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oh, yeah, I dont have much experience with that. I have some from a UGL and its like 2 years old. Never crashed. In Castor Oil.
what lab? and have you gotten it tested/bloods? i might just switch back to TRT on test cyp honestly. i feel that test U is too new of a product that UGL's can't seem to get down yet. most UGL's don't even carry it probably due to the low quality and/or availability of the raws.
what lab? and have you gotten it tested/bloods? i might just switch back to TRT on test cyp honestly. i feel that test U is too new of a product that UGL's can't seem to get down yet. most UGL's don't even carry it probably due to the low quality and/or availability of the raws.
I only have one vial and the lab has disappeared since. I have never tried test U before. I did not get it tested. :confused:
Even when that source was still around he was thinking of dropping it due to low demand.
I only have one vial and the lab has disappeared since. I have never tried test U before. I did not get it tested. :confused:
Even when that source was still around he was thinking of dropping it due to low demand.
yeah i get it. test U has such a long half life so people are afraid of the commitment, but it's only for TRT which should be a big commitment of itself. i can pin test U twice a month and be good to go and run anything else i want on top of that.
what manufacturer stated this, pfizer? i don't care what pfizer says in their pamphlet because that's not the manufacturer or product we are discussing. when my test turns into a complete solid no matter how many times i reheat it you better believe that's a damaged product.

once or twice may be fine, but every single time?

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My first experiences with this test U were such that I put it in the microwave oven for 35-40 to warm it up, let it cool down. And if I didn't use it for more than 24 hours, next day there was a small crystal. Then I noticed that if I warm it up, let it cool down and then heat it for 35-40 sec more, the crashing didn't occur.
I always buy zphc and pharmacom from drugsgear and it's always been on point. One time I bought test e from CP off drugsgear and it came crashed. Warmed it up and it looked good but crashed again at room temp. So I don't buy CP anymore. But drugsgear has been good to me. Even the Balkan P gear from here works. They pass RoidTest every time and I get what I think I paid for.
Guys, the fact that the result of the hplc tren A test is 70% doesn't say that the product is original.

It would be good to know where @SkankHunt acquired this product and how the source that sold it reacted to the result.

Speaking for ourselves, I can say all the goods come to us straight from the manufacturer. And even then, before we sell the whole line, we make hplc tests to every product. And we have never managed to get such faulty goods. Therefore, I have my doubts in the origins of this product.

It is really hard to make your brand recognized and get into good books with the customers, so it would be really strange if the manufacturer decided to ruin it all by producing faulty goods. As a whole, it is almost impossible, as the raw material is tested first and only then the tests for the end-product are held. The manufacturer has neither desire nor sense to tarnish its own reputation.

On the other hand, the dishonest dealer who wants to get some hype and money using somebody else’s name or tarnish the reputation of the definite brand can be only willing to sell fakes.

There is no secret that the stickers with codes and the product itself (pills, vials or ampoules) are supplied separately. So, one of the European dealers fancied himself as a bit of a player and sold a big part of the original product without any code labels. And he labeled the fake product with the manufacturer's codes and sold them as original.

When it all surfaced, the manufacturer had nothing to do but to block all the codes of the batch.

If you have ever dealt with the zphc brand, must have experienced some difficulties when the site with the code verification system was blocked making it impossible to check any code.
Skank wasn't a source when that was tested, and I'm not defending any sources. What industry I'm in? WTF is the relevance to that? 70% is 70%. Low 90s would be acceptable.
also, i have no idea if that ZPHC was acquired from Alan. I have always had good experiences with Alan, so I'm not out here fucking up against DG.
Guys, the fact that the result of the hplc tren A test is 70% doesn't say that the product is original.

It would be good to know where @SkankHunt acquired this product and how the source that sold it reacted to the result.

Speaking for ourselves, I can say all the goods come to us straight from the manufacturer. And even then, before we sell the whole line, we make hplc tests to every product. And we have never managed to get such faulty goods. Therefore, I have my doubts in the origins of this product.

It is really hard to make your brand recognized and get into good books with the customers, so it would be really strange if the manufacturer decided to ruin it all by producing faulty goods. As a whole, it is almost impossible, as the raw material is tested first and only then the tests for the end-product are held. The manufacturer has neither desire nor sense to tarnish its own reputation.

On the other hand, the dishonest dealer who wants to get some hype and money using somebody else’s name or tarnish the reputation of the definite brand can be only willing to sell fakes.

There is no secret that the stickers with codes and the product itself (pills, vials or ampoules) are supplied separately. So, one of the European dealers fancied himself as a bit of a player and sold a big part of the original product without any code labels. And he labeled the fake product with the manufacturer's codes and sold them as original.

When it all surfaced, the manufacturer had nothing to do but to block all the codes of the batch.

If you have ever dealt with the zphc brand, must have experienced some difficulties when the site with the code verification system was blocked making it impossible to check any code.
Is there a documented source for this information you are stating about this European dealer or is this some story passed on down the line on the internet????
Is there a documented source for this information you are stating about this European dealer or is this some story passed on down the line on the internet????
It is the first-hand information. I am not a rookie in this business and I have my solid contacts with the manufacturer. And having received loads of requests from the clients to assist them in the code verification, which they couldn't pass, I contacted the manufacturer to find out the source of the problem. That's when I got the answer with this information as an explanation of the problem. That's a real story, and not one more fake story from internet.
ZPHC and spectrum and canada are all the same lab. Very deceiving.
Where did you get this info? ZPHC is ZPHC, Spectrum is Spectrum, CP is CP.
The manufacturers are located in different places. Don't trust different rumors and shops that call themselves official dealers and state that ZPHC, Spectrum, Canada Peptides, Dragon Pharma, Maha Pharma, etc. are produced in one factory.
Some shops started this rumor to make their customers waiting for ZPHC buy Spectrum or CP.
Once again, these brands are in different locations.They use different kinds of oil and so on.
If you want more info, contact official ZPHC via their website and inquire whether they produce Spectrum and CP.