ExpressPCT- US and international generic pharma

I have a pack on a similar timeframe as that. It sat at "inbound to customs" for several days and then just updated to at my local processing center. No outbound scan or anything in between. I have high hopes that it will make it intact.
I vaguely believe it's more of a moisture issue than heat.

I should've taken pics. They were melted into the shape of the foil pack. If you saw it, you'd see what I mean. It was crazy. Possibly a combination of both moisture and heat. But I didn't see any evidence of moisture.

They still worked though! Even with whatever degradation may have happened.
Just an update. Got a seizure letter after 54 days in transit. First seizure I've ever had with EPCT.
Ive heard about issues with Ovidac HCG from this source. I know they are in the slammer now but its a bummer because i have a lot of this ovidac shit on hand. Should i just trash it?
Ive heard about issues with Ovidac HCG from this source. I know they are in the slammer now but its a bummer because i have a lot of this ovidac shit on hand. Should i just trash it?
Where did this shit even come from? One guy said it's low potency and then everyone just starts repeating it?

Did someone get it tested or something or were they just talking out of their ass?
Did someone get it tested or something
Yes, indian HCG products have been testing about as well as chinese generics, those test results are just scattered about rather then neatly posted in a singular place, and to my knowledge there aren't results for subsequent batches to establish a pattern.
Yes, indian HCG products have been testing about as well as chinese generics, those test results are just scattered about rather then neatly posted in a singular place, and to my knowledge there aren't results for subsequent batches to establish a pattern.
Appreciate that sir!
Yes, indian HCG products have been testing about as well as chinese generics, those test results are just scattered about rather then neatly posted in a singular place, and to my knowledge there aren't results for subsequent batches to establish a pattern.
Great just bought 100k iu of this shit. Figured if it's Bayer it would be on point dosage wise
So I ordered on 2/28th and just received my package today 3/29. Everything was there even my modafinil and carsioprodals. I wish u knew where to find more carsioprodal now that express is gone :/