From a raw supplier themselves. The downfall continues

@Mcflyfast, I'm sure Connor might take you up on that one. Got nothing against him just his conspiracy theories make me laugh though. He can do well if he just listens to smart people.

And what kind of board is SM anyway? Another eroids or Evo kind of place?
@Mcflyfast, I'm sure Connor might take you up on that one...

I honestly don't care if he does or doesn't.

I am not going to force anyone to listen.

I been around for awhile. I done alot of cycles...... Highest was 1.2-1.3g+ when I was competing at the Nationals.

If classic was around back then, I deff would of done very well as I am a smaller jointed guy and have flow.......

He is the same guy who said testosterone alone won't have you grow..... LOL

I was talking to @AlwaysHungry recently about our first cycles and I remember it like yesterday, 1 amp of Greece Norma test e. 0.6cc Monday/ 0.6cc Thursday 300mg total in those amps (Pharma always have extra hormone) and I put on 16-19lbs within 12 weeks easy! 25 years old.

From there, I stayed with testosterone only cycles for awhile because they worked so good. About my 4th cycle I cranked it up 1.2cc Monday/1.2cc Thursday 600mg total and made another leap in weight. Another 12 lbs........ You always start with the minimal dose and once you exhaust your cards (Nutrition, training) then you slowly go up again. If you start immediately that high, where are you going to go from there? I guarantee he would make the same progress on 1/3 of what he is taking. Just because you blast all that DOESN'T mean you will grow muscle faster...... That's not how this works.... Yeah you will put alot of weight and most will be excess water retention from all the estrogen/Progesterone bloat. Plus, he is going to feel like shit with that amount of Test/Deca/Dbol off the rip.

Btw, when I ran Karachi Pakistan Organon Deca Durabolins, 300-400mg was more than plenty. Anything more than 400mg made me feel like SHIT. There is an interview with John Meadows talking about doses he done as well.

He also talks about the same Karachi Organon Decas I used too.


But what do I know....
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As long as rich people and politicians need coke, the black market for all kinds of drugs will remain alive.

What was even the reason for banning PED's? Wasn't a big health issue in any way and sports federations are drug tested anyway. I think they aligned PED'S with weapons, pussies want to ban freedom and masculinity in general, but estrogen and finasteride is freely available ofc.
As long as rich people and politicians need coke, the black market for all kinds of drugs will remain alive.

What was even the reason for banning PED's? Wasn't a big health issue in any way and sports federations are drug tested anyway. I think they aligned PED'S with weapons, pussies want to ban freedom and masculinity in general, but estrogen and finasteride is freely available ofc.
Our good President Joe Biden made the push for making steroids a controlled substance cause.... Baseball. He was still bitter because his son couldn't make it to the Pros and blamed it on the "cheating" that evidently all professionals in the MLB were doing and why his "good" son didn't have the opportunity, rather than admitting his son just wasn't talented enough. Steroids were obviously cheating.

Then there was the Taylor Hooten Foundation. Poor Taylor had some depression and was on SSRIs. He also took a little steroids unbeknownst to his loving parents. Then Taylor decided to drop his SSRIs, instead of weaning himself off. When the depression hit, it hit hard and he unfortunately hung himself in his bedroom. His parents blamed the steroids that their son was taking for.... baseball. They also started a "nonprofit" Foundation to educate the misguided youth on the dangers of PEDs. Mr. Hooten pays himself a nice salary to be the Chairman, enough where he could comfortably quit his regular job.

There's a stigma attached to steroids that they are the "magic pill" where those that take them somehow don't have to work as hard, don't have to put in as much effort or time. They are a "shortcut". We all know that's not true. The health implications have been embellished as well. So much so that when Biden led his campaign on making steroids illegal, both the FDA and DEA resisted adding the drugs to the controlled substance list as they didn't agree the drugs met the definitions of controlled substances.
Our good President Joe Biden made the push for making steroids a controlled substance cause.... Baseball. He was still bitter because his son couldn't make it to the Pros and blamed it on the "cheating" that evidently all professionals in the MLB were doing and why his "good" son didn't have the opportunity, rather than admitting his son just wasn't talented enough. Steroids were obviously cheating.

