Getting on my first anabolic- any tips?

Just stay lazy and take dnp.
Too dangerous... I know it's the best compound we have in store in regards to what I want but I find it too toxic.

Also thanks for at least providing some relevant advice instead of telling me "get disciplined bro" "cardio 10 hrs a day with no food bro". Fking roidhead r*tards.
Too dangerous... I know it's the best compound we have in store in regards to what I want but I find it too toxic.

Also thanks for at least providing some relevant advice instead of telling me "get disciplined bro" "cardio 10 hrs a day with no food bro". Fking roidhead r*tards.
Everyone here is smarter than you.
I asked for advice in regards to my first anabolic i.e anavar as it is my first time. If there are things I can do to minimise its side effects, or if there's a better compund for me all together, and to discuss that I didn't ask people to advise me in regards to my diet or exercise habits.

Just because you're in shape doesn't mean you understand everything. Madison beer is in good shape but she probably knows nothing about all this shit.
Testosterone. It will be the base of all your future cycles and will be what you're on as an old man when you give all this up. Anavar only cycles are fucking retarded. Just take testosterone and some burner like clen/dnp or a glp-1 agonist if you absolutely need to have some fat-burning drug; alternatively just put down the fork, if you can't, you shouldn't be taking gear.

Also, while your "just because you look good doesn't mean you know shit" theory generally stands true; these guys have thousands of posts and have used the forum for 5-10+ years... It's like walking into a book club and telling the 15 year book club founder that he doesn't know shit about literature, you know better, and his 15 years of running the book club are effectively nil. I'm barely active and I learned the village idiots and who knows their shit pretty fast.
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That is not a huge issue, if my natural production reduces, I can just get on TRT in the future if I feel the reduction is significant. I am just testing the waters with anavar. And honestly I don't even think the production would "shut down".

It won’t. Doctors run anavar alone for weeks and there has been plenty of clinical trials.

Even nowadays they run trials ( using anavar alone for 12 weeks without a test base. The idea that you can’t never run anavar alone because you will get suppressed goes against all the medical literature and is also against how real doctors use this steroid.

For instance, check this study (Oxandrolone in the Treatment of HIV-Associated Weight Loss... : JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes)

In the above-cited study on HIV+ males, twelve weeks of 20 mg or 40 mg per day caused an approximate 45% reduction in serum testosterone levels.The group taking 80 mg noticed a 66% decrease in testosterone. Similar trends of decrease were noticed in LH production, with the 20 mg and 40 mg doses causing a 25-30% reduction, and the 80 mg group noticing a decline of more than 50%.

As you can see, 12 weeks of anavar at 40mg causes 45% supression. If you run it for 4-8 weeks, supression is lower. Thats why guys like Mike Israetel (
) or Chavez (
) recommend anavar only cycles for a few weeks.

Also, after stopping anavar there is also a rebound in your testosterone levels. And using metformin alongside would further reduce the intensity of hypogonadism.

I find it funny that I am the one who is being laughed at and called dumb when I am the only one who is providing reasons for my arguments and sources for my claims.

Go ahead bud, you seem to know it all, I cant wait for you to come crying back here all fucked up
Too dangerous... I know it's the best compound we have in store in regards to what I want but I find it too toxic.

Also thanks for at least providing some relevant advice instead of telling me "get disciplined bro" "cardio 10 hrs a day with no food bro". Fking roidhead r*tards.
Hey man spell it out don’t be scared say Fucking roidhead retards lol.

Btw, BigtomJ is a competitor and has a physique that supports his theories and actually has pictures to show his method works but go ahead with your argument.
This person wants a GLP1 regardless if they believe in CICO or not.
Dude, u don't fully understand what I said, I might have said that I don't believe in CICO but I explained in detail why I don't.

CICO would work better if you take an anti catabolic with GLP1 as you will not face muscle loss due to calorie restriction, which you will if you follow CICO as a Natty, but even then CICO wouldn't be exactly true, but for practical purposes it would be applicable to larger degree.

As a natty, CICO is not only not productive it's counter Productive.
Hey man spell it out don’t be scared say Fucking roidhead retards lol.

