Gear talk at the gym


I wondering what other members experience is with talking about gear at the gym? I’m mainly looking for experiences, positive or negative talking about TRT, blast & cruise, cycles, ect… what was the fallout if any and each persons policy on talking about AAS at the gym, parking lot included. Here’s mine:

Generally, I can spot guys who are on gear really well especially guys 30-60. After months of working out around each other it seems to organically come up with TRT as the safe zone discussion start. Once that’s established we often will talk more freely about B&C and some guys have the same passion and knowledge base I do. Then we will occasionally talk about stuff out of earshot of others and it kinda feels like a “club” almost. So far I’ve had 0 negative fallout and only positive interactions with my organic discussion method.

For example; Just yesterday one of the 55year old retired pro powerlifters was lamenting how gear was crap these days and then we had a fantastic discussion for an hour in the parking lot where I airdropped my favorite sources and told him how to buy BTC. He was floored with the selection, pricing, HPLC testing, ect… it made his day/year and I felt great sharing.
I wondering what other members experience is with talking about jelqing at the gym? I’m mainly looking for experiences, positive or negative talking about jelq, penis pump, hanging, ect… what was the fallout if any and each persons policy on talking about male genital enhancement at the gym, parking lot included. Here’s mine:

Generally, I can spot guys who pump really well especially guys 30-60. After months of working out around each other it seems to organically come up with jelqing as the safe zone discussion start. Once that’s established we often will talk more freely about getting horny from it and some guys have the same passion and knowledge base I do. Then we will occasionally talk about stuff out of earshot of others and it kinda feels like a “club” almost. So far I’ve had 0 negative fallout and only positive interactions with my organic discussion method.

For example; Just yesterday one of the 55year old retired pro powerlifters was lamenting how his dick was crap these days and then we had a fantastic discussion for an hour in the parking lot where I airdropped my favorite penis pump and told him how to buy it on amazon. He was floored with the tube selection, pricing, testing, ect… it made his day/year and I felt great sharing.
My gym only has two members but they are pretty open with everything. I’ve even seen them have sex on some of the equipment. Really wild
Some people have asked if I use, and I did not lie. I do not give full details, but I don't lie about it either.
They thanked me for being honnest and open.

I have spotted some users, but have not discussed the subject with them.

I wonder what they might say :p
I wondering what other members experience is with talking about gear at the gym? I’m mainly looking for experiences, positive or negative talking about TRT, blast & cruise, cycles, ect… what was the fallout if any and each persons policy on talking about AAS at the gym, parking lot included. Here’s mine:

Generally, I can spot guys who are on gear really well especially guys 30-60. After months of working out around each other it seems to organically come up with TRT as the safe zone discussion start. Once that’s established we often will talk more freely about B&C and some guys have the same passion and knowledge base I do. Then we will occasionally talk about stuff out of earshot of others and it kinda feels like a “club” almost. So far I’ve had 0 negative fallout and only positive interactions with my organic discussion method.

For example; Just yesterday one of the 55year old retired pro powerlifters was lamenting how gear was crap these days and then we had a fantastic discussion for an hour in the parking lot where I airdropped my favorite sources and told him how to buy BTC. He was floored with the selection, pricing, HPLC testing, ect… it made his day/year and I felt great sharing.
First rule of fight club is You never talk about fight club….
Is this golden rule based on experience of poor outcomes or is this just caution? I’m not disagreeing as not talking about fight club is the only truly safe path, talking to anyone opens potentials.
Is this golden rule based on experience of poor outcomes or is this just caution? I’m not disagreeing as not talking about fight club is the only truly safe path, talking to anyone opens potentials.
It's hard to discuss gear use with the younger crowd IMO but maybe only with people I do trust I'd be a bit more open.
Depends if were I reside at the time, drug possession is legal or illegal.

Either way I don't talk about it.
my gym is full of brocoli top gym shark bros who have never ran anything but are "gonna run some tren soon" lol

Ive discussed gear with a couple of the other serious lifters at my gym but that was it
my gym is full of brocoli top gym shark bros who have never ran anything but are "gonna run some tren soon" lol

Ive discussed gear with a couple of the other serious lifters at my gym but that was it
Lol @ broccoli tops...yea there's quite a few of those at my gym.
Lol @ broccoli tops...yea there's quite a few of those at my gym.
thats 90% of the gym goers at the gym I go to now. Wear gymshark, work out in socks, and hit "classic" poses in between every set showing off those massive 14 inch pipes. But they "don't want to get too big neither, just want to be the same size as cbum"

not to sound like a dick cause everyone's gotta start somewhere, but this new generation of lifters all think they're hot shit. Miss my old hardcore gym where I used to live
thats 90% of the gym goers at the gym I go to now. Wear gymshark, work out in socks, and hit "classic" poses in between every set showing off those massive 14 inch pipes. But they "don't want to get too big neither, just want to be the same size as cbum"

not to sound like a dick cause everyone's gotta start somewhere, but this new generation of lifters all think they're hot shit. Miss my old hardcore gym where I used to live
Yeah I know that, but to me I wouldn't want to get into gear discussions with those who look like twigs and curl just to impress the girls. I'd tell them to eat more, train more and stay off the damn Instagram and TikTok while at the gym!
Yeah it’s wide open PED discussion inside and outside my gyms. In my area gear use is not a big deal. Nobody cares. Probably a quarter of local law enforcement on gears too. It’s widely viewed as something that is going to make you better and more capable. And with a local history of moonshine runnin’, it’s just a technicality that it is illegal Lol.

Nobody is pinning anything out in the open in the locker room at either of my gyms around 8am when I’m there but most everyone feels comfortable discussing it. It’s nbd around here and it’s pretty easy to tell who’s on.
It's still a parking lot or whispered and look over ur shoulder before talking about kind of thing, in the places I frequent. But still open to talk about. I'm asked about it or talk about it in the gym once in a while, not much. but I even know 2 guys in my local gym i can get stuff off of in a pinch.
Yeah it’s wide open PED discussion inside and outside my gyms. In my area gear use is not a big deal. Nobody cares. Probably a quarter of local law enforcement on gears too. It’s widely viewed as something that is going to make you better and more capable. And with a local history of moonshine runnin’, it’s just a technicality that it is illegal Lol.

Nobody is pinning anything out in the open in the locker room at either of my gyms around 8am when I’m there but most everyone feels comfortable discussing it. It’s nbd around here and it’s pretty easy to tell who’s on.
^ Like he said theres cops, firemen, convicts to outlaw bikers. All hitting it hard. In the same place and after the same thing , and a good percentage are on gear. Trt at least.
It's still a parking lot or whispered and look over ur shoulder before talking about kind of thing, in the places I frequent. But still open to talk about. I'm asked about it or talk about it in the gym once in a while, not much. but I even know 2 guys in my local gym i can get stuff off of in a pinch.

^ Like he said theres cops, firemen, convicts to outlaw bikers. All hitting it hard. In the same place and after the same thing , and a good percentage are on gear. Trt at least.
Yes they certainly are
Hell yeah when I walk into the gym I let everyone know I’m carrying and got them at a good discount. Then I’ll charge ‘em 90 bucks for a vial of test c lol

I am that guy pal