Then there was the Taylor Hooten Foundation. Poor Taylor had some depression and was on SSRIs. He also took a little steroids unbeknownst to his loving parents. Then Taylor decided to drop his SSRIs, instead of weaning himself off. When the depression hit, it hit hard and he unfortunately hung himself in his bedroom. His parents blamed the steroids that their son was taking for.... baseball. They also started a "nonprofit" Foundation to educate the misguided youth on the dangers of PEDs. Mr. Hooten pays himself a nice salary to be the Chairman, enough where he could comfortably quit his regular job.

There's a stigma attached to steroids that they are the "magic pill" where those that take them somehow don't have to work as hard, don't have to put in as much effort or time. They are a "shortcut". We all know that's not true. The health implications have been embellished as well. So much so that when Biden led his campaign on making steroids illegal, both the FDA and DEA resisted adding the drugs to the controlled substance list as they didn't agree the drugs met the definitions of controlled substances.
You seem knowledgable on the subject. The politicians of course went with individual cases because real statistics would show that something was wrong with the individual and not the PED's.

So many people are going on full soy diets, drink estrogen contaminated water, use plastics that ruin their natty test levels but having cheap legal options instead of going through 4 doctors for an overpriced prescription is impossible...
Our good President Joe Biden made the push for making steroids a controlled substance cause.... Baseball. He was still bitter because his son couldn't make it to the Pros and blamed it on the "cheating" that evidently all professionals in the MLB were doing and why his "good" son didn't have the opportunity, rather than admitting his son just wasn't talented enough. Steroids were obviously cheating.

Then there was the Taylor Hooten Foundation. Poor Taylor had some depression and was on SSRIs. He also took a little steroids unbeknownst to his loving parents. Then Taylor decided to drop his SSRIs, instead of weaning himself off. When the depression hit, it hit hard and he unfortunately hung himself in his bedroom. His parents blamed the steroids that their son was taking for.... baseball. They also started a "nonprofit" Foundation to educate the misguided youth on the dangers of PEDs. Mr. Hooten pays himself a nice salary to be the Chairman, enough where he could comfortably quit his regular job.

There's a stigma attached to steroids that they are the "magic pill" where those that take them somehow don't have to work as hard, don't have to put in as much effort or time. They are a "shortcut". We all know that's not true. The health implications have been embellished as well. So much so that when Biden led his campaign on making steroids illegal, both the FDA and DEA resisted adding the drugs to the controlled substance list as they didn't agree the drugs met the definitions of controlled substances.
Since that is the case; why would he not try and ban them entirely? Surely he isn’t an idiot and he understands where the stuff comes from to make steroids. Would it not just take a simple law to put steroids on halt? I’m not much into politics so I don’t know. I do know he is, was, and always will be a piece of shit
Since that is the case; why would he not try and ban them entirely? Surely he isn’t an idiot and he understands where the stuff comes from to make steroids. Would it not just take a simple law to put steroids on halt? I’m not much into politics so I don’t know. I do know he is, was, and always will be a piece of shit
How would he ban the production in China or India? Also why do you think laws work? Athletes are still using them and we’ve made it illegal to produce, manufacture, import, sell or use several drugs but I can travel to any club where I live and get my hands on anything.
Since that is the case; why would he not try and ban them entirely? Surely he isn’t an idiot and he understands where the stuff comes from to make steroids. Would it not just take a simple law to put steroids on halt? I’m not much into politics so I don’t know. I do know he is, was, and always will be a piece of shit

Connor? The USA doesn’t make global laws. Your comment is so stupid. Why not make a law that Columbia doesn’t make coke? Hey, how about a law that Afghanistan doesn’t grow opium poppies. Even when we were IN Afghanistan we couldn’t stop the opium poppy export. That’s what supplies the heroin trade.

Just make a law? How would the USA enforce it? Send police into China?

My god. Please tell us you are autistic. We’ll stop picking on you.
Connor? The USA doesn’t make global laws. Your comment is so stupid. Why not make a law that Columbia doesn’t make coke? Hey, how about a law that Afghanistan doesn’t grow opium poppies. Even when we were IN Afghanistan we couldn’t stop the opium poppy export. That’s what supplies the heroin trade.

