Dynamite Raws (International & US Domestic)

I would believe Dyna would be way too smart to do that. Being in China would make him safe. Plus with all the mix-up with his sender, I highly doubt he was stateside. That shit wouldn't slide with him. Without saying too much, his mix-up resulted in me getting someone else's pack. He made it right and fixed it though like the good source he is. @biggerben69 it's good to see you again man and the good insight. Don't know if you remember, but you have me good advice back in 2013.
Not to be a dick here, but he did say he was receiving medical care, and China is notorious for its opportunistic organ harvesting for profit program. I mean it is strange that he suddenly went dark....
Just to speculate, couldn’t dyna have been located stateside and just been saying he was in China as cover? Again, just pure speculation here.

I had considered the same thing. The only thing is whenever I would talk to him 4 or 5 times he would say things such as "he had to go to bed cause it was 2 am" or he had to be somewhere at 3 etc. It was always the time in China. I feel like he would have slipped up at least once if he wasn't really in China.

The main reason I believe he was in China is because when he was sick I consulted with some doctors I work with on his behalf. The treatment he was getting is something that they would never do in the US as some of the medicines were Chinese herbal anti inflammatories etc. It is not the type of thing you can just look up on the internet. He also talked about having difficulty because the doctors didn't speak English very well and trying to get transferred to a better hospital in the city.

The condition that he said he had volvulus is a very rare and to be honest embarrassing condition. I have had it as a result of Crohn's disease which is why I tried to help him out and make sure he was getting the best treatment because it sucks and I genuinely liked him as a person. Having volvulus is not the type of thing you would pick to make up if you were trying to make up a health condition. He also said things about it which you would only know if you had it such as location, frequency and severity of stomach pain.

You could very well be right he just went to a ton of effort to fake it and either he or a very close friend/family member had volvulus because otherwise he wouldn't have known certain things about it.

I appreciate your post and I am in no way trying to say you are wrong I just felt that info might be helpful. One possibility someone mentioned is that he was in China but had come home for the Holidays and got in trouble? I think this unlikely because he never mentioned it to anyone even people he was very close with Kim etc.

At this point though all possibilities have to be considered because from my experience and reading through the thread he had one of the best reputations up until this point and genuinely seemed like a good guy and had great communication and service so it is weird that he would suddenly scam so many people.

Does anyone know who his partner was? In his intro post he said he had a partner and in conversations he mentioned needing to consult with them.

Two other possibilities are that he got caught up with the new China laws?

Or on discord he mentioned 2 or 3 times having been hospitalized for anxiety or not having slept for 3 days due to stress. I would never put someones personal business in the open but he posted it himself so I guess it is possible with the issues with his shipper he decided to just stop or whatever. It would seem weird though that he couldn't make one post or email just to let people know or the fact of letting so many people down wouldn't stress him out more.

This is all just speculation it is just very odd because he actually seemed like a pretty good guy.
My only conclusion is because he knows the world of AAS. He knows how to talk the talk, compared to some uneducated LEO that thinks the use of spoons and lighters to IV inject hormones is a common practice.

It would be hard for someone with no understanding of this lifestyle to jump right in and appear to be knowledgeable.

There's no training involved. They found themselves a rat that will do all the groundwork for free.

I know folks are hesitant to click links but I assure you its safe to do so. A few people know me and I hope understand that I'm not out to harm the regular members.
It you click this link here above, scroll down a bit to the PLEA AGREEMENT part of the docket sheet, you will see a part that says Download PDF. Download that then scroll down to a part you see that says "Application of USSG 5K1.1 and/or Fed.R.Crim.P.35" Rule 35... Providing substantial assistance.
5k1 is a legal document drawn up by the prosecuting US Attorney and passed on to the sentencing judge explaining, in detail, exactly how the defendant assisted the prosecutor in his case or some other case. It recommends how many 'Downward Departures' from the Sentencing Guidelines he feels the cooperation is worth.
@Masterofron ....I don't know why LE does the things it does. Maybe this guy sold himself as some insider of the Community who knows his way around and had the feds believing he could produce a bunch of info that a regular member, or a member of LE operating as a regular member could never match? It was time to place an order and that's what he did?
The documents that are found in the link I provided are very interesting and speak to the level of cooperation that was expected of Tone AKA Kyle Roop in order for him to skate on the charges he faced.
The pleas agreement discusses how he found himself in the situation to begin with; another CD or Cooperating Defendant was being used by LE to make contact with him. Roop morphed into the rat the sucked him in
Roops name was brought up by a guy trying to cooperate himself a lighter sentence.
Its what could be happening here....NinjaTurtle007 tells his handlers that he can order and receive any steroid they can think of. As happened to Roop an order was placed and paid for. The gear was delivered and then tested to prove that the substances are as advertised.
Then the hunt for the source that sent the product begins. After reading through all this I am convinced that the sources that have disappeared are in custody. They reappear if they can convince the feds he can be of value and produce more suppliers of aas and gh.

