ExpressPCT- US and international generic pharma

I don't believe you have been in contact frequently other than the initial communication in which I said we would investigate.
No, YOU haven't been in contact frequently. I assure you I have. Here are the last 2 messages I sent, no reply of any kind had been offered for 2 weeks. Hence I had to reach our "publicly" on Meso.

2. Your initial query claimed the majority of tablets had turned into powder. Your pictures didn't show this, even your picture above shows the majority of tablets are perfect and some are broken up which makes it look like a lot.
Furthermore, my initial query claimed no such thing. I said that alot of the tabs were damaged, this is true.protonscreen4.png
FURTHER-FURTHERMORE, I made it very clear that this was not the case multiple times. I took me a while to carefully open all the strips and figure out how much was actually damaged. I explained this to you in detail via Email.

1. Record yourself popping all of the blisters where the tablets feel broken (feel the bottom of the blister to find out). Show the amount broken at the end.
2. Send that to us.
3. We will reship what is broken.
??Are you asking me to build a time machine and go back in time to before I opened the strips, but this time record myself doing it? What the actual fuck dude.

I made it perfectly clear via email that I already opened all the packs...2 weeks ago.

I did not know that in order to get damaged products reshipped, I would have to take detailed pictures and videos of every single little bit like a fucking forensic blood-splatter analyst, you should put that on the website so everyone knows.


  • protonscreen.png
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Sorry for being cynical, but I am picturing a guy.. right now crushing blister packs with a hammer..
Right. That actually makes sense. Because I would destroy 100$ worth of perfectly good product, in order to con my way into $100 worth of said product, and have to wait a whole nother week to recieve it

...What exactly do I stand to gain from that?

I'm not even indian bro I'm not with that scamming shit, I'm just a guy who doesn't want to be on TRT for the rest of his life. Fuck tikka masala!
No, YOU haven't been in contact frequently. I assure you I have. Here are the last 2 messages I sent, no reply of any kind had been offered for 2 weeks. Hence I had to reach our "publicly" on Meso.

Furthermore, my initial query claimed no such thing. I said that alot of the tabs were damaged, this is true.View attachment 151319
FURTHER-FURTHERMORE, I made it very clear that this was not the case multiple times. I took me a while to carefully open all the strips and figure out how much was actually damaged. I explained this to you in detail via Email.
View attachment 151318

??Are you asking me to build a time machine and go back in time to before I opened the strips, but this time record myself doing it? What the actual fuck dude.

I made it perfectly clear via email that I already opened all the packs...2 weeks ago.

I did not know that in order to get damaged products reshipped, I would have to take detailed pictures and videos of every single little bit like a fucking forensic blood-splatter analyst, you should put that on the website so everyone knows.

Can you click "details" and tell me which Rick address is replying? I had multiple but only one works now. I don't see your emails since the initial query.

Currently I use & (former forwards to latter now).

For this - "I did not know that in order to get damaged products reshipped, I would have to take detailed pictures and videos of every single little bit like a fucking forensic blood-splatter analyst, you should put that on the website so everyone knows."

This I disagree with, as soon as one strip was seen to be damaged a lot would begin to record for evidence as it is normal for suppliers to request video evidence. Almost every legal supplier usually requests this too, it is always best to record yourself opening a product for future notice. By opening them all without recording you create a difficult situation to present evidence to your claim. To have indisputable evidence I fully recommend recording opening any package you receive in case of issues, one day an issue such as this one will arise and it will be easier to present your case.

I think it is best I just refund you for your order, in most cases I would continue and ask for evidence then reship but I'm not for race-stereotyping and racial slurs.

Please email here for a refund to make sure the email goes through -

Regarding why some email addresses are dead - We upgraded our support system to a full ticket system but as Protonmail does not support automatic mail forwarding we had to create individual Protonmail accounts for each customer support rep which killed some old support addresses.

In 2 days I will be starting my PCT with Tamoxifen-crumbs thanks to @ExpressPCT
View attachment 151261View attachment 151262

My pack came in and a whole bunch of the sleeves were all smashed up. I politely brought this to Ricks attention via Email and asked for a reship. This was his response.
View attachment 151263
**BUZZER SOUND** WRONG! Take responsibility for your business DICKHEAD.

1. What does a goddamn investi-fucking-gation have to do with me?
2. Furthermore, this was 2 weeks ago.
3. Eat my taint

I have been E-mailing slick rick for 2 weeks(and quite frequently) for a follow up...I've got nothing but CRICKETS.
"ExpressCrickets". Express-FuCkiNG-crickets.

Goddamn it Rick, you had to make me go full fucking Karen. I’ve never had to go FULL FUCKING KAREN MY ENTIRE LIFE but you went and fucking cunted it all up.

View attachment 151264
Not actually an unreasonable response, I think though that it should have been handled promptly after you sent him the photos of the product issue however, 2 weeks for a reply seems long.

All my dealings with Rick have been positive, he’s even taken a request for medication from me and listed. New product I was in search of.
This I disagree with, as soon as one strip was seen to be damaged a lot would begin to record for evidence as it is normal for suppliers to request video evidence. Almost every legal supplier usually requests this too, it is always best to record yourself opening a product for future notice. By opening them all without recording you create a difficult situation to present evidence to your claim. To have indisputable evidence I fully recommend recording opening any package you receive in case of issues, one day an issue such as this one will arise and it will be easier to present your case.
Right. I will do this in the future. My point was, if you had told me this information when I initially made contact, then I would have been able to follow instructions and provide adequate evidence. This does not help me now... more than 2 weeks later. I have only a couple pictures of 1 sleeve.
Can you click "details" and tell me which Rick address is replying? I had multiple but only one works now. I don't see your emails since the initial query.

