You sound like a complete moron, first of all, saying things like "if you don't support diet and training regime steroids will not do shit" is false, they tested groups of people, people who took steroids and didn't even workout gained more muscle then who workout but didn't took steroids, so shut up about this one, next, natural bodybuilder supports regime 12 month a year, but hes not looking as half as good as steroided newbie in 3 month cycle, 6-7 times a week workout for natural bodybuilder is a crash, when i read from you about working out 7 days a week, i feel like i am chatting to a complete retard, gym is not a problem, if you open your blind eyes, or work at least with 1% of your brian, you can read, i said that i have home gym, i have crossover,bench,legpress, and 14-30kg barbells, i don't understand what's your point to respond to me, if you share no knowledge