Of course, you should always do blood tests - we talk about this all the time, including during consultations that we give our clients when choosing their cycle.

But usually 300 mg of Primo with 250 mg of testosterone gives about 25-30 pg/ml. At least our experience tells us that. These values are very well suited for Clean Bulk. At higher values, the risk of fluid retention and fat gain.

PIctured below is is my E2 crash with 240/test and 300/primo.

Of course no person is identical but this was a hard learned lesson for me that I preach to everyone on here to watch for.

vial mock-up_primos.png

Primos (Methenolone Enanthate) is the star of the week. Don't delay – seize 50% discount before the week concludes!
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With your test E at 275mg and primo at 150mg per week my e2 came out 34 which is a little low for my liking, when i raised test at 325 and kept primo at 150 e2 was 50 and that was perfect for me. I was pinning every day subcutaneous.
I also noticed that estradiol 50 pg/ml is an ideal indicator, at least in terms of libido.

For a long time I used boldenone with testosterone in a ratio of 1:2 and my estradiol was always about 25-30 pg/ml and this was usually not enough for my libido to be high, it was average.