ExpressPCT- US and international generic pharma

1. Starts cycle without PCT drugs. Noob 101.

2. My therapist says that I'm prone to overreacting in stressful situations so I do apologize about that. and then claims that I don't have mental issues.

3. Colorful post history.

4. Racist comments about Indians and still ordering drugs that were probably manufactured in India.
Oh I get it now, you’re mad because you’re a little brown boy from India yourself, he has the right to be a little upset that he made an order and it didn’t arrive as advertised and it’s taken a little longer than it should have to fix his issue.
Was I talking to you babygirl. Another dumb fucking cunt. I HAVE STOPPED TAKING STEROIDS, did you not FUCKING READ MY POST? I don't have mental issues. fuckn get fucked spermdumpster
Clearly he didn’t, probably seen the part about Indians and all he could see was rage and his life flashing before his eyes, so he rushed on over to try and flame you with the wrath of 1000 Indian gods
Hi Meso,

We are wondering what sort of demand there is for Toremifene? We have the opportunity to import it from UK to India. It is called Fareston 60.

The issue is it is very expensive and would likely be sold around 120 USD per 30 tablets.

It is UK Pharmaceutical grade.

Hi, you used to offer injectable test-e in international shop. Will you offer it again in the future?

and what kind of oil was used in the test-e?
Hi, you used to offer injectable test-e in international shop. Will you offer it again in the future?

and what kind of oil was used in the test-e?
i wouldnt buy that test. the amps are harder to break and glass is more likely to shatter.
I think it is best I just refund you for your order, in most cases I would continue and ask for evidence then reship
A few days ago Rick agreed to have my order reshipped because it was all smashed up. And you won't believe it. I just pulled the reship out of my mailbox, CAREFULLY opened all 3 layers of packaging...and this shit...IS ALSO SMASHED UP.
Now, luckily it was the clomid and not the nolva, because I already have enough clomid in stock.

But damn ExpressPCT, get your shit together. The pack was delivered in a bubble wrapped envelope, inside a paper envelope, inside a plastic envelope. Their is no way that USPS damaged it this time.

You guys are NOT inspecting products pre-shipment.
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A few days ago Rick agreed to have my order reship because it was all smashed up. And you won't believe it. I just pulled the reship out of my mailbox, CARFULLY open all 3 layers of packaging...and this shit...IS ALSO SMASHED UP.
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Now, luckily it was the clomid and not the nolva, because I already have enough clomid in stock.

But damn ExpressPCT, get your shit together. The pack was delivered in a bubble wrapped envelope, inside a paper envelope, inside a plastic envelope. Their is no way that USPS damaged it this time.

You guys are NOT inspecting products pre-shipment.


We do inspect pre-shipment but this time I appreciate you taking a picture before opening them. You would be surprised at how professional we operate our "warehouses".

Regarding the big issue here, I can see two possible reasons for a crushed tablets

1. Your delivery man doesn't like you or his job and takes his time to go at your tablets with a hammer. (Customer above you had their tablets arrive not crushed as do 99.98% of our customers, no one else reports this issue).
2. (The more likely reason) - That brand just isn't pressed that well, we will just change brand, no big issue!

We will definitely look at this issue and improve on it. We appreciate the feedback, we really do.

I'd just like to add - The Clomid was free for you, it was not even meant to be reshipped. That doesn't excuse the issue of some of the tablets being damaged though.

Try to look at the positive aspects. We resolved your issue, we reshipped 100% of the order despite only part of it needing reshipped and the only part of it damaged is the part you did not need and was free.

Again, we will take your feedback on board and try to find a way to protect the tablets better or just change the brand to one that is better pressed. Thanks again for letting us know there may be a bigger issue :)

Try to look at the positive aspects. We resolved your issue, we reshipped 100% of the order despite only part of it needing reshipped and the only part of it damaged is the part you did not need and was free.

Again, we will take your feedback on board and try to find a way to protect the tablets better or just change the brand to one that is better pressed. Thanks again for letting us know there may be a bigger issue :)
Right. So I will say, I have been reimbursed for the initial damaged items(3 packs of Nolva). Rick made good on his promise and handled the situation professionally.

These TamiLong20's are waaay better quality than the nolva I originally received on my first order(the brand name slips my mind).

The original nolva that I received along with this CLOMISIGN-100 appear to be brittle as all fuck.

If what you are saying is true(that all products are inspected preshipment) and yet they can't even hold their structural integrity while wrapped in 3 layers of packaging...then that goes to say something about product quality(obviously).

Sorry to poop on your parade once again, that was not my intention, I only thought it right to bring attention to the quality of said products.

Thanks again.
Right. So I will say, I have been reimbursed for the initial damaged items(3 packs of Nolva). Rick made good on his promise and handled the situation professionally.

These TamiLong20's are waaay better quality than the nolva I originally received on my first order(the brand name slips my mind).
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The original nolva that I received along with this CLOMISIGN-100 appear to be brittle as all fuck.

If what you are saying is true(that all products are inspected preshipment) and yet they can't even hold their structural integrity while wrapped in 3 layers of packaging...then that goes to say something about product quality(obviously).

Sorry to poop on your parade once again, that was not my intention, I only thought it right to bring attention to the quality of said products.

Thanks again.

I am not actually sure why products specifically to you are damaged, if you look at a few posts up you will see a review for the exact products you received and their product arrived perfectly. For most this is the same.

I think we do need to consider the potential reason that your local distribution center or post office are rough with the packages. The probability of this happening twice to the same person is just super low so this could be very much the reason.

Edit: Forgot to say - We have a lot more Tamilong 20 in stock so there is at least that issue solved.
Hi, you used to offer injectable test-e in international shop. Will you offer it again in the future?

and what kind of oil was used in the test-e?

I honestly recommend against ordering AAS injectables from India for a few reasons -

1. Customs
2. Either super expensive or suspiciously cheap
3. Pricing - Can get cheaper priced AAS from good quality suppliers domestic to you usually

Can someone help me with this. The top Roaccutane 20mg is an empty box that I used up from when I ordered from expresspct a month ago. I recently ordered more expecting to receive that but I received 3x of the bottom one. Not the Roche brand I previously ordered and received.
Can someone help me with this. The top Roaccutane 20mg is an empty box that I used up from when I ordered from expresspct a month ago. I recently ordered more expecting to receive that but I received 3x of the bottom one. Not the Roche brand I previously ordered and received.
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I can help! Sometimes in rare occasions pharmacies in Turkey can go through medicine shortages.

When a shortage occurs we will do our best to substitute, in your case a different brand was sent. We list this on our FAQ but if you absolutely require that brand just let us know.

It won't make a difference but I understand the appeal for a certain brand as you may have confidence in it.

I am not actually sure why products specifically to you are damaged, if you look at a few posts up you will see a review for the exact products you received and their product arrived perfectly. For most this is the same.

I think we do need to consider the potential reason that your local distribution center or post office are rough with the packages. The probability of this happening twice to the same person is just super low so this could be very much the reason.

Edit: Forgot to say - We have a lot more Tamilong 20 in stock so there is at least that issue solved.
They would have to be puttin it at the bottom of a pile with some really heavy shit, or just tossing heavy shit onto it, that’s crazy. I had a vial of test show up a long long time ago from another vendor and it was smashed and my whole order was covered in oil.