stay on top of it is my advice to anyone that skyrockets hematocrit..some of my friends never go above 50 and take more stuff then me.. Everyone is different
Just talked to my wide, she is cool giving me a hand in trying this for the first time.

I'm on try and I'm always at the high end of the range. I tried donating a few months ago. I wasn't allowed to because I was over their limit. My doctor says I'm within range so he didn't really agree with me when I asked for a script for therapeutic phlebotomy. So I'm stuck in this gray are and can't donate.

I'll let you guys know how I make out.
I thought I had 18g but only had 20g
It went easy, tried not to move much after reading the advice. Took about 10 minutes, then it clotted and only got about a 1/2 cup. I'm going to take baby aspirin, drink a lot of water and try again later.
I thought I had 18g but only had 20g
It went easy, tried not to move much after reading the advice. Took about 10 minutes, then it clotted and only got about a 1/2 cup. I'm going to take baby aspirin, drink a lot of water and try again later.

I tried the 20's and they just werent big enough. Go with the 18 , makes it much easier.
I drained about once a week for a month or so. Never got a baseline on my ferritin before, so it may have always been low. It was extremely low when I got it tested though.
How often do you drain now? Im going to do once a month. Not really sure how fast it goes up but I can "feel" it when it gets around 54.
A blood bank will allow every 8 days until your target hematocrit with a Dr.s script.. get one and stay on top of it is my advice to anyone that skyrockets hematocrit..some of my friends never go above 50 and take more stuff then me.. Everyone is different
If you get a script from your doc, yes. The thing is not every doc with give you a script for that. If your self medicating trt, and your doc doesn't know that , he will want to do tests to find out why it's so high. You would also have to be over the donation limit. I just go donate double reds when I'm high. I'll go to one blood bank that only does whole blood, and if my RBC count is really high I will wait a few weeks and go to another to do double reds. The other place is just further away.
I think I've let mine get too high. I've noticed bp creeping up pretty bad:confused: added deca to my cruise/trt about a month and a half ago 250mg test 125mg deca. :oops: I'll probably be draining mine myself tomorrow unless the blood plasma place is open.:D
My wife actually sucks mine out with a 10 or 20 ml syringe. I don't think I could do it myself. You need someone to help you. I get 21g butterfly needles with the hose. I mark a gatorade bottle with a 16 ounce mark. And it takes about 20 or 30 minutes. It's not the funniest thing I've ever done either. But I don't go to the red Cross, because I can't lie on the paperwork. Just something I don't do.
If you get a script from your doc, yes. The thing is not every doc with give you a script for that. If your self medicating trt, and your doc doesn't know that , he will want to do tests to find out why it's so high. You would also have to be over the donation limit. I just go donate double reds when I'm high. I'll go to one blood bank that only does whole blood, and if my RBC count is really high I will wait a few weeks and go to another to do double reds. The other place is just further away.
I see your point.. I just always assume people have Dr.s and tell them what they do and such.. my Dr. knows all i do and i am on trt but when i do other stuff he knows as well so your point of them looking for wny things are out of normal he already knows...I guess if more people choose this lifestyle maybe try finding a dr. if not i guess discussing saftey tips on drawing blood is good.. but damm its hard for me to tell people to do stuff and then if something would happen i would feel its on me...
Stupid question. Do you take the tournaquet off after landing the needle in the vein. Or is it kept on during the length of the phlebotomy?

Thanks guys
Screenshot_2017-05-14-17-47-41.png still cant figure out why my WBC was so high the day i dropped blood. 3 days after i dropped, WBC was perfectly normal when tested by my allergist for asthma issues. Anyway, should i drop a pint before i start back up next week?
Stupid question. Do you take the tournaquet off after landing the needle in the vein. Or is it kept on during the length of the phlebotomy?

Thanks guys
It's there to help the veins to swell with blood. Take it off after you get a good needle placement, and the blood is flowing.

Ps if you use a bigger size syringe, you have a tendency to collapse the vein or suck the needle opening to the side of the vein. A 10 cc is about right. But seems like it takes forever. A 20cc works better, but can collapses the vein. Just go easy if you use a 20. You will see what I'm talking about after you try it a time or so.


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