There are 4 PDF downloads...you can also click on "Main Document" to view without downloading.
One of the documents describes whats expected of Roop. It says that even AFTER he is sentenced he is expected to cooperate fully and give up any and all info etc. It talks about how he may be expected to participate in undercover operations and the like. If at any time the feds feel he is being dishonest the original charges can be reinstated and he can be prosecuted for them.
Its clear that Roop/NinjaTurtle007 is living the life of a professional snitch. He will be used and abused and can't do a thing about it.
One thing stuck out is that by agreeing Roop agreed that if the feds doubted his being truthful that he must submit to a Polygraph test and that the results of the lie detector test could be used to determine what the feds would do with him.
@Masterofron ..its clear the feds have an army of former regular forum members and sources to play with. They've got them and its because its the direction the gov't went and this is why they have Roop and others doing their bidding.

crThe gov't has turned citizens against each other. In order to escape crazy prison terms guys have to turn informant or operative in the case we see here.

If you are familiar with the terms and # used in the documents in the PDF things become clear.
USPO is United States Probation Office...defendants meet with their attorney and someone from the USPO to be interviewed. Every federal defendant goes through this. The USPO is responsible for creating a defendants PSR(pre-sentencing report). A guy can't be sentenced without a PSR. It contains the defendants entire criminal history along with full educational, employment, and psychiatric history.
It lists every arrest, conviction, incarceration and probation history.
Its vital because the PSR contains the information of the case he finds himself in custody for as well as every case in the past.
If you find yourself in the federal system you will hear guys talking about the PSI and PSR...you'll hear guys asking "what's your criminal category?
Very important. Your crimimal history is what determines your criminal category. There are categories 1 through 6. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines(a terrifying graph that plays the biggest role in determining what a defendants prison sentence will be) use a defendants criminal category to deternine the length of his prison term.
A point system is used with every misdemeanor conviction being worth 1 point. Every felony conviction is worth 2. A misdemeanor with a prison term of 1 year attached to it is given another point. A felony with a prison term of a year or more gets 2 more points added.
If a guy is on probation when he commits and is convicted of that felony is worth an extra 3 points.**I am probably off with the # of points assigned but you get the gist? Its been a while.
Convictions over 15 yrs old aren't counted. Each defendant has the right to contest the reports findings. Its important that guys aren't given more points and that the PSR is accurate so that guys aren't put in the wrong category.

The PSR has the offense level of the crime the defendant is currently in the system facing. Lets say the offense level for Roops crime is 25. The level is determined in drug cases primarily by the total amount of drugs assigned to him for that specific offense.
In Roops original indictment he sent 500 vials of various steroids. The feds sent him $7,200 for 5,364ml's. Each ml is equal to 2 dosage units making him responsible for shipping 10,766 dosage units.
Depending on his criminal history he will be a Criminal Category 1 through 6...6 being the worst. The sentencing guidelines have us go down the side of the graph until we reach the offense level of the crime. We said it was 25. We now go across a short ways if we're CC 1...a long way over if we're CC6.
Downward departures are the name of the snitch game. The further we move up the chart or DOWNWARD when discussing departures from where we are on the sentencing guidelines.
In Roops plea agreement we read that he faced 10 years. The last document is the sentencing document....we see where he was sentenced to time served. Looks like he was in custody for 6 months or so "Fighting his case". That translates into giving everything and everyone he could think of up.
We read how after that beauty of a sentence he was still on the hook. Nowhere near done. He had work to do for the feds. That's why ASF posted the warning about Blimpy(Ninjaturtle here at meso) being hostile or dangerous or out to hurt members. The only way he can secure his safety and freedom is by taking those of us unlucky enough to decide to do business with him,....with him and others like him. Chances are he's not the only one.
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After reading through all this I am convinced that the sources that have disappeared are in custody. They reappear if they can convince the feds he can be of value and produce more suppliers of aas and gh.
Anonymous Anabolics comes to mind and possibly Pristine. Why hasn’t anyone found any arrests though?

