For those of you who play the 200mg test game and then add tons of anabolics on top, which do you use? I can't tolerate masteron at any dose.

My ratios are
200 test
150-200 primo , depending on how sensitive you’re to primo AI effects.

Plus either
A) 400-600 deca
B) 350-500 NPP
C) 500-700 tren (for some reason I get more mental sides on lower doses of tren )

Alternative is 200 test and primo. If u run HCG you can crank up primo high because HCG helps
Make e2 in ur testes , and this isnt blocked by primo

My examples

200 test
250 HCG ED
800+ primo

Or if no HCG

200 test
300 primo.
On 200 test and 100 primo weekly + 300iu HCG e3.5D my E2 was far too low at 8. Now if I added 350-700 NPP per week I bet that could work. I may just try that.

Or I could just ditch the primo and run .25mg of adex M/w/f on daily test e injections of 30mg which is what I do now.
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175 test cyp and 100 mast eth every 4th day, seems to hit the spot for this old man. Gonna switch out the mast for primo next and see how that does, pretty tame.
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Presently on about 1200 test / 600 primo and feeling pretty good.

Threw in a little EQ a while back, got my e2 pretty low, so I suspect that when that's finally out of my system my e2 will probably jump up some.
I am going in this direction myself. I just spent the last year with EQ as my "Anchor" and test at a steady 750mg. I reached 292. Labs were great in respect to HCT and RBC, but BP spiked and I am shifting EQ out and bringing in Masteron in its place, with low dose Primo. Keeping test at 750mg, Tren in and out at 150-300mg.

I think HGH + Insulin is the bigger piece of this puzzle than which compounds you choose, when trying to push into freaky size.

All that said, take note I said 750mg Test, not 150mg... Big lists 500mg test, not 150mg. Test doesnt need to be "High" but with experience I think most of us have found (or will find) we grow far better when it's not "Low".

Well, I have to update this, as I know threads like this will get searched and read in the future. After making this post and re-evaluating the gains I had from my last blast. I am going to try cutting test down to 225, "Anchoring" with Mast and EQ at equal doses, low dose tren and focusing on the HGH + Insulin as the primary growth drivers.

Hoping the lower test approach will alleviate BP issues (reducing EQ to assist) that I got once I entered the 280s/290s.
Well, I have to update this, as I know threads like this will get searched and read in the future. After making this post and re-evaluating the gains I had from my last blast. I am going to try cutting test down to 225, "Anchoring" with Mast and EQ at equal doses, low dose tren and focusing on the HGH + Insulin as the primary growth drivers.

Hoping the lower test approach will alleviate BP issues (reducing EQ to assist) that I got once I entered the 280s/290s.
May work well for you. But I know after about 10 weeks of that and I’d have really low and dangerous E2 levels. Once the EQ has been fully saturated for a few weeks. So maybe even as early as week 8-9.

And that’s with no AI. It’s highly individual though. Good luck.
Thing is no using Test as main anchor or growth is so wrong....

Test is a class 1 and 2 steroid, hits the receptors from inside and outside the cells (to say it simple). Stacking class 2 AAS is basically not the best since you don't get any synergy from them.
One example is stacking: Test Npp EQ/Primo like many do.

So when you run low test high anabolics you are loosing a good amount of growth just from the Test.

Using Primo/EQ to avoid using AIs is good, YES; but it depends how much gear you want to use, i would never use like 2g Test 2g Primo/EQ to avoid ais. I would use instead: 2g+ Test 1g Primo 2-300 TrenE and Adex/Aromasin, this way will get all the benefits of Tren even at low dose and keep pushing the Test if you really need more mg and more growth.

AIs are not the devil, too much or too few E2 is the problem.
I noticed I feel the best between 30-50pg/ml, if i hit 36pg/ml or 52pg/ml i don't care too much if i feel fine.

HGH is great
Insulin is nice
Test is best
Say whatever you want but those 3 will make you grow, and this rule works since more than 40 years so, it's not needed to reinvent the wheel.

Then let's say you are on Instagram and you want to show bloods to your followers and show them you are natty from your test levels?
OK then run:
100-200 TestE (to keep total test in natty range 800-1000 maybe)
boatload of tren
boatload of anadrol
(boatload of masteron*)
(boatload of winstrol*)

You will have even more followers, but this is another story, it's not bodybuilding. There are so many influencer that does that.

*when you want to look your best
He's a bad example lol he fucked his prep up. A better indicator is John Jewett.

For myself nandrolone is a nightmare. I'm unable to handle even low doses. The mental sides including anxiety and paranoia are off the charts. Generally feel like shit, lethargy, etc. masteron has no sides for me. I can run grams of it and nothing... I don't run "low testosterone" though. I can handle 500mg test fine then I'll add 500-2g's of Masteron. So far it's a recomping dream. I'm losing bf and adding muscle for months on end while eating right around maintenance maybe slightly at a deficit
yeah but how's your prostate?