Just make a law? How would the USA enforce it? Send police into China?

My god. Please tell us you are autistic. We’ll stop picking on you.
Yeah I am starting to feel bad for Connor as he fell into the deep end of the pool...

Just had to change my avatar as my old one disappeared.
I just read through this thread in its entirety and I’m definitely leaving a dumber person for having done so.

Only fools buy steroids off of the clear net.
Connor? The USA doesn’t make global laws. Your comment is so stupid. Why not make a law that Columbia doesn’t make coke? Hey, how about a law that Afghanistan doesn’t grow opium poppies. Even when we were IN Afghanistan we couldn’t stop the opium poppy export. That’s what supplies the heroin trade.

Just make a law? How would the USA enforce it? Send police into China?

My god. Please tell us you are autistic. We’ll stop picking on you.
I was thinking more along the lines of stopping importing goods from other countries. Anything that comes in must be fully expected in customs. But like i said, i don’t know if that’s even a possibility.
I was thinking more along the lines of stopping importing goods from other countries. Anything that comes in must be fully expected in customs. But like i said, i don’t know if that’s even a possibility.
As someone who deals with a lot of cross border shipments, that’s not even a possibility without employing half the population as border inspection agents and making the lead time to get anything 6+ months.

Just stop, man. Do you have any idea how much volume just the east coast ports in North American do in a day? Are you going to rip apart every truck coming from Canada and Mexico?
I was thinking more along the lines of stopping importing goods from other countries. Anything that comes in must be fully expected in customs. But like i said, i don’t know if that’s even a possibility.
Do you know how much money, time and man power that would take?
I was thinking more along the lines of stopping importing goods from other countries. Anything that comes in must be fully expected in customs. But like i said, i don’t know if that’s even a possibility.

Yep. Totally plausible.

C’mon Connor, you managed to get past the retarded Clearnet vs Darknet shit. For a little bit we actually LIKED you. And then what happened? Did you go off your meds? This latest theory of yours is even MORE retarded. Put it behind you. This is DUMB.

Is this really what you want to define you here? Constant unreasonable bullshit? Take a break from steroids, see if you feel better. This isn’t really for you.
I am getting concerned for you Connor. This thread you backslid into wild theories that make no good sense.
I was thinking more along the lines of stopping importing goods from other countries. Anything that comes in must be fully expected in customs. But like i said, i don’t know if that’s even a possibility.
Customs doesn't have near the manpower to inspect everything and there's no way it would be remotely practical. BTW steroids are already banned. They are fucking illegal.

Fuck me Connor the shit that goes through your mind is puzzling to say the least.

Why don't you take a break from the city, training, your moms basement or whatever desk job you have and go out to the countryside and breathe some fresh air.
Connor? The USA doesn’t make global laws. Your comment is so stupid. Why not make a law that Columbia doesn’t make coke? Hey, how about a law that Afghanistan doesn’t grow opium poppies. Even when we were IN Afghanistan we couldn’t stop the opium poppy export. That’s what supplies the heroin trade.

Just make a law? How would the USA enforce it? Send police into China?

My god. Please tell us you are autistic. We’ll stop picking on you.
Your on fire big guy!! For some reason everything you post leaves me feeling better and more educated!
Yep. Totally plausible.

C’mon Connor, you managed to get past the retarded Clearnet vs Darknet shit. For a little bit we actually LIKED you. And then what happened? Did you go off your meds? This latest theory of yours is even MORE retarded. Put it behind you. This is DUMB.

Is this really what you want to define you here? Constant unreasonable bullshit? Take a break from steroids, see if you feel better. This isn’t really for you.
I will say my first theory was complete shit. However, this one is more than plausible. Raws for steroids have been showing they aren’t what they were. Might stay stagnant for a bit, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it continues to get worse. Can it get better? Absolutely. But to be skeptical is more than appropriate
I will say my first theory was complete shit. However, this one is more than plausible. Raws for steroids have been showing they aren’t what they were. Might stay stagnant for a bit, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it continues to get worse. Can it get better? Absolutely. But to be skeptical is more than appropriate
Finally you are right about something, it was shit.

How are they showing they aren’t what they were though? With you nit-picking one sample out of 10? I just don’t see how things are changing much at all.