Btw, BigtomJ is a competitor and has a physique that supports his theories and actually has pictures to show his method works but go ahead with your argument.
Dude accepting people's "theories" because they have a specific kinda physique to support it is stupid.

Arnold supported training for hours and hours on end, he had the physique to make it sound that it was good advice and people followed it, but we now know volume training to that degree is counter productive. Especially for naturals.

As I said before, Madison beer, among females has a very respectable physique, if she came out and said "The reason I have this physique is because I eat donuts everyday, you should eat 10 donuts per day" do you think that advice would work for everyone? would it be healthy for everyone? would it help people achieve the goals they wanna achieve?


Would that work for some people because they are just genetically lean like Madison?


and then they would swear by the donut method and anyone who isn't able to get lean they'd say "oh it's your fault, you don't have the discipline to eat 10 donuts a day" not realising the only reason they are lean despite eating 10 donuts a day is because their genes support it, and it's actually not only only unhealthy, it's counter productive to eat 10 donuts to lose weight.
Testosterone. It will be the base of all your future cycles and will be what you're on as an old man when you give all this up. Anavar only cycles are fucking retarded. Just take testosterone and some burner like clen/dnp or a glp-1 agonist if you absolutely need to have some fat-burning drug; alternatively just put down the fork, if you can't, you shouldn't be taking gear.

Also, while your "just because you look good doesn't mean you know shit" theory generally stands true; these guys have thousands of posts and have used the forum for 5-10+ years... It's like walking into a book club and telling the 15 year book club founder that he doesn't know shit about literature, you know better, and his 15 years of running the book club are effectively nil. I'm barely active and I learned the village idiots and who knows their shit pretty fast.
That's what I plan to do after I finish my anavar cycle, TRT with the supervision of a doctor, combined with glp1 if I can get it prescribed.As I said multiple times before I am doing anavar only cycle to test the waters before I fully go in.

I understand that these people are experienced but the fact that they wouldn't listen to the logic behind my arguments and would just reply with "oh that guy knows better because he has a better physique" and then laugh on me and call me dumb and go over a multiple other ad hominems is asinine. I am not saying that they know nothing, I am just saying that what they are telling me to do wouldn't let me achieve my goals they way I want to. Of course if they have a good physique they have figured out what works the best for them, which is without a doubt respectable.
Why do u want me to get fucked up?

Is it because I am right and you're wrong?

Wishing for one's downfall is crazy
Take a step back and look over your thread.. you have 3 pages of people telling you this is stupid, but you, a no experience to steroids think you are right lol
Dude accepting people's "theories" because they have a specific kinda physique to support it is stupid.

Arnold supported training for hours and hours on end, he had the physique to make it sound that it was good advice and people followed it, but we now know volume training to that degree is counter productive. Especially for naturals.

As I said before, Madison beer, among females has a very respectable physique, if she came out and said "The reason I have this physique is because I eat donuts everyday, you should eat 10 donuts per day" do you think that advice would work for everyone? would it be healthy for everyone? would it help people achieve the goals they wanna achieve?


Would that work for some people because they are just genetically lean like Madison?


and then they would swear by the donut method and anyone who isn't able to get lean they'd say "oh it's your fault, you don't have the discipline to eat 10 donuts a day" not realising the only reason they are lean despite eating 10 donuts a day is because their genes support it, and it's actually not only only unhealthy, it's counter productive to eat 10 donuts to lose weight.
Then why are you listening to Dr. Istaratel then? Or to anyone who has a better physique than you? Holy fuck, you have the most defeatist mentality I’ve seen around here lately.

Anyway, you’re not unique, most noobs who displayed the same behavior and personality will try a cycle find out steroids aren’t that magical if you do not possess any work ethic/discipline whatsoever and give up. Unless you change your point of view on how to approach this in a progressive manner, you will be just like the rest of guys who drop by create a thread then disappear after they lose interest.

And who the fuck is this Madison Beer you kept mentioning? At least mention someone who actually is a figure in the bodybuilding world lmao.