From a raw supplier themselves. The downfall continues

Lol people said the same shit after the Beijing Olympics years ago and operation raw deal. You guys are starting to sound like idiots.

No this not the end of steroids, where there is money to be made they willl be produced. Get some better sources or move to Canada I guess every single source up here has nothing out of stock, the big labs atleast.

Or buy yourself 40 bottles of test U and an assload of generic GH so you stop shivering in your bed at night. Unless you're a pro your brain and body will thank you for not blasting Tren and deca anyways.
I’ve actually considered just getting back into track and field now that all this continues to go downhill. It’s not just this new source. It goes deeper than that. Every source that supplies raws and oils has spoke on this issue many times in the last 1 and 1/2 months
There way to much money in aas, another country weither it be Mexico or India or Malaysia one of them will pick up the slack, they will move the machines and open up faculty over there, Mexico is legit a narco state where there is money to be made they will make it, srcs are just gunna have to test there raws from now on and any that aren't shouldn't be used or fucked with.... And Iv seen plenty of srcs going out of stock and then back into stock so clearly there's raws being made it's just becoming more competitive, there way to much money at stake for shit to just stop, and it's not just the pollution issue the main thing right now is that China has a Ban on any factories being open and operating cause of covid so there just isn't as much work and ingridents they need being delivered so they can produce stuff.... And if things do get to a point where raws are legitly needed another country will for sure pick up the slack expecially countries where it's poorer.... Infact iv already heard of some things taking place
Obsessive compulsive disorder.
You do seem obsessed with this shit.
Back in the early 2005 I believe there was (Operation gear grinder) in Mexico.
The dea said this would end more than 80% of steroid use in the USA
we thought it was over but it didnt make a difference dude , like these guys say when there a will theres a way or a demand.
Were talking a 50 million dollar a year operation bud someone will fill it.
Not all sources are saying it’s the end game. However, most of the ones that are saying everything is fine are just trying to keep us at ease and not worry so we will buy their products.
If it was really going downhill, I believe the vast majority of sources would actually be hyping this up so that people would try to stock up snd they'd buy more??