"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Someone go find MANDS. I'm told he was last seen testing a new high con protein drink at the 11th street Golds Gym in LA :)
At a low dose of 4(5)IUs, you can reach peak (saturation) IGF1 elevated levels in a short time span (<10 days)

You can elevate IGF1 levels greatly in as little as a day by "front loading" or "spiking" the dose

Yes, I agree, it takes time to elevate IGF1 levels to a stable level.....but not for a low dose of 4(5)IUs

Did of these cohorts use a ""4-5IU
dosage? NOPE!

Did any, but the 30 IU subjects,
use more than a SINGKE dose of GH? NOPE!

What about the 30IU cohort? Well they pinned GH at 30IU QD for SIX days and STOPPED assaying IGF levels at day number EIGHT, only TWO DAYS AFTER their last injection!

Yet from this info how can one ascertain a "plateau" was reached UNLESS GH administration ceases after the sixth dose.

Now how many BB are going to run GH for either one or eight days? Hello

Classic example of data mid-interpretation that is all to common on PED forums!

This is just one example Jim.....I've got lots of labs where I've manipulated my IGF1 quickly

I got others to start doing a similar protocol including some sources who were using mainly GH Serums

As you can see here....10 days wasn't even needed to double my baseline

View attachment 50054 View attachment 50055

The point of IGF testing is to determine when STEADY STATE levels are reached while using a FIXED DAILY DOSE and that requires 4-6 weeks NOT 7-10 days as you have opined.

In addition, bc the half life of IGF is
relatively short those changes which may occur bc of GH "front loading" will VERY be short lived.

And to think I acquired all this information by reading the abstract, alone, but why didn't you.

Because you wanted the data to "match" your anecdotal "experience", and yea for that reason I still contend you got "nothing" out of it. The unfortunate fact is you collated just enough "data" to misinform others!

Nonetheless I will read the entire study in the next day or to ensure others don't follow your folly PX.
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Yes but the graph he posted about the 6IU subq injection show there isn't any GH front loading.

It shows that even after 3-4 injection igF bimbe already increase. Probably not at the highest level they could be, but it does increase. Now if I was pinning 6IU of underdosed hgh (let's assume it's 5IU a vial) after 1 week I'll not have a 500 igF number on my blood test. More like a 250 number if I'm lucky.

Now back to the 6IU of proper dosed GH, after a week I'll not see the steady level of igF but I'll see an increase that is close to it. In two-three more weeks I can retest to have an idea of what my steady level are.

It's not front loading at all beaauae I'm running the same dosage all the way trough my hgh cycle, so if in 4-7 days I reach 500igf the numbers can only increase afterwards and maybe stabilise at 6xx (depends on many factors).

Anyway I'm going to prove that professor X is not wrong :)
Next hgh cycle (November).

I'll start black tops from TP.
After 7 days of 5IU I'll draw blood and we will see :)
Did of these cohorts use a ""4-5IU
dosage? NOPE!

Did any, but the 30 IU subjects,
use more than a SINGKE dose of GH? NOPE!

What about the 30IU cohort? Well they pinned GH at 30IU QD for SIX days and STOPPED assaying IGF levels at day number EIGHT, only TWO DAYS AFTER their last injection!

Yet from this info how can one ascertain a "plateau" was reached UNLESS GH administration ceases after the sixth dose.

Now how many BB are going to run GH for either one or eight days? Hello

Classic example of data mid-interpretation that is all to common on PED forums!

The point of IGF testing is to determine when STEADY STATE levels are reached while using a FIXED DAILY DOSE and that requires 4-6 weeks NOT 7-10 days as you have opined.

In addition, bc the half life of IGF is
relatively short those changes which may occur bc of GH "front loading" will VERY be short lived.

And to think I acquired all this information by reading the abstract, alone, but why didn't you.

Because you wanted the data to "match" your anecdotal "experience", and yea for that reason I still contend you got "nothing" out of it. The unfortunate fact is you collated just enough "data" to misinform others!

Nonetheless I will read the entire study in the next day or to ensure others don't follow your folly PX.
Let me try this another way....I don't want to clog up you thread...this will be my last post on it.

Jim Stated:

"IGF is a protein that requires TIME to manufacture and 7-10 days just isnt long enough at any GH dosage"

Jim Stated:

"What you're suggesting is contrary to every medical protocol using IGF as a biological marker of GH efficacy, the waiting interval IS 4-6 weeks or LONGER!"

