I don’t understand how bank transfers can be a safe way of doing this.

Stop trying too much guys. You’re doing well enough. Don’t blow yourselves up.

Hello, sir!

I agree with you, and even more than that, I wrote about it earlier - bitcoin is the most secure way to work.

There are many users, who are accustomed to using bank transfers and people avoid change, like any stress. This is usual.
In order to motivate users for these changes, we even introduced a discount - when paying with Bitcoin - 10% off, and this discount is permanent but even monetary motivation is not enough for hardcore fans of bank transfers.

I thought about offering my nudes as an extra motivation to use Bitcoin more, but my boss is against it :D
Is this legit?

I can only find the batch number as primo labtest?

And look at the draida logo on front, the tree branches go behind and the pictures I see from you, the branches overlap the logo?

View attachment 176291

Hello, sir!
Yes, this pack is legit, and all our packs look like this. Branches overlapping the logo was the artist's idea, but the printing house made some corrections.;)
And yes, primo and test can have a same batch no.
@Driada Medical Have you ever considered making a T5 (Caffeine,aspirin Ephedrine) ?

Hello, sir!

I don't think that we will produce Ephedrine-containing products. BUT!
For the fat burning, we already have clenbuterol and a novelty in our product list - Yohimbine HCL https://driadashop.eu/yohimbinos-yohimbine-hydrochloride.

It is an α2-adrenergic receptor antagonist and when it is combined with clenbuterol it really boosts fat burning and blocks fat preservation.
Good morning, gentlemen!

Again we are launching the weekly voting for product with a 50% discount

Let's answer the main question... Boldenone, Turinabol or Stanozolol(oral) ?

Vote in our TG channel https://t.me/driadamedicaleu !
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Esta imagen solo muestra que su testosterona está por encima de 15 ng/ml, parece que la prueba tiene un tope de 15 ng/ml y no puede ver nada por encima de esto.
Por supuesto figura,la prueba marca por encima de 15,15 ya es 5 nanogramos por encima de lo natural, normalmente la hago en otro laboratorio sin tope y suele estar en 60 o 61 a esas cantidades,la Tlibre por encima de 93 que la máquina explota Screenshot_2021-08-11-15-08-17-851_cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite.jpg
Hello, sir!
We already adding MCT addition to our most popular products - Test E, Sustanon, and Primo.

But our base oil is medical-grade hypoallergenic sesame seed oil. This particular product is the best on a market( in our opinion) and we tested DOZENS of them, so it's a fact-based decision.
Really I love to see the information on the oil you use for most of your products and your oil mixes for those who have problem's with things like that
Really I love to see the information on the oil you use for most of your products and your oil mixes for those who have problem's with things like that

Hello, sir!

Thanks for your question!

Usually, we use hypoallergenic medical-grade sesame seed oil - it is the best option we found on the market: its smooth and non-irritating so PIPs are rare.

But in our most popular products - Sustanon, Test E, and Primobolan we found that adding MCT to sesame oil makes it even better, and our clients approve it )
Hello, sir!

Thanks for your question!

Usually, we use hypoallergenic medical-grade sesame seed oil - it is the best option we found on the market: its smooth and non-irritating so PIPs are rare.

But in our most popular products - Sustanon, Test E, and Primobolan we found that adding MCT to sesame oil makes it even better, and our clients approve it )
The test cyp sub q is next to painless but seeing as you use MCT in your test E I might use it to compare (I only inject 0.2ml each time so minimal amounts)
The test cyp sub q is next to painless but seeing as you use MCT in your test E I might use it to compare (I only inject 0.2ml each time so minimal amounts)

Yes, it's a great idea, you will tell us your impressions after )

...however, the addition of MCT is not always conditional: sometimes the solution can become too liquid and soft so that the oil is absorbed from the injection site much faster than the molecules of the active substance dissolved in it.
Getting crystallization (as in a chilled vial, but in muscle) at the injection site with its long-term resorption, inflammation, and pain.

That is one of the mechanisms of getting PIP, or rather, an increase in the possibility of obtaining it.;)

Good morning, gentlemen!

This week's product is... Boldelad 250 mg/ml (Boldenone Undecylenate)!

Enjoy a 50% discount until Monday!

We would also remind you that today there is a 7% discount on all products in our store.

Have a nice day!

Por supuesto figura,la prueba marca por encima de 15,15 ya es 5 nanogramos por encima de lo natural, normalmente la hago en otro laboratorio sin tope y suele estar en 60 o 61 a esas cantidades,la Tlibre por encima de 93 que la máquina explota View attachment 176444
Qué cantidad de enantato de testosterona usó para obtener estos 37,1 ng/ml?

Crees que el lote que tienes es malo? Me pregunto porque tengo el mismo lote de testosterona
@Driada Medical Lab tests on HGH Powder batch: 686583? I bought the first batch hgh (038057) from a local distributor and what was pretty weird was that the powder dissolved very quickly to the bacteriostatic water which should never happen with real quality hgh. U have any explanation to this? I was pretty concerned that it contains some peptides or hcg since they dissolve very quickly compared to hgh. Anyways now i got my hands on the new batch 686583 and the powder dissolves very slowly, takes about 2-3minutes to all the powder to dissolve, this is something im very curious about, what could cause the difference in the dissolve time other than that there was something that didnt belong there in the first batch? Thanks.
@Driada Medical Lab tests on HGH Powder batch: 686583? I bought the first batch hgh (038057) from a local distributor and what was pretty weird was that the powder dissolved very quickly to the bacteriostatic water which should never happen with real quality hgh. U have any explanation to this? I was pretty concerned that it contains some peptides or hcg since they dissolve very quickly compared to hgh. Anyways now i got my hands on the new batch 686583 and the powder dissolves very slowly, takes about 2-3minutes to all the powder to dissolve, this is something im very curious about, what could cause the difference in the dissolve time other than that there was something that didnt belong there in the first batch? Thanks.

