EQ - the way to go vascular?

LOL. Again it USED to be a common steroid. but NEVER more common than nandrolone. You cant be serious. It is still common yes I am sure but things are evolving now that the game is changing and people arent wanting to die.

And no... my best friend coaches 3 top 10 womens BB in the world. I asked him last night about EQ again after this thread. I quote... "bad sides"

you must be a 22 year old jackass who reads forums all day ands thinks he is in the know.

Forums are way behind the times. People have been dying year after year after year. Top tier guys and little boys like yourself we dont hear much about. It was time to change things. I know it is painful because you were late to the part but it is just a fact. Guys arent using eq... arent using anti E in the offseason... test is getting lower. But hey who do I know!

The "common" stack you posted is also very false lol. I am a pretty damn good BB and I have never touched insulin.
Bro u have no clue what you are talking about -please get a life
Bro u have no clue what you are talking about -please get a life
I will tell you what. we will all compare photos and credentials and see who knows more about what they are talking about. Some of you are so behind and lost it is truly hilarious. Stuck in times because you read it on a forum. Bless your heart .
@Athlete127 I commend you for gaining a following and being an apparently well-known coach, but how can you on one hand, then, given your ostensible credibility, say that EQ is a terrible choice because it raises RBC/hematocrit and then tell someone to use EPO, which can be acutely deadly for this very reason when athletes use it without daily bloodwork and the availability of transfusions or at least IV fluids as needed, which I am sure you don't assume cmk has access to?
EPO also isn’t anabolic, so EQ is a better choice in the context of bodybuilding if you’re using it partially to increase insurance.

I love how people act like if your HCT is even slightly high you’re going to stroke out and die. If that were true, residents of Denver would have a life span of about two years and professional cyclists would be dropping like flies.
EPO also isn’t anabolic, so EQ is a better choice in the context of bodybuilding if you’re using it partially to increase insurance.

I love how people act like if your HCT is even slightly high you’re going to stroke out and die. If that were true, residents of Denver would have a life span of about two years and professional cyclists would be dropping like flies.
I mean.... george peterson hemo was 19.5....
Some of you guys justify walking the line and tell yourselves its all gonna be okay. "oh I have seen worse"
I’ve always just donated blood consistently while running eq and I’ve been perfectly fine. I also run low dose aspirin and garlic extract
I’ve always just donated blood consistently while running eq and I’ve been perfectly fine. I also run low dose aspirin and garlic extract
because you feel fine or your blood work says you're fine?

some people will be fine. others wont. dont understand why anyone would take a chance when theres 3 other drugs much safer that will do the EXACT thing
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because you feel fine or your blood work says you're fine?

some people will be fine. others wont. dont understand why anyone would take a chance when theres 3 other drugs much safer that will do the EXACT thing
Bloodwork says I’m fine. Not sure how you can advocate tren use and not eq?
So are you against anadrol use, then? Because it raises RBC count in the same way that EQ does.

It’s prescribed for exactly that purpose, in fact.
I am against ALL orals unless its some winstrol or anavar at the end of a contest prep.

My mindset has changed seeing friends and others die the last few years.

IT doesnt matter what I say you guys are set in your ways or youll have health issues in your 40s and 50s and blame it on genetics but not the 800mg eq you ran
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when did I advocate tren use? Tren should only be used the final 6-8 weeks of a serious contest prep ONLY

post your blood work while on EQ if you dont mind!
i am not trying to argue i am just genuinely curious.. this is bloodwork from 2019 on 400 test 900 eq and 350 tren. donating blood every 6 weeks and garlic extract / baby aspirin ed


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i am not trying to argue i am just genuinely curious.. this is bloodwork from 2019 on 400 test 900 eq and 350 tren. donating blood every 6 weeks and garlic extract / baby aspirin ed
hemoglobin still on the high range here but not out of range.
Like I said some people don't get the same sides that most do. If I ran 900 eq my hemoglobin would be oil

telmisartin can help some too
hemoglobin still on the high range here but not out of range.
Like I said some people don't get the same sides that most do. If I ran 900 eq my hemoglobin would be oil

telmisartin can help some too
Well now i am on 5mg daily ramipril due to LVH and lowered Ejection fractrion in the left ventricle. i was on beta blockers as well cause my resting hr was 100 and this is off all gear.. apparently from my last echo it has reversed and i am only on 5mg ramipril now daily. Do you think the ketones in the urine would be from the tren?
Tren should only be used the final 6-8 weeks of a serious contest prep ONLY

eq gains are trash and it will kill you faster than tren
run npp or primo instead

use EPO if thats your goal
I can definitely tell you're a guru, you've got making absolutist statements down. Let me guess, Masteron is an anabolic "anchor," EQ is kidney poison, all anabolics build equivalent muscle tissue (protein deposition)? Are these all knowledge bombs we're behind the instagram science on here on the outdated forums?
I can definitely tell you're a guru, you've got making absolutist statements down. Let me guess, Masteron is an anabolic "anchor," EQ is kidney poison, all anabolics build equivalent muscle tissue (protein deposition)? Are these all knowledge bombs we're behind the instagram science on here on the outdated forums?
What the fuck do you think testosterone is when you run hgih anti estrogens? tell me how it is diff than primo or masteron.