I know folks are hesitant to click links but I assure you its safe to do so. A few people know me and I hope understand that I'm not out to harm the regular members.
It you click this link here above, scroll down a bit to the PLEA AGREEMENT part of the docket sheet, you will see a part that says Download PDF. Download that then scroll down to a part you see that says "Application of USSG 5K1.1 and/or Fed.R.Crim.P.35" Rule 35... Providing substantial assistance.
5k1 is a legal document drawn up by the prosecuting US Attorney and passed on to the sentencing judge explaining, in detail, exactly how the defendant assisted the prosecutor in his case or some other case. It recommends how many 'Downward Departures' from the Sentencing Guidelines he feels the cooperation is worth.
@Masterofron ....I don't know why LE does the things it does. Maybe this guy sold himself as some insider of the Community who knows his way around and had the feds believing he could produce a bunch of info that a regular member, or a member of LE operating as a regular member could never match? It was time to place an order and that's what he did?
The documents that are found in the link I provided are very interesting and speak to the level of cooperation that was expected of Tone AKA Kyle Roop in order for him to skate on the charges he faced.
The pleas agreement discusses how he found himself in the situation to begin with; another CD or Cooperating Defendant was being used by LE to make contact with him. Roop morphed into the rat the sucked him in
Roops name was brought up by a guy trying to cooperate himself a lighter sentence.
Its what could be happening here....NinjaTurtle007 tells his handlers that he can order and receive any steroid they can think of. As happened to Roop an order was placed and paid for. The gear was delivered and then tested to prove that the substances are as advertised.
Then the hunt for the source that sent the product begins. After reading through all this I am convinced that the sources that have disappeared are in custody. They reappear if they can convince the feds he can be of value and produce more suppliers of aas and gh.

There are 4 PDF downloads...you can also click on "Main Document" to view without downloading.
One of the documents describes whats expected of Roop. It says that even AFTER he is sentenced he is expected to cooperate fully and give up any and all info etc. It talks about how he may be expected to participate in undercover operations and the like. If at any time the feds feel he is being dishonest the original charges can be reinstated and he can be prosecuted for them.
Its clear that Roop/NinjaTurtle007 is living the life of a professional snitch. He will be used and abused and can't do a thing about it.
One thing stuck out is that by agreeing Roop agreed that if the feds doubted his being truthful that he must submit to a Polygraph test and that the results of the lie detector test could be used to determine what the feds would do with him.
@Masterofron ..its clear the feds have an army of former regular forum members and sources to play with. They've got them and its because its the direction the gov't went and this is why they have Roop and others doing their bidding.

crThe gov't has turned citizens against each other. In order to escape crazy prison terms guys have to turn informant or operative in the case we see here.

If you are familiar with the terms and # used in the documents in the PDF things become clear.
USPO is United States Probation Office...defendants meet with their attorney and someone from the USPO to be interviewed. Every federal defendant goes through this. The USPO is responsible for creating a defendants PSR(pre-sentencing report). A guy can't be sentenced without a PSR. It contains the defendants entire criminal history along with full educational, employment, and psychiatric history.
It lists every arrest, conviction, incarceration and probation history.
Its vital because the PSR contains the information of the case he finds himself in custody for as well as every case in the past.
If you find yourself in the federal system you will hear guys talking about the PSI and PSR...you'll hear guys asking "what's your criminal category?
Very important. Your crimimal history is what determines your criminal category. There are categories 1 through 6. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines(a terrifying graph that plays the biggest role in determining what a defendants prison sentence will be) use a defendants criminal category to deternine the length of his prison term.
A point system is used with every misdemeanor conviction being worth 1 point. Every felony conviction is worth 2. A misdemeanor with a prison term of 1 year attached to it is given another point. A felony with a prison term of a year or more gets 2 more points added.
If a guy is on probation when he commits and is convicted of that felony is worth an extra 3 points.**I am probably off with the # of points assigned but you get the gist? Its been a while.
Convictions over 15 yrs old aren't counted. Each defendant has the right to contest the reports findings. Its important that guys aren't given more points and that the PSR is accurate so that guys aren't put in the wrong category.

