Gap to Raise Minimum Hourly Pay

Read this at townhall the other day. I think it makes some valid points that don't get discussed that much....

Democrats believe they've hit on the perfect issue to distract from the horror of Obamacare in the 2014 elections: the minimum wage.

Apparently, increasing the minimum wage was not important for American workers during the first five years of Obama's presidency -- least of all his first two years, when Democrats controlled Congress and could have passed anything. (And did!)

No. The minimum wage did not become a pressing concern until an election year in which the public's hatred of Obamacare is expected to be the central issue.

As The New York Times explained, Democrats see the minimum wage as an issue that "will place Republican candidates in a difficult position," and also as a tool "to enlarge the electorate in a nonpresidential election, when turnout among minorities and youths typically drops off."

(Unlike Republicans, Democrats consider it important to win elections.)

To most people, it seems as if the Democrats are giving workers something for nothing. But there are always tradeoffs. No serious economist denies that increasing the minimum wage will cost jobs. If it's not worth paying someone $10 an hour to do something, the job will be eliminated -- or it simply won't be created.

The minimum wage is the perfect Democratic issue. It will screw the very people it claims to help, while making Democrats look like saviors of the working class, either by getting them a higher wage or providing them with generous government benefits when they lose their jobs because of the mandatory wage hike.

Of course, the reason American workers’ wages are so low in the first place is because of the Democrats' policies on immigration. Republicans might want to point that out.

Since the late 1960s, the Democrats have been dumping about a million low-skilled immigrants on the country every year, driving down wages, especially at the lower end of the spectrum.

According to Harvard economist George Borjas, our immigration policies have reduced American wages by $402 billion a year -- while increasing profits for employers by $437 billion a year. (That's minus what they have to pay to the government in taxes to support their out-of-work former employees. Of course, we're all forced to share that tax burden.)

Or, as the White House puts it on its website promoting an increase in the minimum wage, "Today, the real value of the minimum wage has fallen by nearly one-third since its peak in 1968."

Why were wages so high until 1968? Because that's when Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act kicked in, bringing in about a million immigrants a year, almost 90 percent of them unskilled workers from the Third World.

Our immigration policies massively redistribute wealth from the poorest Americans to the richest. It's a basic law of economics that when the supply goes up, the price goes down. More workers means the price of their labor plummets.

Unfortunately, politicians spend a lot more time talking to rich employers than to working-class Americans. And the rich apparently have an insatiable appetite for cheap labor.

Having artificially created a glut of low-wage workers, now Democrats want to artificially raise their wages.

It's win-win-win-win-win for Democrats.

-- Employees who get a higher minimum wage are grateful to the Democrats.

-- Employees who lose their jobs because of the minimum wage hike are grateful to the Democrats for generous government handouts.

-- Poor immigrants who need government benefits are grateful to the Democrats.

-- American businesses enjoying the deluge of cheap labor are grateful to the Democrats.

-- Democratic politicians guaranteed re-election by virtue of ethnic bloc voting are grateful to the Democrats.

Do Republicans have any principles at all? Why isn't the GOP demanding an end to this dump of unskilled workers/Democratic voters on the country?

Democrats show how much they love the poor by importing a million more of them to America each year. But then they prevent the last batch of poor immigrants from getting decent, well-paying jobs by bringing in another million poor people the next year.

You want a higher minimum wage? Turn off the spigot of low-wage workers pouring in to the U.S. and it will rise on its own through the iron law of supply and demand.

In response to the Democrats' minimum wage proposal, Republicans should introduce a bill ending both legal and illegal immigration until the minimum wage rises naturally to $14 an hour.

Australia has a $15 minimum wage for adults -- more than twice the U.S. minimum wage. Meanwhile, their official unemployment rate is lower than ours: 6 percent compared to 6.6 percent in the U.S. -- and that's with a lousy $7.25 minimum wage.

Sound good? Try immigrating there. Australia has some of the most restrictive immigration policies in the world. Their approach to immigration is to admit only people who will be good for Australia. (Weird!) Applicants are evaluated on a point system that gives preference to youth, English proficiency, education and skill level.

Similarly, New Zealand will soon have an official minimum wage of $14.25 for adults. Even our Democrats aren't proposing that! New Zealand's minimum wage hit $10.10 -- the Democrats' current proposal for us -- back in 2006. Their unemployment rate is also 6 percent -- up from several years of 4 percent unemployment a few years ago.

