ExpressPCT- US and international generic pharma


We are testing a way to ship India to EU, we will test some India orders to EU with this method. It will add 3-6 days to delivery time but should avoid risk of any EU seizure for EU customers.

We are testing a way to ship India to EU, we will test some India orders to EU with this method. It will add 3-6 days to delivery time but should avoid risk of any EU seizure for EU customers.
Does HK warehouse still ship to the US by private carriers or how does that ship? Thanks buddy
Is the UK warehouse going to be coming back?
Is the partnership with Deus for SARMS coming back?

Good to have you back anyway.
Is the UK warehouse going to be coming back?
Is the partnership with Deus for SARMS coming back?

Good to have you back anyway.

It is uncertain at this time if the UK warehouse will return but we will stock SARMS in our Express EU warehouse.

We are testing a way to ship India to EU, we will test some India orders to EU with this method. It will add 3-6 days to delivery time but should avoid risk of any EU seizure for EU customers.

Brother I would buy so much stuff if you could pull this off.
Do you know what's causing the seizures in EU? They seem to have increased and it caused me to stop buying from India for now.

It is VERY VERY unlikely that your particular strip is bunk, products are manufactured in batches of millions of tablets. If one strip was bunk then it is almost certain the whole batch is bad.

Batches are tested upon completion and a COA (certificate of analysis) is presented to show batch quality. The product would not be sold if the batch were bad.

The reason for cialis not working is probably unrelated to batch quality (We only have a few batches and you are the first to complain).

Used 10mg again from the same blister and it worked perfectly fine. No idea why it didn't the first time. Personal stress perhaps, dunno.
Used 10mg again from the same blister and it worked perfectly fine. No idea why it didn't the first time. Personal stress perhaps, dunno.
Good to hear. It's actually happened to me before but it was usually with ugl shit or its because I was using it too often.
Yea I feel like I have sent the same email 2-3 times. I received some of my international orders(Under estimated time of delivery). I just feel like my domestic order is falling through the cracks
They've gotten slower and slower
Yea I feel like I have sent the same email 2-3 times. I received some of my international orders(Under estimated time of delivery). I just feel like my domestic order is falling through the cracks
My international order to the US was pretty quick this time too.....20 days from shipping date.