Please email here for a refund to make sure the email goes through -
This is greatly appreciated. I will send you E-mail now.
Not actually an unreasonable response, I think though that it should have been handled promptly after you sent him the photos of the product issue however, 2 weeks for a reply seems long.

All my dealings with Rick have been positive, he’s even taken a request for medication from me and listed. New product I was in search of.

Usually we would be very quick to reship but this case is new to us.

As a business we always follow policies, every single strip being crushed just isn't something we account for. When something new and unexpected happens we need to establish new policies.

For some reason too I am just not receiving their follow-up emails and our initial conversation is in the old inbox making it impossible to reply to. Now all emails to are forwarded to a Protonmail address but in this case they were not.

Right. I will do this in the future. My point was, if you had told me this information when I initially made contact, then I would have been able to follow instructions and provide adequate evidence. This does not help me now... more than 2 weeks later. I have only a couple pictures of 1 sleeve.

View attachment 151323

This is greatly appreciated. I will send you E-mail now.

Does it say for the newer emails you sent? I am a little confused as I just don't have any emails from you but I am definitely receiving emails as others here have emailed me.

The protonmail address should definitely work though!

Usually we would be very quick to reship but this case is new to us.

As a business we always follow policies, every single strip being crushed just isn't something we account for. When something new and unexpected happens we need to establish new policies.

For some reason too I am just not receiving their follow-up emails and our initial conversation is in the old inbox making it impossible to reply to. Now all emails to are forwarded to a Protonmail address but in this case they were not.

Yeah I can understand that, any packages I’ve gotten from ya’s have been in a a box of sorts, and also bubble wrapped, would be very hard in my opinion to have that happen to the pills during the shipping process, and I’m in no way saying he’s lying for the record, I don’t know why anyone would wanna wreck product. Which would make me think that for some reason, some how, it was damaged during selection&packaging.
Does it say for the newer emails you sent? I am a little confused as I just don't have any emails from you but I am definitely receiving emails as others here have emailed me.

The protonmail address should definitely work though!

Yes. is the only Email I have been in contact with. Every message to and from has been this address.
I have just sent you an E-mail to the new address(
Yeah I can understand that, any packages I’ve gotten from ya’s have been in a a box of sorts, and also bubble wrapped, would be very hard in my opinion to have that happen to the pills during the shipping process, and I’m in no way saying he’s lying for the record, I don’t know why anyone would wanna wreck product. Which would make me think that for some reason, some how, it was damaged during selection&packaging.
My shipment came in an envelope. Padded..but nonetheless an envelope. Impossible to say when exactly it was damaged.
In 2 days I will be starting my PCT with Tamoxifen-crumbs thanks to @ExpressPCT
View attachment 151261View attachment 151262

My pack came in and a whole bunch of the sleeves were all smashed up. I politely brought this to Ricks attention via Email and asked for a reship. This was his response.
View attachment 151263
**BUZZER SOUND** WRONG! Take responsibility for your business DICKHEAD.

1. What does a goddamn investi-fucking-gation have to do with me?
2. Furthermore, this was 2 weeks ago.
3. Eat my taint

I have been E-mailing slick rick for 2 weeks(and quite frequently) for a follow up...I've got nothing but CRICKETS.
"ExpressCrickets". Express-FuCkiNG-crickets.

Goddamn it Rick, you had to make me go full fucking Karen. I’ve never had to go FULL FUCKING KAREN MY ENTIRE LIFE but you went and fucking cunted it all up.

View attachment 151264
You should stop taking steroids and work on your mental issues. And never take Tren.
Right. That actually makes sense. Because I would destroy 100$ worth of perfectly good product, in order to con my way into $100 worth of said product, and have to wait a whole nother week to recieve it

...What exactly do I stand to gain from that?

I'm not even indian bro I'm not with that scamming shit, I'm just a guy who doesn't want to be on TRT for the rest of his life. Fuck tikka masala!
Lol that you actually would take this personally, but since you bring it up there are a lot of low life's that would do almost anything for $100.

Fyi it has already been pointed out that crushed tablets are not "destroyed", they actually hold the same content as a formed pill and can still be used.. so what you have to gain is $100 worth of free product.

Not sure what being "Indian" has to do with anything.
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Was I talking to you babygirl. Another dumb fucking cunt. I HAVE STOPPED TAKING STEROIDS, did you not FUCKING READ MY POST? I don't have mental issues. fuckn get fucked spermdumpster
1. Starts cycle without PCT drugs. Noob 101.

2. My therapist says that I'm prone to overreacting in stressful situations so I do apologize about that. and then claims that I don't have mental issues.

3. Colorful post history.

4. Racist comments about Indians and still ordering drugs that were probably manufactured in India.
Usually we would be very quick to reship but this case is new to us.

As a business we always follow policies, every single strip being crushed just isn't something we account for. When something new and unexpected happens we need to establish new policies.

For some reason too I am just not receiving their follow-up emails and our initial conversation is in the old inbox making it impossible to reply to. Now all emails to are forwarded to a Protonmail address but in this case they were not.

hey rick i sent an email to that email not sure if it went through. subject title is an order number
hey rick i sent an email to that email not sure if it went through. subject title is an order number

I am not sure if you want to tell this but can you tell me the time the email was sent? Just the minute is okay too, for example if sent at 07:54 it would be 54.

I just want to make sure I am receiving emails!


I am not sure if you want to tell this but can you tell me the time the email was sent? Just the minute is okay too, for example if sent at 07:54 it would be 54.

I just want to make sure I am receiving emails!

I got a reply. Thanks for the information!