Like Australia, New Zealand's immigration laws are based on helping New Zealand, not on helping other countries get rid of their poor people, which is our policy.

Instead of training the citizenry to look at the government as our paternal benefactor, distributing minimum wage laws and unemployment benefits in important election years, why don't Republicans put an end to the artificial glut of low-wage, low-skilled workers being imposed on the country by our immigration laws?

Republicans could guarantee a $14 minimum wage simply by closing the pipeline of more than 1 million poor immigrants coming in every year.

Businessmen will gripe, but maybe the GOP could explain to their Chamber of Commerce friends that they will help them by slashing oppressive regulations, reining in government bureaucracies, passing tort reform, etc. They'll also be able to cut taxes because the welfare state will shrink, a result of Americans going back to work.

But if the plutocrats insist on admitting another 30 million Democratic voters in order to get ever-cheaper labor, then, soon, Republicans won't be in a position to help them at all.
Read this at townhall the other day. I think it makes some valid points that don't get discussed that much....

Democrats believe they've hit on the perfect issue to distract from the horror of Obamacare in the 2014 elections: the minimum wage.

Apparently, increasing the minimum wage was not important for American workers during the first five years of Obama's presidency -- least of all his first two years, when Democrats controlled Congress and could have passed anything. (And did!)

No. The minimum wage did not become a pressing concern until an election year in which the public's hatred of Obamacare is expected to be the central issue.

As The New York Times explained, Democrats see the minimum wage as an issue that "will place Republican candidates in a difficult position," and also as a tool "to enlarge the electorate in a nonpresidential election, when turnout among minorities and youths typically drops off."

(Unlike Republicans, Democrats consider it important to win elections.)

To most people, it seems as if the Democrats are giving workers something for nothing. But there are always tradeoffs. No serious economist denies that increasing the minimum wage will cost jobs. If it's not worth paying someone $10 an hour to do something, the job will be eliminated -- or it simply won't be created.

The minimum wage is the perfect Democratic issue. It will screw the very people it claims to help, while making Democrats look like saviors of the working class, either by getting them a higher wage or providing them with generous government benefits when they lose their jobs because of the mandatory wage hike.

Of course, the reason American workers’ wages are so low in the first place is because of the Democrats' policies on immigration. Republicans might want to point that out.

Since the late 1960s, the Democrats have been dumping about a million low-skilled immigrants on the country every year, driving down wages, especially at the lower end of the spectrum.

According to Harvard economist George Borjas, our immigration policies have reduced American wages by $402 billion a year -- while increasing profits for employers by $437 billion a year. (That's minus what they have to pay to the government in taxes to support their out-of-work former employees. Of course, we're all forced to share that tax burden.)

Or, as the White House puts it on its website promoting an increase in the minimum wage, "Today, the real value of the minimum wage has fallen by nearly one-third since its peak in 1968."

Why were wages so high until 1968? Because that's when Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act kicked in, bringing in about a million immigrants a year, almost 90 percent of them unskilled workers from the Third World.

Our immigration policies massively redistribute wealth from the poorest Americans to the richest. It's a basic law of economics that when the supply goes up, the price goes down. More workers means the price of their labor plummets.

Unfortunately, politicians spend a lot more time talking to rich employers than to working-class Americans. And the rich apparently have an insatiable appetite for cheap labor.

Having artificially created a glut of low-wage workers, now Democrats want to artificially raise their wages.

It's win-win-win-win-win for Democrats.

-- Employees who get a higher minimum wage are grateful to the Democrats.

-- Employees who lose their jobs because of the minimum wage hike are grateful to the Democrats for generous government handouts.

-- Poor immigrants who need government benefits are grateful to the Democrats.

-- American businesses enjoying the deluge of cheap labor are grateful to the Democrats.

-- Democratic politicians guaranteed re-election by virtue of ethnic bloc voting are grateful to the Democrats.

Do Republicans have any principles at all? Why isn't the GOP demanding an end to this dump of unskilled workers/Democratic voters on the country?

Democrats show how much they love the poor by importing a million more of them to America each year. But then they prevent the last batch of poor immigrants from getting decent, well-paying jobs by bringing in another million poor people the next year.