I can tell you do not know much about anabolics and you probably do not read much about the blood
Well now i am on 5mg daily ramipril due to LVH and lowered Ejection fractrion in the left ventricle. i was on beta blockers as well cause my resting hr was 100 and this is off all gear.. apparently from my last echo it has reversed and i am only on 5mg ramipril now daily. Do you think the ketones in the urine would be from the tren?
Let me ask you a couple questiions I am curious about. I had a client with 40-45 EF and went to 50-55 In 6 weeks

How low was your EF?
Did they recommend ramipril first? Telmisartin is very good at reversing LVH and no sides even up to 100mg.

Was your resting HR so high because of higher body weight?
What the fuck do you think testosterone is when you run hgih anti estrogens? tell me how it is diff than primo or masteron.

I can tell you do not know much about anabolics and you probably do not read much about the blood
I'm not following the question, perhaps. I believe T is an aromatizing androgen (a Δ⁴-3-ketone) that still provides benefits from aromatization with combined AI use. Primo is a 1-ene that is roughly ~1/4 as anabolic on a per-dose basis as nandrolone in humans, it does not aromatize. Masteron is a 5α-androstan-3-one, non-aromatizable, that has never been given serious consideration for clinical or therapeutic use for wasting conditions (anemia, HIV, etc.) because of its low anabolism in humans. Rather, it seems to function primarily to reduce estrogen uptake into cells, and was used for many years in women as a breast cancer drug in treatment-resistant metastasis.
I'm not following the question, perhaps. I believe T is an aromatizing androgen (a Δ⁴-3-ketone) that still provides benefits from aromatization with combined AI use. Primo is a 1-ene that is roughly ~1/4 as anabolic on a per-dose basis as nandrolone in humans, it does not aromatize. Masteron is a 5α-androstan-3-one, non-aromatizable, that has never been given serious consideration for clinical or therapeutic use for wasting conditions (anemia, HIV, etc.) because of its low anabolism in humans. Rather, it seems to function primarily to reduce estrogen uptake into cells, and was used for many years in women as a breast cancer drug in treatment-resistant metastasis.
Bro - all of your posts are way to scientific and long - way to deep - get a life
Let me ask you a couple questiions I am curious about. I had a client with 40-45 EF and went to 50-55 In 6 weeks

How low was your EF?
Did they recommend ramipril first? Telmisartin is very good at reversing LVH and no sides even up to 100mg.

Was your resting HR so high because of higher body weight?
My ejection fraction on an echo cardio gram has always been between 50-60. I was sent for an mri on my heart due to the elevated resting hr which then found the ejection fraction to be 39%. I am now hearing mixed reviews from my cardiologist that an mri not have been the best way to measure as it is too precise and an echo is the standard. They still haven’t attributed the high resting hr to anything. They tried saying it was anxiety and they tried a small dose of bisoprolol I was on that for 1 year and now my resting heart rate hovers around 70. I’m hoping after my septoplasty for deviated septum and I can breathe normal again I will be doing a lot more cardio and lowering that. I stay on the 5mg of ramipril now however I am debating buying telmisartan myself and switching over to see if there’s a difference. I was told from a heart transplant specialist that ramipril is very cardio protective and is a good medicine to have in my daily regimen
I'm not following the question, perhaps. I believe T is an aromatizing androgen (a Δ⁴-3-ketone) that still provides benefits from aromatization with combined AI use. Primo is a 1-ene that is roughly ~1/4 as anabolic on a per-dose basis as nandrolone in humans, it does not aromatize. Masteron is a 5α-androstan-3-one, non-aromatizable, that has never been given serious consideration for clinical or therapeutic use for wasting conditions (anemia, HIV, etc.) because of its low anabolism in humans. Rather, it seems to function primarily to reduce estrogen uptake into cells, and was used for many years in women as a breast cancer drug in treatment-resistant metastasis.
so again, tell me what testosterone without the aromotization properties is....