The PSR has the offense level of the crime the defendant is currently in the system facing. Lets say the offense level for Roops crime is 25. The level is determined in drug cases primarily by the total amount of drugs assigned to him for that specific offense.
In Roops original indictment he sent 500 vials of various steroids. The feds sent him $7,200 for 5,364ml's. Each ml is equal to 2 dosage units making him responsible for shipping 10,766 dosage units.
Depending on his criminal history he will be a Criminal Category 1 through 6...6 being the worst. The sentencing guidelines have us go down the side of the graph until we reach the offense level of the crime. We said it was 25. We now go across a short ways if we're CC 1...a long way over if we're CC6.
Downward departures are the name of the snitch game. The further we move up the chart or DOWNWARD when discussing departures from where we are on the sentencing guidelines.
In Roops plea agreement we read that he faced 10 years. The last document is the sentencing document....we see where he was sentenced to time served. Looks like he was in custody for 6 months or so "Fighting his case". That translates into giving everything and everyone he could think of up.
We read how after that beauty of a sentence he was still on the hook. Nowhere near done. He had work to do for the feds. That's why ASF posted the warning about Blimpy(Ninjaturtle here at meso) being hostile or dangerous or out to hurt members. The only way he can secure his safety and freedom is by taking those of us unlucky enough to decide to do business with him,....with him and others like him. Chances are he's not the only one.

10 years in prison or a lifetime on the outside but expected to be a rat and “produce”. They don’t care HOW he does it so long as he produces cases for them. If he ceases to produce those cases he can face the original charges at any time.

What a great system we have. Thanks for the comprehensive explanation of how this really works.
Just to speculate, couldn’t dyna have been located stateside and just been saying he was in China as cover? Again, just pure speculation here.
Yes I’m sure he could be.

Early on when he started this thread I question him about his location. For him to “prove himself” he did actually send me pics in PM with him and cardboard over his face with Meso and date, which what appeared to me of him being in China.
I posted this earlier in this thread as well.

Now that was a little while ago. It’s possible he could have came back stateside by now?
Yes I’m sure he could be.

Early on when he started this thread I question him about his location. For him to “prove himself” he did actually send me pics in PM with him and cardboard over his face with Meso and date, which what appeared to me of him being in China.
I posted this earlier in this thread as well.

Now that was a little while ago. It’s possible he could have came back stateside by now?
It would be foolish of him to come back here, but maybe he was a gambling man. The disappearance of these sources is quite disheartening and @biggerben69’s point about sources who have disappeared and are more than likely locked up was disturbing, to say the least. But it makes perfect sense. I just wonder why there hasn’t been any reports somewhere, anywhere.
It would be foolish of him to come back here, but maybe he was a gambling man. The disappearance of these sources is quite disheartening and @biggerben69’s point about sources who have disappeared and are more than likely locked up was disturbing, to say the least. But it makes perfect sense. I just wonder why there hasn’t been any reports somewhere, anywhere.
BB69 definitely has brought to light the snakes in the grass. Very informative and good information. Another warning that you really don’t know who’s on the other side of an ‘anonymous handle’. And a reason why most of us are skeptic of everything! :oops:
Good to see that we have members across the community and different boards that care enough for others to put out info to keep us aware!

To comment on your statement... I’d have to agree it does make sense, to a certain extent, that this is a possibility why sources sometimes just disappear. Then again, I agree that most busts aren’t kept quite. The ‘local paper’ usually reports anything that involves a bust. Big or small.
I suppose it could be that it just hasn’t been brought to our attention as of yet? Doesn’t seem likely, but possible I guess.

