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The tren or other stuff too?
I’ve only tried their Tren. After speaking to a few guys the consensus is the brand sucks. Painful pip for any compound. I’ve never, ever experienced pip like this from any compound. And I’ve shot 500-600mg/ml gear from Pharmacom.
Hi, everyone,
Bayer https://drugsgear.com/ovidac-hcg-1-vial-of-5000-iu-hcg-and-1amp-solventidac (HCG) , https://drugsgear.com/humog-hmg-1-vial-of-150-iu-amp-1-amp-solventmog (HMG), Balkan Pharma https://drugsgear.com/testosterona-c-1-vial-10ml-200mg-per-mlstosterone Cypionate (Cipandrol) are back in stock!
Hi, everyone,
Bayer https://drugsgear.com/ovidac-hcg-1-vial-of-5000-iu-hcg-and-1amp-solventidac (HCG) , https://drugsgear.com/humog-hmg-1-vial-of-150-iu-amp-1-amp-solventmog (HMG), Balkan Pharma https://drugsgear.com/testosterona-c-1-vial-10ml-200mg-per-mlstosterone Cypionate (Cipandrol) are back in stock!

Buy these nuts over here you twat, they're never out of stock.
Hi, everyone,
Bayer https://drugsgear.com/ovidac-hcg-1-vial-of-5000-iu-hcg-and-1amp-solventidac (HCG) , https://drugsgear.com/humog-hmg-1-vial-of-150-iu-amp-1-amp-solventmog (HMG), Balkan Pharma https://drugsgear.com/testosterona-c-1-vial-10ml-200mg-per-mlstosterone Cypionate (Cipandrol) are back in stock!
remember when I had cant walk pip from your products that you marked up 10x but wouldnt let me exchange for another bottle
i ordered spectrum nebido from you and it came totally crashed. heated it and pinned. 4 days later it crystallized again and almost completely solid. so i heated it again and did my pin. i'm using this for TRT and i'm not about to heat my gear up once a week. please send me ZPHC test U because this isn't the first time spectrum test U is crashing on me.
i ordered spectrum nebido from you and it came totally crashed. heated it and pinned. 4 days later it crystallized again and almost completely solid. so i heated it again and did my pin. i'm using this for TRT and i'm not about to heat my gear up once a week. please send me ZPHC test U because this isn't the first time spectrum test U is crashing on me.
I replied you in email

The crystallization is caused by the small concentration of solvents used by the manufacturer.
The use of more concentration of solvents will cause post injection pain.
Just heat the product well in the microwave oven and store it a room temperature.
Replacing it wont change anything, the same can happen to any brand of Testo Undecanoate.
Look through the link to the official website of Pfizer that I sent you, you will see they state this condition acceptable.

And any doctor who prescribes you the Pfizer Testosterone will give you the same recommendations.

Sincerely, Alan
i ordered spectrum nebido from you and it came totally crashed. heated it and pinned. 4 days later it crystallized again and almost completely solid. so i heated it again and did my pin. i'm using this for TRT and i'm not about to heat my gear up once a week. please send me ZPHC test U because this isn't the first time spectrum test U is crashing on me.

I can't really get you, man. You say it isn't the first time you purchase spectrum testo U and it crashes on you? So, what's the point in ordering spectrum testosterone U if you had already had this experience and not ordering ZPHC Testo U ?
As I have already told you and sent the link to confirm just heating it and keep it at room temperature prevents crashing. Try this method.
I can't really get you, man. You say it isn't the first time you purchase spectrum testo U and it crashes on you? So, what's the point in ordering spectrum testosterone U if you had already had this experience and not ordering ZPHC Testo U ?
As I have already told you and sent the link to confirm just heating it and keep it at room temperature prevents crashing. Try this method.
i went with spectrum again because i like the carrier oil and i understand that bad batches happen. it's kept at room temp and it keeps crashing how are you gonna tell me that it's reasonable to have to melt my gear down every time i have to pin?

regardless, this is a damaged product and i understand that i'm not dealing with your average business here but you got a reputation to keep man. all i'm asking is for you to replace my product with the other brand.
i went with spectrum again because i like the carrier oil and i understand that bad batches happen. it's kept at room temp and it keeps crashing how are you gonna tell me that it's reasonable to have to melt my gear down every time i have to pin?

regardless, this is a damaged product and i understand that i'm not dealing with your average business here but you got a reputation to keep man. all i'm asking is for you to replace my product with the other brand.
I'll try to explain to you again, even such a giant manufacturer as the Pfizer on its website says that crystalisation of this drug is possible, then any other manufacturer will also have it, but they do not get worse and your bodily reaction will be the same. And by changing the manufacturer, the result will not change.
I'll try to explain to you again, even such a giant manufacturer as the Pfizer on its website says that crystalisation of this drug is possible, then any other manufacturer will also have it, but they do not get worse and your bodily reaction will be the same. And by changing the manufacturer, the result will not change.
changing the manufacturer won't make a difference? that makes no sense at all. so by this logic, all gear is supposed to crash no matter what lab it comes from?
crashing doesn't depend on a manufacturer, it depends on the chemical composition.
regardless, i think it's only right for a distributor to be held accountable for a damaged product. you're really not going to replace it and try to convince me that gear crashing is acceptable ?
crashing (as stated by the manufacturer) is not a damaged product!
what manufacturer stated this, pfizer? i don't care what pfizer says in their pamphlet because that's not the manufacturer or product we are discussing. when my test turns into a complete solid no matter how many times i reheat it you better believe that's a damaged product.

once or twice may be fine, but every single time?

what manufacturer stated this, pfizer? i don't care what pfizer says in their pamphlet because that's not the manufacturer or product we are discussing. when my test turns into a complete solid no matter how many times i reheat it you better believe that's a damaged product.

once or twice may be fine, but every single time?

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What is the product? Is it test e? It crashed every time at room temp. That would actually make me wary of pinning it.
What is the product? Is it test e? It crashed every time at room temp. That would actually make me wary of pinning it.
it's test U and yeah i am keeping it at room temp which is around 68-72*F right now. i'm not keeping it in my freezer. this shouldn't be happening.

the guy sends me a link to a PDF that pfizer put out regarding crystallization of their test cyp saying how it doesn't effect the product.. but im not using pfizer nor test cyp and they likely just put out that statement to cover their ass from some bullshit lawsuit. i'd like to see ONE person somewhere on the internet talking about crashed pfizer test. that's ridiculous.
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