From a raw supplier themselves. The downfall continues

Very common and the big labs are multi million dollar businesses at much much less risk if u do not mix rec drugs in your op in many countries.

If, IF shit got bad you would see a long term price spike before anything went sideways. In that sense I'd just fill my safe with a bunch of vials of test U from a reputable lab and whatever I wanted for 10+ years. But then again I'm not 21 anymore and I'm not interested in blasting deca and exotics after realizing what that crap does to your brain and body. I go the Lance Armstrong route these days lol bioidenticals and some inj l carnitine. If I wanna get spicey thats just me upping test and GH.

Maaaybe I'd run some of this var I've had lying around.

Connor either has a mental issue where or is just dumb for it to eat away at him like this. The world will go to hell over global warming maybe that will cut some supply lines down the road before governments all over the world collectively stop raws.

China and india are all about money and so are a bunch of smaller Balkan countries.
Mental issues- no
Does it eat at me- sure, mainly because we are starting to see examples of how the world is changing and how production of things like steroids are eventually going to come to a halt at some point. Wether that’s 1 year or 10 years from now. I mainly hate being lied to from a source. Don’t tell us everything is fine and dandy just to make a couple hundred-thousand of dollars off us.

I get it. The idea of the production completely stopping is far fetched. It could be more along the lines of “most people may not be able to afford it in the future” let’s say a UGL sells test for $30 a vial now- maybe 5 years from now, when the raws are coming harder to get- you’re looking at $100 a vial for a 10 mL test vial. If you need 5, you’re going to be paying at minimum $520 *20 dollars shipping* for just testosterone. Think of how expensive other things would get. That $40 Deca vial might be $130, that $100 primo vial might just sky rocket to 250. The possibility exists. Is it slim? No- it’s not slim at all. Am I going to move forward from this? Yes, I’ve stated my points. I’m no longer invested in trying to solve the mystery. However, don’t think this thread will disappear forever, because when it does happen- I’ll post my screenshots warning people. Other than that, I’ll be doing my daily forum reading
Mental issues- no
Does it eat at me- sure, mainly because we are starting to see examples of how the world is changing and how production of things like steroids are eventually going to come to a halt at some point. Wether that’s 1 year or 10 years from now. I mainly hate being lied to from a source. Don’t tell us everything is fine and dandy just to make a couple hundred-thousand of dollars off us.

I get it. The idea of the production completely stopping is far fetched. It could be more along the lines of “most people may not be able to afford it in the future” let’s say a UGL sells test for $30 a vial now- maybe 5 years from now, when the raws are coming harder to get- you’re looking at $100 a vial for a 10 mL test vial. If you need 5, you’re going to be paying at minimum $520 *20 dollars shipping* for just testosterone. Think of how expensive other things would get. That $40 Deca vial might be $130, that $100 primo vial might just sky rocket to 250. The possibility exists. Is it slim? No- it’s not slim at all. Am I going to move forward from this? Yes, I’ve stated my points. I’m no longer invested in trying to solve the mystery. However, don’t think this thread will disappear forever, because when it does happen- I’ll post my screenshots warning people. Other than that, I’ll be doing my daily forum reading


I am fucking done

Ban this clown
Get the operation out of “Chinyaaaa” so we can get our fucking Var @all sources. Shit annoying as hell. Tried to get some Anavar from a meso source, no luck. Tried to get some from a reputable source on another board. No luck. Then I see this on this Thursday morning
With China basically shutting down all production of AAS raws (most likely due to the upcoming Winter Olympics being held in China), producers ought to consider moving their production to places outside of China. As this will take time no doubt, supply might be impacted till then.
With China basically shutting down all production of AAS raws (most likely due to the upcoming Winter Olympics being held in China), producers ought to consider moving their production to places outside of China. As this will take time no doubt, supply might be impacted till then.
Well people thought I was stupid but yet here we are
Which prediction was that?

There have been shortages of certain compounds before in the past and there will be again in the future. Settle down.
I don’t disagree. At the same time, I think relying on the same outcome every time isn’t a good bet. Especially in a situation like this
How is 1 supplier raising prices on 1 compound because he paid more prove your point?

and it’s awfully quiet because everyone gave up on trying to explain shit to you.
It’s not just Anavar was the point I was trying to make. Dbol, Anadrol, primo, I’ve even heard NPP
Why would I have a picture of a random as my profile picture? Yes it is me
Fuck man you fuckin rock… respect

please stop being a scared dick, trust in the drug market… you owe it to your delts… they just dont know what kind of soul lives in the body they belong… they dont deserve your shitshow… accept your faith… learn to homebrew if you re so scared and spend 2 k on raws… you ll receive all the help you need about homebrewing here… you shouldn’t give a fuck about what the world will do… mind yo business, and as stated above, stock up and learn how to brew if that shit bothers you so much

BA74F70B-0BD9-4797-BFAD-37599A0F11C0.pngI WARNED ALL OF YOU!!!! But everyone thought I was a fool! My, how the tables have turned. Just like that- goodbye underground steroids
Not all sources are saying it’s the end game. However, most of the ones that are saying everything is fine are just trying to keep us at ease and not worry so we will buy their products. Again, I really don’t care if you believe me or not. The facts speak for themselves. The trajectory shows what’s going on and now we have a raws source themselves telling us that steroid raws are stopping. Opinions are different. However, I am using data, evidence and looking at the trajectory when I give my opinion. As I said, it pisses me off that steroid supply is dying because of this BS. That’s why I bring it to the attention of everyone. Nonetheless, when it DOES happen, one of the vets that are denying it will be one of the ones to step up and say “I knew it. I tried to warn you”
Your an idiot, you fell for the scare tactics so you buy more just in case.