So many scenarios though without having proof. I mean couldn’t some of these sources that just disappear just decide to get out while their ahead? Exit scam and get out while making some last minute cash?

Like that fuck R&R went as far as sending books and requiring a signature to receive a pack. Then acting like LE was watching him and not to sign for any packs. Just a big fucking act that was almost successful, until a member here decided to sign for a pack and seen his gear order was nothing more than reading material....
Shits always crazy, and nothing seems to surprise me anymore.
You don't see guys picked up by the feds in your local papers police logs.
Unfortunately I have plenty of experience when it comes to the feds. I don't get arrested...I get indicted.
Thanks for clarifying. In the case of Private Label, why did local LE raid his home instead of turning it over to the Feds?
You don't see guys picked up by the feds in your local papers police logs.
Unfortunately I have plenty of experience when it comes to the feds. I don't get arrested...I get indicted.
Well shit. Thanks for pointing out the obvious here. I was only thinking about local LE and for some odd reason wasn’t thinking about the Feds.
Makes a lot more sense to me now! :D
Thanks for clarifying. In the case of Private Label, why did local LE raid his home instead of turning it over to the Feds?
I had heard Private Label was busted. I'm not familiar with the particulars.
I can make some assumptions. First, PL wasn't on the feds radar. If they had been and the feds caught wind that local LE was prepping to move on PL, the feds would alert the locals that so and so or the address was the target of a federal investigation. Locals would back off.
What PL, and every other UGL in existance are doing, violates local/state law as well as federal law. Who busts them depends on who discovers them.
Many UGL's are first discovered when a pkg from China containing raw powders is picked off by US Customs who now works hand in hand with the Dept of Homeland Security. A controlled delivery is set up and the re-mailer is taken. If its determined that he is in fact accepting the pkg for someone else and isn't the ugl(search of residence doesn't turn up a lab or vials & stoppers) he is used to get to the source. All feds.

If a ugl/source ships to a fed posing as a regular member or a member controlled by the feds he will ship to an address or PO Box controlled by the feds.All feds.

If a guy running a UGL is pulled over and is arrested for a few vials of gear he has in car its likely local LE will obtain a search warrant(the guy may even agree to letting them "look around") for the apt or house he lives. They come across things that make it clear the guy is mixing up raws and putting it in vials for resale. Thats a local bust. It may become federal, at some point, it may not. Doesn'tbl have to.
If a guy sells locally as well as online and is busted selling in the gym parking lot by locals and his "lab" is discovered...its a local bust.

With TGI its possible one of the locals in charge was tight with someone in the feds and wanted to impress and look good for a possible futute employment opportunity?
Maybe the locals were overwhelmed and intimidated when they came across all those raw powders and the large customer list with customers all over the country? One of the guys in charge perhaps felt that they didn't have the resources to handle it all?

The nightmare exists for guys who are busted by locals and who go through the entire system on the state level. They are convicted and are serving time in county jail or state prison.
Where I am in So Cal, if a crime is not violent and the sentence is 5 yrs or less guys are doing the time in County...which sucks.
I read a post where someone commented on who I think was TGI and him languishing in a cell for his non violent crime. They are incorrect labeling it "non violent". The gun makes it a violent crime. Well, in the feds it does.
Where was I.....oh ya..the nightmare. Guys are getting close to the end of their prison sentence for the aas...or blow..speed..whatever.
When you get close to the door(end of sentence) you start getting called to see counselors or the like in preparation of being released.
Its there at some point he is told he has a "hold" and he won't be released to the street. When his last day comes he is picked up by a couple of US Marshals who take him to start the second half of his nightmare.
I've met many that this has happened to. They thought they did their time for the crime? There are many scenarios that can be the reason for what many mistakenly cry "Double Jeopardy".
Something gets the attention of the feds. Could be a reseller that was busted while he was away by the feds and he was brought into the conspiracy indictment along with 50 other guys.
If this happens and the feds un seal an indictment in the middle of his prison term he will be transferred into fed custody to be arraigned and will be housed in a federal facility like an MCC or MDC of a county jail that has a contract with the feds for the duration of the trial, if it comes to that, or until he signs for his deal.