You want a higher minimum wage? Turn off the spigot of low-wage workers pouring in to the U.S. and it will rise on its own through the iron law of supply and demand.

In response to the Democrats' minimum wage proposal, Republicans should introduce a bill ending both legal and illegal immigration until the minimum wage rises naturally to $14 an hour.

Australia has a $15 minimum wage for adults -- more than twice the U.S. minimum wage. Meanwhile, their official unemployment rate is lower than ours: 6 percent compared to 6.6 percent in the U.S. -- and that's with a lousy $7.25 minimum wage.

Sound good? Try immigrating there. Australia has some of the most restrictive immigration policies in the world. Their approach to immigration is to admit only people who will be good for Australia. (Weird!) Applicants are evaluated on a point system that gives preference to youth, English proficiency, education and skill level.

Similarly, New Zealand will soon have an official minimum wage of $14.25 for adults. Even our Democrats aren't proposing that! New Zealand's minimum wage hit $10.10 -- the Democrats' current proposal for us -- back in 2006. Their unemployment rate is also 6 percent -- up from several years of 4 percent unemployment a few years ago.

Like Australia, New Zealand's immigration laws are based on helping New Zealand, not on helping other countries get rid of their poor people, which is our policy.

Instead of training the citizenry to look at the government as our paternal benefactor, distributing minimum wage laws and unemployment benefits in important election years, why don't Republicans put an end to the artificial glut of low-wage, low-skilled workers being imposed on the country by our immigration laws?

Republicans could guarantee a $14 minimum wage simply by closing the pipeline of more than 1 million poor immigrants coming in every year.

Businessmen will gripe, but maybe the GOP could explain to their Chamber of Commerce friends that they will help them by slashing oppressive regulations, reining in government bureaucracies, passing tort reform, etc. They'll also be able to cut taxes because the welfare state will shrink, a result of Americans going back to work.

But if the plutocrats insist on admitting another 30 million Democratic voters in order to get ever-cheaper labor, then, soon, Republicans won't be in a position to help them at all.

Can you print the condensed version please? :)
The main problem is the fed just printing money out of thin air . It creates inflation and makes all our money worth less. Then you have to invest your money in a bullshit market in hopes of beating inflation , not to mention coming out ahead. That's if your even lucky enough to make enough to invest. Raising the minimum wage is just an attempt to keep the ponzi scheme going.

If your eyes are open, you are scared about this one. But dont worry, the Chinese and Putan have our best interest at heart.
Why is it that someone is always telling me if I spend just a penitence more of my salary in taxes or min wage raise that the world will be a better place? Everybody has this thing figured out, and for some reason it always cost me money.
How about you and your friends pay the extra in taxes, and min wage fee at walmart, restaurants, and where ever else on a voluntary basis?

Who said you have to spend more? Don't shop at walmart if the 47 cents bothers you. DD pointed out two successful companies that pay their employees a decent wage for their level of skill and education. You are bitching about taxes, but guess what? At this point in time, a majority of those under-qualified walmart workers are costing you money whether you shop there or not. Besides the fact, walmart would still be successful if they picked up the tab for all their workers on the public dime. Why is it that you guys drink the corporate kool-aid and think the working poor are the enemy? LET THEM (corporate America) pick up the tab and let the middle class get some breathing room.
I would love to sit here and complain about taxes. Why is it that I cannot deduct the cost of my commute from my taxes? Whether I take the train or drive, pay tolls, and parking, it costs me min $100 a week. In fact, I avg. 20,000 miles per year on my work truck. Maintenance and depreciation are not tax deductible for me either. That's money spent solely to earn a living.
Listen to this shit. I claim single1 all year , when I file I'm married5. I get a good chunck back. Well I just got my taxes done. I had to file last year's state return as income on this year's federal!! So that raised my adjusted gross income 3k$ . Fucking really? I gave the state free money over a year , when they returned it to me they tax it?
I might as well claim exempt all year and pay what I owe at the end.
Withholding from paychecks is one of the greatest tricks played on the American people. A little here and a little there, make the employer match some, and no one gets too mad or notices how much we are actually sending in to the Government.

If we all had to pay out taxes in a lump sum at the end of the year, no employer matching, the shit would hit the fan real quick and people would wake up.
Any one who is self-employed or runs a business knows what I am talking about, those quarterly payments are a bitch.

