First cycle - best combo with nandrolone?

So many posters here have said it's toxic and no one should use it. Keep ranting all you want - I will continue to state that Deca/Sust is a great first cycle, no matter how upset it seems to make you or how many insults you hurl.
Deca will prolong the pct due to its long half life. Yes, in a sense deca could be considered toxic to your hpta due to it having such an adverse affect on it. Testosterone on the other hand is a natural occurring hormone that is easily recoverable from, it’s a safer choice than nandrolone in that sense.
Deca will prolong the pct due to its long half life. Yes, in a sense deca could be considered toxic to your hpta due to it having such an adverse affect on it. Testosterone on the other hand is a natural occurring hormone that is easily recoverable from, it’s a safer choice than nandrolone in that sense.

The comments were not just about its half-life - people were talking about it like it was super toxic and had extreme side effects. But anabolics like Deca were specifically created to maximize anabolic effects and minimize androgenic effects. Deca does that beautifully. My pct on it was short and easy. With HCG, my balls came back completely in less than two weeks.

Testosterone drugs like cyp are not "naturally occurring hormones" and can come with significant side effects - as it did in my case. Androgel supposedly mimics natural test perfectly, but when I tried it, it did absolutely nothing.
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The comments were not just about its half-life - people were talking about it like it was super toxic and had extreme side effects. But anabolics like Deca were specifically created to maximize anabolic effects and minimize androgenic effects. Deca does that beautifully. My pct on it was short and easy. With HCG, my balls came back completely in less than two weeks.

Testosterone drugs like cyp are not "naturally occurring hormones" and can come with significant side effects - as it did in my case. Androgel supposedly mimics natural test perfectly, but when I tried it, it did absolutely nothing.
Since you know everything why are you asking questions?
Your balls came back but your test probably dragged ass even longer after since you didn’t use any serms or ai with it.
Since you know everything why are you asking questions?
Your balls came back but your test probably dragged ass even longer after since you didn’t use any serms or ai with it.

I agree that it's best to take an anabolic with test. I posted here because my gear days are long gone, and I wanted to get opinions on the best drug to pair with Deca, for a friend. Instead, I've gotten endless insults and people seem determined to make this thread go on forever! I found my answer elsewhere so I wish people would stop posting. Feel free to not reply to this.
I don't believe all forms of test are identical. What I do know is that I did cyp and it made me crazy. I looked great but was having crying jags and picking fights. I know it was cyp because I got it with a prescription.

As I said here numerous times, my first cycle was only Deca (something I wouldn't recommend with what I know now). I had ZERO side effects! None. How many times do I have to say that? And all my friends who did Deca also loved it: big gains and no side effects. It was extremely popular for that reason.

I found the information I asked for elsewhere - not in this toxic forum.
For sure! All about that DECA only. Cyp makes me nuts. Or maybe that’s tren. I don’t know. I only run gear made in sasflower oil that way it all looks like tren in color. If I buy 10 deca, 2 tren, 4 eq and 6 sust I unlabel all the vials toss it in my cabinet and just starting drawing 1ml of each until I get 3ml. I find this way to work best so I can’t mentally trick myself if I have any negative sides and I can’t blame it on one compound. I figure it even outs the playing field and I’m not biased to one compound fucking with me. As long is the shits getting into my body that’s all care about. Dudes are to calculated with there usage. Base your cycle off the amount of oil not the mg.
I know somebody who died from cyp, shit was crazy.
I believe it. I read a double blind study from 1901 Cyp causing more suicidal thoughts for 89% of volunteers then any other testosterone. It was a fascinating study. They also found PIP from any AAS is related to CYP. Whatever compound people think there running if they had PIP it was bc it was contaminated with CYP. CYP is nothing to fuck with it.
For sure! All about that DECA only. Cyp makes me nuts. Or maybe that’s tren. I don’t know. I only run gear made in sasflower oil that way it all looks like tren in color. If I buy 10 deca, 2 tren, 4 eq and 6 sust I unlabel all the vials toss it in my cabinet and just starting drawing 1ml of each until I get 3ml. I find this way to work best so I can’t mentally trick myself if I have any negative sides and I can’t blame it on one compound. I figure it even outs the playing field and I’m not biased to one compound fucking with me. As long is the shits getting into my body that’s all care about. Dudes are to calculated with there usage. Base your cycle off the amount of oil not the mg.

Why are you even taking the time to write this? Can’t believe people won’t just let this go.
Read again - it’s been said a lot,
Nobody said it's bad. They said it's bad solo. They said it can have side effects. You just refuse to believe that side effects are possible, despite the fact that Deca has far more mental sides than Test ever does. I've run Deca plenty and have almost no side effects similar to you, but many people can have serious mental sides and need to end early. That's why NPP is more popular now because it's a shorter ester so if you need to discontinue, it's out of your system faster.
... for you.

Once you start providing recommendations for someone else then you need to ensure your test subject is aware of the potential issues with your tip (informed consent). You continue to brush off this important piece.

None for me nor for any of the many people I know who used it. It was very popular. Can we please let this go? I’ve made my decision.
I agree that it's best to take an anabolic with test. I posted here because my gear days are long gone, and I wanted to get opinions on the best drug to pair with Deca, for a friend. Instead, I've gotten endless insults and people seem determined to make this thread go on forever! I found my answer elsewhere so I wish people would stop posting. Feel free to not reply to this.
You agree that it's best to take an anabolic with test yet you still came here to ask what to "pair" with deca and argued in favour of deca-only cycles.
You're an idiot.
You agree that it's best to take an anabolic with test yet you still came here to ask what to "pair" with deca and argued in favour of deca-only cycles.
You're an idiot.

More insults. I never argued for deca only. Learn to read. I said my first cycle was deca only, because I didn't know better 35 years ago. There are a number of test options to pair with an anabolic, so I hoped to get some recommendations here. Instead I just got insults. Can't you let this go? Am I that important to you? Please don't reply.
More insults. I never argued for deca only. Learn to read. I said my first cycle was deca only, because I didn't know better 35 years ago. There are a number of test options to pair with an anabolic, so I hoped to get some recommendations here. Instead I just got insults. Can't you let this go? Am I that important to you? Please don't reply.
it’s test, just test. sustanon is multiple esters. get over the cypionate thing and realize that you’re stupid and didn’t manage your estrogen properly so you felt like shit.

My friend is ready to start gear after years of working out. He realizes he has gained all he can without them.

He has a source for nandrolone, which I really like since I used it myself.

What pairs well with that for a first cycle if he wants major gains but not too toxic? He's not in the US so has access to almost everything.

Another injectable or a pill?


Personally if this the type of question you have and you already used deca I believe
1. you are lazy there is so much knowledge on the web you have not put the work into learning or don't have the passion to inform yourself with this life style
2. you have not put enough work and obsession you need to adopt this lifestyle.
3.i think you and your gym buddy are to young or just not mature enough yet.
So pls take hrs and hrs and read learn watch educate yourself so you will be ready and find out how to get the proper labs ordered and actually do them or ur gains will be shit your whole body will take more damage then needed and your sex life will take a shit.
I’ve made my decision.
It's not your decision to make. At least share this info with your friend so he can be better informed before he makes his decision. Your overconfidence in this area is very troubling.

This material only scratches the surface and doesn't do justice to potential mental and sexual sides:

Let me know what your friend thinks about this material. You could spend weeks reading all the material out there about nandrolone freely available on the internet. At the end of the day it is a roll of the dice. You should do better by your "friend".
God I wish you all would let this go. I can find equally bad stuff about and PED. As many of you have done, I trust my personal experience and that of my friends over scare reports. Please stop.