If there's no other conspiracy, there could be something that TGI may be dealing with.
Some guys sre in state prison for a crime in which a firearm was found but the state decided it wasn"t worth charging the guy for it or it may have been a problem proving it was his or whatever.
The feds are charging guys for guns that the state didnt. It happens once they are done serving the time in the state for the crime the gun was found. Its usually 5yrs they will get for the gun after leaving the state.
There are too many scenarios to list here.
I had heard Private Label was busted. I'm not familiar with the particulars.
I can make some assumptions. First, PL wasn't on the feds radar. If they had been and the feds caught wind that local LE was prepping to move on PL, the feds would alert the locals that so and so or the address was the target of a federal investigation. Locals would back off.
What PL, and every other UGL in existance are doing, violates local/state law as well as federal law. Who busts them depends on who discovers them.
Many UGL's are first discovered when a pkg from China containing raw powders is picked off by US Customs who now works hand in hand with the Dept of Homeland Security. A controlled delivery is set up and the re-mailer is taken. If its determined that he is in fact accepting the pkg for someone else and isn't the ugl(search of residence doesn't turn up a lab or vials & stoppers) he is used to get to the source. All feds.

If a ugl/source ships to a fed posing as a regular member or a member controlled by the feds he will ship to an address or PO Box controlled by the feds.All feds.

If a guy running a UGL is pulled over and is arrested for a few vials of gear he has in car its likely local LE will obtain a search warrant(the guy may even agree to letting them "look around") for the apt or house he lives. They come across things that make it clear the guy is mixing up raws and putting it in vials for resale. Thats a local bust. It may become federal, at some point, it may not. Doesn'tbl have to.
If a guy sells locally as well as online and is busted selling in the gym parking lot by locals and his "lab" is discovered...its a local bust.

With TGI its possible one of the locals in charge was tight with someone in the feds and wanted to impress and look good for a possible futute employment opportunity?
Maybe the locals were overwhelmed and intimidated when they came across all those raw powders and the large customer list with customers all over the country? One of the guys in charge perhaps felt that they didn't have the resources to handle it all?

The nightmare exists for guys who are busted by locals and who go through the entire system on the state level. They are convicted and are serving time in county jail or state prison.
Where I am in So Cal, if a crime is not violent and the sentence is 5 yrs or less guys are doing the time in County...which sucks.
I read a post where someone commented on who I think was TGI and him languishing in a cell for his non violent crime. They are incorrect labeling it "non violent". The gun makes it a violent crime. Well, in the feds it does.
Where was I.....oh ya..the nightmare. Guys are getting close to the end of their prison sentence for the aas...or blow..speed..whatever.
When you get close to the door(end of sentence) you start getting called to see counselors or the like in preparation of being released.
Its there at some point he is told he has a "hold" and he won't be released to the street. When his last day comes he is picked up by a couple of US Marshals who take him to start the second half of his nightmare.
I've met many that this has happened to. They thought they did their time for the crime? There are many scenarios that can be the reason for what many mistakenly cry "Double Jeopardy".
Something gets the attention of the feds. Could be a reseller that was busted while he was away by the feds and he was brought into the conspiracy indictment along with 50 other guys.
If this happens and the feds un seal an indictment in the middle of his prison term he will be transferred into fed custody to be arraigned and will be housed in a federal facility like an MCC or MDC of a county jail that has a contract with the feds for the duration of the trial, if it comes to that, or until he signs for his deal.

If there's no other conspiracy, there could be something that TGI may be dealing with.
Some guys sre in state prison for a crime in which a firearm was found but the state decided it wasn"t worth charging the guy for it or it may have been a problem proving it was his or whatever.
The feds are charging guys for guns that the state didnt. It happens once they are done serving the time in the state for the crime the gun was found. Its usually 5yrs they will get for the gun after leaving the state.
There are too many scenarios to list here.
Thank you for all of the information - very helpful. In the case of Private Label from my understanding, his reshipper was caught in the controlled delivery and sold him out. The local PD raided his house and took him and his wife into custody. Won’t his case go Federal since it involves AAS, USPS, the volume that was discovered, along with the lab and the fact that he was a prominent source (featured on BoP)?