I am for the flat tax with a sliding scale, no employer matching, no refunding your own money, minimal expense to enforce, everyone pays some and the rich pay the most.
Listen to this shit. I claim single1 all year , when I file I'm married5. I get a good chunck back. Well I just got my taxes done. I had to file last year's state return as income on this year's federal!! So that raised my adjusted gross income 3k$ . Fucking really? I gave the state free money over a year , when they returned it to me they tax it?
I might as well claim exempt all year and pay what I owe at the end.

You got taxed twice on that money. Fucking scumbags.
Who said you have to spend more? Don't shop at walmart if the 47 cents bothers you. DD pointed out two successful companies that pay their employees a decent wage for their level of skill and education. You are bitching about taxes, but guess what? At this point in time, a majority of those under-qualified walmart workers are costing you money whether you shop there or not. Besides the fact, walmart would still be successful if they picked up the tab for all their workers on the public dime. Why is it that you guys drink the corporate kool-aid and think the working poor are the enemy? LET THEM (corporate America) pick up the tab and let the middle class get some breathing room.
I would love to sit here and complain about taxes. Why is it that I cannot deduct the cost of my commute from my taxes? Whether I take the train or drive, pay tolls, and parking, it costs me min $100 a week. In fact, I avg. 20,000 miles per year on my work truck. Maintenance and depreciation are not tax deductible for me either. That's money spent solely to earn a living.
Bucky, I havnt misquoted you--show some decency and dont do it to me.

Raising the min wage wont work. Moving the economy will. But just for sport tell me what the min wage should be in your professional opinion? Tell me what you would pay your unskilled help and why you would pay them that figure. If your honest you will then tell what flavor the koolaid is.:)

One more thing. Why is everybody worried about what Corporate America makes? What the rich have? Ive lived and worked all over the world...NEWS FLASH.. Our poor are doing pretty fukn well in comparison. Lack of exposure/travel/ignorance help fuel this suffering poor argument.
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Ill pickup on the fun later....Ive got to go to walmart[:eek:)] Fuks have a better selection of tropical fish than Petco. WTF?
Bucky, I havnt misquoted you--show some decency and dont do it to me.

Raising the min wage wont work. Moving the economy will. But just for sport tell me what the min wage should be in your professional opinion? Tell me what you would pay your unskilled help and why you would pay them that figure. If your honest you will then tell what flavor the koolaid is.:)

One more thing. Why is everybody worried about what Corporate America makes? What the rich have? Ive lived and worked all over the world...NEWS FLASH.. Our poor are doing pretty fukn well in comparison. Lack of exposure/travel/ignorance help fuel this suffering poor argument.

Enough so the employees on public assistance won't qualify to receive it anymore.
I am concerned with what corporate America makes because the disparity between what the average middle class family makes compared to the cost of living is at an all time low. I don't have the graph in front of me right now, but since the 50's it's been on a steady decline.
Coincidentally, the amount earners at the top tier have seen their income grow exponentially in comparison. There is no reason why these fat cats can't open their wallets and pay the people that made them rich enough so you and I don't have to supplement their income/benefits.
Ill pickup on the fun later....Ive got to go to walmart[:eek:)] Fuks have a better selection of tropical fish than Petco. WTF?
Let me know if you see any former farmers working there;)
Carter murdered family farming. In order to bring in his friendly corporate farming friends. I was raised in one of the most fertile areas of the country. Highly coveted by corporate farms. With the help of Carter the Corp. farms still own much of it.
My family did not farm, but we were witness of what a piece of crap Carter was and is. He ruined the lives/lifestyle/employment of many of our friends. It was heartbreaking to watch our friends and their grandparents be put off of their farms.
Any good that could somehow be attributed to Carter means nothing in comparison to the bad he did. He is just a phony closet dick with a good southern accent. Im from the south myself, and in my parts its blaspheme to call Carter a southerner. I will not dance at his funeral, but I will probably have to tie my shoes together not to.
What Carter did is what Obama does.........Crony Socialism. When the politicians get involved the little man pays the fiddler.
Crony Capitalism is when wall street helps its buddies.

I was as usual the best looking man, woman, child, and tranny at walmart.:D
Did I see you there? In your roustabout scooter right?:)
GreekGod has tapped the nail on the head... The Fed Res. is the problem...along with Too big too fail banks.

if you have any questions research the banking systems derivative markets.