The real fact is that both Serums (IGF1/GH) are effected immediately after exogenous rHGH is administered although "BroScience" states otherwise (and Jim also :) )

Doesn't take weeks (weeks into dosing you are at a maintenance dose)

I'm not trying to match my "Data" to this study

4ius or 5iu (8 and 10 IU vials are common) easier to dose by splitting the vial
It has nothing to do with the doses used in the study

The reason for the 4(5)ius - 10day was to pull a quick IGF1 to show legitimacy of the kit being used

I then followed up with a Lab Analysis of the same kit

With this test, I'm not prescribing for (a)GHD or using the results as a biological marker to adjust dose on a patient for any HRT or Deficiency reasons


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While the above is my second priority, posting a couple more samples for Meso members to review is this threads primary objective.

Hey Dr J can you include information about the origin, manufacturer or "lot numbers", etc, this time around? NOPE!

Kaluta's Black Top.


Direct's Pink Top.

Would be nice to have a moderated thread with just reports from Jim/Mands and a separate cross-linked discussion thread ... not sure if the Meso forum platform would allow for such measures.

Also ... it was pretty awesome to see TP engaged in discussion (extremely rare moment for a guy with so much history in the Chinese GH game)... too bad he was chased off by the legion of assholes that hang around here. Some of the members appear to be working against their own interests and would rather stifle respectful discourse in favor of shit slinging and personal attacks that lead to no where. Sad.
Kaluta's Black Top.


Direct's Pink Top.

thanks mands, are those black tops labeled the same dosage as tp's. Just one of the things that's confusing about the gh game. I'm guessing it's a different manufacturer, but than people will see black top and think they are the same
I've never heard of Kalatu but how is he scamming if his vial was 10 IU? Selective scammer?

Didn't mean he didn't sell good stuff. Kalatu/MG disappeared on a few occasions with people's money. I'm sure he'll be back under a different name.

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Didn't mean he didn't sell good stuff. Kalatu/MG disappeared on a few occasions with people's money. I'm sure he'll be back under a different name.

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It was available and I think any generic should be tested for reference.

thanks mands, are those black tops labeled the same dosage as tp's. Just one of the things that's confusing about the gh game. I'm guessing it's a different manufacturer, but than people will see black top and think they are the same
As was stated NO they are not.

It was available and I think any generic should be tested for reference.


I didn't mean to disparage the testing, just wanted to let people know so they don't go looking for him and get screwed.

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I didn't mean to disparage the testing, just wanted to let people know so they don't go looking for him and get screwed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh no worries. I didn't take it that way at all.

I figured others would ask "Why test then??" So I just added that.

Hey guys, I'm fairly new here so please bare with me if I'm out of line on asking anything. Ive read through the majority of this forum to get an idea on what everyone is talking about. I've been running Pharmacon HGH for 5 days now at 4IU a day and feel no sides, my question is, is it too soon to feel any possible sides? Also, from sample 3 in this forum of Pharmacons HGH the total IU's for a bottle is 3.68 I believe (when it's suppose to be 10). How do I go about getting my bottle tested? I just hate not knowing for sure how much I'm using. I'd love to use real non generic HGH, but cannot find it anywhere! (Lol if someone wants to give me a source it'd be greatly appreciated). Also, is there a specific name for the blood test to get to test IGF/HGH levels?
my question is, is it too soon to feel any possible sides?

People respond differently

How do I go about getting my bottle tested?

Contact mands

I just hate not knowing for sure how much I'm using. I'd love to use real non generic HGH, but cannot find it anywhere!

Just wait until more results get back from TheGreytop and Meditrope. They're very inexpensive from international -> US/UK, especially to the east coast of the US.

if someone wants to give me a source it'd be greatly appreciated

Don't be retarded

Also, is there a specific name for the blood test to get to test IGF/HGH levels?

Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online
Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online

Although they may be included in other panels like the unisex one:
Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online
No one chased TP off. So stop repeating that bullshit.

Hope to see more meditrope and greys tested to see if they are consistent.
No one chased TP off. So stop repeating that bullshit.

Hope to see more meditrope and greys tested to see if they are consistent.

Mands told me mine are getting picked up today and sent out to be tested soon. Can't wait although even if it comes back at the advertised dose I'll still be mad I didn't buy the cheaper/higher dosed Meditrope. Unless more get tested and they're inconsistent =D
Would be nice to have a moderated thread with just reports from Jim/Mands and a separate cross-linked discussion thread ... not sure if the Meso forum platform would allow for such measures.

Also ... it was pretty awesome to see TP engaged in discussion (extremely rare moment for a guy with so much history in the Chinese GH game)... too bad he was chased off by the legion of assholes that hang around here. Some of the members appear to be working against their own interests and would rather stifle respectful discourse in favor of shit slinging and personal attacks that lead to no where. Sad.
Yes very rare indeed.