Hello, sir!

We need some additional information about your order(so I wrote you a PM).

And when you wrote "very quickly" what amount of time did you mean?
But 2-3 minutes for dissolving is ULTRA slow(wow!), and none of our HGH batches had this issue before.
I think all forum-mates would like to observe this phenomenon on a video, please if that doesn't bother you. Its really interesting.
Because it doesn’t matter which manufacturer of growth hormone, I don’t remember that it dissolves more slowly than 10 seconds (I never timed it, but according to my feelings this is the maximum T).

And what is the name of your local distributor? You may ensure his relationship with Driada on the main web page https://driadamedical.com/ at the very bottom of the page you will find Verify Seller field.

In general, we are also a distributor company, but we are directly connected with the manufacturer and are the official store.
I think it would be more correct to ask questions from the beginning of the person from whom you bought this product: cos we immediately have questions for the order number (which you cannot have because you did not purchase the product from us), but since you bought the product from third parties individuals, we can't even confirm its authenticity.

The Driada already had found 2 fake stores, one of which even registered Janoshik fake laboratory!

Therefore, we can say for sure: We are a brand that scammers try hard to fake.

And ofcourse, we can only be responsible for the quality of products purchased in our store.

However, in any case, sir, we will help you in any way we can, and for this we need information.
Hello, I did a cycle of 400mg cyp and 200mg deca a week (Driada ofc). Weird thing was that I wasnt experiencing any water retention as I would expect, no moon face or anything. I thought the stuff was underdosed or something, and kept increasing the deca dosage until I was at 400 cyp and 420 deca per week. Since I still didnt get any bloat, I decided to get myself tested and it came back at 228 nmol/l (cant complain), is that even normal for these dosages?

I once used a prohormone by Chaposandpain called Chemical X (added the supplement facts as a picture). It blew me up like hell, 1 tab in the morning and another in the evening. I gained so much wet mass it was ridiculous and the stuff was supposed to convert into deca. So I dont get how can two practically same chemicals work in so different ways? The PH I used should not be stronger than 420 mg of injected deca, but at the moment it seems so. Just I was hoping for a wet ass autumn/winter bulk, but that never happened.



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This is definitely one of the best AAS shops in EU.

I have placed an order, made my payment and my order got cancelled by the system.

Then I realised that I F'd up. Turns out I have sent the wrong amount of BTC, it was short couple of $. So I have contacted the support, explained the situation and they sent my order anyway! 5 days later my order has arrived.

Thank you so much guys! Outstanding service! Can definitely recommend! Will order more soon!


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Hello, I did a cycle of 400mg cyp and 200mg deca a week (Driada ofc). Weird thing was that I wasnt experiencing any water retention as I would expect, no moon face or anything. I thought the stuff was underdosed or something, and kept increasing the deca dosage until I was at 400 cyp and 420 deca per week. Since I still didnt get any bloat, I decided to get myself tested and it came back at 228 nmol/l (cant complain), is that even normal for these dosages?

I once used a prohormone by Chaposandpain called Chemical X (added the supplement facts as a picture). It blew me up like hell, 1 tab in the morning and another in the evening. I gained so much wet mass it was ridiculous and the stuff was supposed to convert into deca. So I dont get how can two practically same chemicals work in so different ways? The PH I used should not be stronger than 420 mg of injected deca, but at the moment it seems so. Just I was hoping for a wet ass autumn/winter bulk, but that never happened.

View attachment 176697

Hello, sir!
I understand your question and there is a couple of points we should pay attention to:
1) The human body is a complex system so that the same drug in different periods of life can act slightly differently.
...even ampoules of the same drug administered to the same person at different times give different concentrations of the substance in the blood. We are such a complex system with many impermanent ones.

Water floods from the nandrolone are not the main effect, but a side effect) The main effect I would call - anabolism. If the goal is water retention, then drugs that affect salt metabolism and kidney function will be more efficient than steroids. =)

2) I can say nothing about this dietary supplement that you have indicated. Our products definitely contain pharmacological substances such as indicated on the package - for this, we do tests in a variety of laboratories (we already have 4 reputable laboratories in our arsenal), and we also support blind testing. I think you know this, just decided to brag)))
The problem is that control over the content of everything that is sold as "dietary supplements" is rather loose.
In fact, apart from this picture, nothing tells us about the composition of the supplement you were talking about. Therefore, I’m sure that there are substances from which it floods more strongly than from nandrolone and testosterone, but do they have anabolic activity, and would you want to take them if you find out what it really is?

We recall the example of the famous herbal pill "Ginseng Kianpi Pill" from which water was poured worse than from the nandrolone)) That "herbal pill" was so tough that after the lab tests it was banned in a few countries because it was overflowed with dirty corticosteroids

that's my thoughts on your question... the truth is out there ;)

Thank you for your question, sir!