Favorite sources who retired/exited/were busted

  • Thread starter Deleted member 134759
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Who was the source that sold the funky lookin 20ml vials with the small caps? Came out right after Sasquatch
I remember Sasquatch, he had good gear. Are you talking about southern compounding? They had 20ml vials. I don’t believe they carried 10ml vials
No love for Pharmasource?

I remember his thread was on fire when he run those guess which team will win in football/baseball/nba etc and get discounts/free stuff or whatever

Plus didn't he use to put free samples with every order?

He sent me some Superdrol, I'd rather have some dick pills though.
JuicePal. Guy is cool AF, smart, and personable. Haven't found a good sub for a couple of things he had yet, and I've been trying. Fortunately though only a few of his are so far unmatched, came across a few really great guys past couple years.
Still running JP gear as we speak :) Whenever he would run those 10 pack specials, I would stock up. Pretty sure the Test I'm running is like 4 years expired, but still seems to be working just fine.
Isn't Dash PCT kinda like his spiritual successor or something?
Sort of yeah. But lacking in the customer service department if you read the forums they source on. Rick had 2-3 people dedicated solely to answering emails. I would get a response in less than 6hrs every single time.
Still running JP gear as we speak :) Whenever he would run those 10 pack specials, I would stock up. Pretty sure the Test I'm running is like 4 years expired, but still seems to be working just fine.
Same here, running his Enanthate 400 and the last I have of his Test PP, have a cyp too. Also have a bag each of D-bol and A50 left. Sucks watching them go, but fortunately can get everything besides the Enan 400 and test PP.
I always liked selios by kuda. He was a source at olm about 10 or 12 years ago. His gear was always good from what I could tell. He supposedly died and that was the last I heard about him.
OLM, been years. Still visit there? Heard it was a ghost town nowadays...
Symbiotics was the most interesting lab on here in the last five or so years. Strange stories, weird recipe for his primo, but quality product…until the meltdown. I once ran a little experiment on him to see if he was full of shit about his whole Christian faith and the results surprised me.
Anyone want to mention any strange/funny things past sources have done?

I know one person in this thread mentioned a source posting his biceps to prove his gear was good.
Anyone want to mention any strange/funny things past sources have done?

I know one person in this thread mentioned a source posting his biceps to prove his gear was good.
There was one source whose name escapes me, but he posted his setup and it was basically a weed tent with a $9 box fan hanging from one of the crossbars. It was the laziest ‘lab’ I think I’ve ever seen and it was funny because he felt no shame in posting it. It would be like an adult who has the art skills of a six year old putting his most recent finger painting on the refrigerator at home and proudly showing it off to guests.
There was one source whose name escapes me, but he posted his setup and it was basically a weed tent with a $9 box fan hanging from one of the crossbars. It was the laziest ‘lab’ I think I’ve ever seen and it was funny because he felt no shame in posting it. It would be like an adult who has the art skills of a six year old putting his most recent finger painting on the refrigerator at home and proudly showing it off to guests.
That was the guy with the anal beads holding up a light right?!