:)Drugsgear.com Introduction

Where did you get this info? ZPHC is ZPHC, Spectrum is Spectrum, CP is CP.
The manufacturers are located in different places. Don't trust different rumors and shops that call themselves official dealers and state that ZPHC, Spectrum, Canada Peptides, Dragon Pharma, Maha Pharma, etc. are produced in one factory.
Some shops started this rumor to make their customers waiting for ZPHC buy Spectrum or CP.
Once again, these brands are in different locations.They use different kinds of oil and so on.
If you want more info, contact official ZPHC via their website and inquire whether they produce Spectrum and CP.
bull fucking shit. DO NOT lie to members here.

I talked to an official from ZPHC when they started and he told me this. He sent me ZPHC and spectrum both together to try myself
bull fucking shit. DO NOT lie to members here.

I talked to an official from ZPHC when they started and he told me this. He sent me ZPHC and spectrum both together to try myself
Provide us with the screenshots of the official correspondence with zphc manufacturer where they officially confirm the production of spectrum and other brands at their factory. And you know that’s never gonna happen.
The fact that a store can be an official representative of several brands doesn’t mean that all these brands are produced at one facility.
Stop being such a know-it-all with your petty schemes to show people here they are stupid. Because they are not. Either show us some proofs or don’t talk about things you don’t understand.
Provide us with the screenshots of the official correspondence with zphc manufacturer where they officially confirm the production of spectrum and other brands at their factory. And you know that’s never gonna happen.
The fact that a store can be an official representative of several brands doesn’t mean that all these brands are produced at one facility.
Stop being such a know-it-all with your petty schemes to show people here they are stupid. Because they are not. Either show us some proofs or don’t talk about things you don’t understand.
Its a fact and you are lying. It was on wickr app. I deleted the whole app this was years ago.

what do I have to gain for this? Nothing. You have a 10x mark up on items here and you know ZPHC tested shit so the other brands are just as shit
Its a fact and you are lying. It was on wickr app. I deleted the whole app this was years ago.

what do I have to gain for this? Nothing. You have a 10x mark up on items here and you know ZPHC tested shit so the other brands are just as shit
I don't see any point in further discussion. If you can't show any proofs of your farfetched theories, then we have nothing to talk about. I don't know what you want to gain here and what your motifs are but I know my stuff and my suppliers.
Hello my friends,
currently my domain is on hold by the registrar, I don't know if we are able to solve this problem,
perhaps the website will soon operate via new domain zone
We work as usual, for any questions feel free to contact me via email Dgear@protonmail.com

Sincerely, Alan
Alan, why would you want me to post what I ask you via email to make you look good? I’m not in to airing my business. I haven’t been in here in a long while, but when someone has a web site go down and says for security reasons, I’m going to make sure my ass is secure.
Are you sure you understood me correctly?

you asked me:
How do I know your still legit? I’ve done a lot of buisnes with you. Prices and products for Arimidex, or something comparable? Blue Hearts yet?

I replied you:
Hello my friend,
why are you asking me this question? Ask on the forums.
We works as usual.
Check website you will see prices and what products are available now.

Sincerely, Alan

The whole point of my answer was that if you doubt the source, it is better to ask (check info) on the forums. Let's assume that a source you haven't used for a long time has become a scammer. I am one hundred percent sure that such a source will never admit that he has become a scammer.
If I confused you with my answer in the mail, then I'm sorry.

Sincerely, Alan

Alan, why would you want me to post what I ask you via email to make you look good? I’m not in to airing my business. I haven’t been in here in a long while, but when someone has a web site go down and says for security reasons, I’m going to make sure my ass is secure.
Your a drug dealer Alan. I don’t trust you and would have serious questions of someone who said a drug dealer was good to deal with. By the way. You obviously can’t fucking read. I’m going to keep my ass secure. I don’t air my business. Your web site says to email you and your last post on here I read says email you. Look above my first post. You say email you with the email addy fuck nut!
First of all - I'm not a drug dealer.
In secondly - you haven't even looked at my website, because
there is no such information on my website.
Why do you write not the truth and try to mislead people?

Is it because you don't trust me you decided to ask me by email?
- "How do I know your still legit?"

Where is the logic?
What is your overall goal? just write shit?

And in conclusion...
The war has been going on for 8 months already in my country, and many people close to me have disappeared. I don't know if they are still alive...
I have enough negativity in my life.
And I'm not going to waste my time replying to your meaningless posts.

Your a drug dealer Alan. I don’t trust you and would have serious questions of someone who said a drug dealer was good to deal with. By the way. You obviously can’t fucking read. I’m going to keep my ass secure. I don’t air my business. Your web site says to email you and your last post on here I read says email you. Look above my first post. You say email you with the email addy fuck nut!
Do you sell steroids? There illegal in the US, therefore, your a drug dealer.

Next, are you telling me your web site wasn’t down and it did not have a message that said for security reason you had to take it down? Be very careful, I’m sure there are others who seen this as well. I will say it is back up now, but it was down. If not why the post in this forum saying it was down?
I did not lie and you posted what I said in my email that I did not want posted. Hence why you should never trust a drug dealer. Wait, are you a pharmacy now? I highly doubt that. You sell drugs illegally, therefore you are a drug dealer. Your losses are not by me, so please don’t try to side rail the conversation. May they R.I.P…
Just so MESO knows, he put my email I wrote him in this forum. Might think about doing business with him. Last I knew this forum was on safety, which included our information in emails. Hell, maybe I’m wrong…