Getting on my first anabolic- any tips?

Here were your questions in your first posts:
My main goal is just to not be a fatass, what do you guys think?
Why do u think I shouldn't take anavar?

You're still going to be a fatass because you're a lazy fatass and anavar and rat studies aren't going to change that. Anavar isn't good for weight loss and you don't know how to eat or train.

You're 176lbs and fat? LOL what are you 5'2"? And don't believe in the calories in/calories out that has been used for years successfully. "observes and laughs at stupid newcomers like me." YEP, stupidity needs to be mocked

Don't take the advice a people who have being doing it for years. Take your feminine amount of anavar and stay fat. IDGAF

Remember the lady anavar goes in your vagina.

Sounds like you've got this all figured out. You should talk to Millard about writing one of those great articles!
Who's millard

Edit- used the search bar and figured out he's the mod or something. I'll conduct the experiment on me own on myself. If it goes as planned I'll take it upto him ig
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Why are you asking for advice and then arguing with people giving good advice? It sounds like you already know what you're doing and made up your mind. So shut the fuck up and take your oral only cycle.

Eltardo, when we talk about weight loss around here we ain't talking about losing muscle so that would mean fat. You really ain't too bright.

If you are a lazy fatfuck like yourself, lose weight(oh wait fat for eltardo) and resort back to your old caloric intake you will gain the weight (oh wait fat for eltardo)back. Plenty of fat people have lost weight and kept it off for years, it takes discipline which you don't have. You perfectly represent the younger generations, I want it now but don't want to put the work in. Counting calories is too hard, whaaa.

No woman has any fear of your micropenis(really a clit) that is covered up with the fat you'll never lose.
Why are you asking for advice and then arguing with people giving good advice? It sounds like you already know what you're doing and made up your mind. So shut the fuck up and take your oral only cycle.
Most of It is not good advice. The people who gave me good advice, I catered to nicely and thanked them.

People who resorted to constant ad hominems and insults, got them back in return.

I wanted to know more preventative shit like how metformin prevents some bad sides off anavar, shit like ideal arb blockers, beta blockers,which statin would be best to counter act the lipds sh*tf*ckery with var cycle and recommendations in regards to that so that I could discuss how can I improve my var cycle, I had in my mind since day 1 that I am gonna do VAR cz I have read enough about it that I am confident to go in. i was expecting guys here to know a bit of pharmacology. Didn't know the forum is filled with boomers with their ego masturbation in regards to how hard working and dedicated they are with little to no touch with the understanding of the current fat selective catabolic physiology or pharmacology. They still follow the old ass theories that were developed in the ancient times when there's so much better shit they can do, but it doesn't really matter cause most of them are on anti-catabolics anyways and despite them not knowing the mechanism of action they are benefiting anyways, I mean the ones who are taking anabolics, but their advice to fat naturals is filled with ignorance, and most fat naturals will realise it sooner or later.

I was thinking that discussing that shit with people about drugs who already know a lot would be faster than me researching studies, I didn't know this forum was just filled with gymrats who just follow decade old postulates. I realised after the first 2 pages of replies that I ain't getting any information here and would have to resort to researching studies which is quite boring NGL .Now I am just replying for entertainment.
Eltardo, when we talk about weight loss around here we ain't talking about losing muscle so that would mean fat. You really ain't too bright.
Weight loss is weight loss brother, not my fault u don't use the correct terminology, it is indeed true that I wouldn't lose weight on anavar, it's more probable I might gain, But losing fat is possible.

If you are a lazy fatfuck like yourself, lose weight(oh wait fat for eltardo) and resort back to your old caloric intake you will gain the weight (oh wait fat for eltardo)back. Plenty of fat people have lost weight and kept it off for years, it takes discipline which you don't have. You perfectly represent the younger generations, I want it now but don't want to put the work in. Counting calories is too hard, whaaa.
"Plenty of fat people lose weight and keep it off years" but you can't provide a single example in scientific literature according to required conditions as stated in my previous response. All you have is anecdotes and that too just in your head, not even typed down.

The same way I represent the younger gen, you represent the boomer gen, too ignorant to acquire factual knowledge combined with overconfidence in existing knowledge with no capacity for self reflection or thought analysis, possessed with random ideas acquired from other such people and acting as a free agent for propagation and protection of those ideas.

No woman has any fear of your micropenis(really a clit) that is covered up with the fat you'll never loss
I insisted that your mother had a desire, not fear, but I recognise that your too stupid to understand ATP so alright dude whatever, engaging in conversation with you isn't even entertaining because of how unfunny your insults are.
Pretty fuggin arrogant for someone asking for advice.. So I see you want at most 10% body fat, you may have mentioned it before, but what regiment you plan on doing as far as physically? Do you plan on dieting? What bf% are you at now? Seen some of the replies before, some were fairly harsh but right in trying to get you to not waste money, destroy your organs for little to zero results.
All this yapping is funny. It always comes down to one simple thing. How you look. Nothing you say matters. If you're a fat ass it means you are incapable of doing the easiest and most basic things when it comes to training and nutrition. Natural or not. AAS wont change it. 10mg var wont do anything for a man. But that's the fun part anyway, finding things out for yourself and experimenting.
All this yapping is funny. It always comes down to one simple thing. How you look. Nothing you say matters. If you're a fat ass it means you are incapable of doing the easiest and most basic things when it comes to training and nutrition. Natural or not. AAS wont change it. 10mg var wont do anything for a man. But that's the fun part anyway, finding things out for yourself and experimenting.
Ok bro when I said fatass I was exaggerating, my bad, I am not like 600 pounds I am like 80-83 kg at like 5'8.

I just want to be like 10% bodyfat without putting in effort like why is that so anger inducing to people I don't understand.
Pretty fuggin arrogant for someone asking for advice.. So I see you want at most 10% body fat, you may have mentioned it before, but what regiment you plan on doing as far as physically? Do you plan on dieting? What bf% are you at now? Seen some of the replies before, some were fairly harsh but right in trying to get you to not waste money, destroy your organs for little to zero results.
I want to be 10% bodyfat without any effort, idk why everyone wants me to grind my ass off here.

If I come to anecdotes like most people here are presenting I know people who eat more than me have less TDEE than me, and are still leaner than me...what is so wrong with my desire to be lean without any effort? I am sure you know some people who can eat anything and still stay lean... I am sure everybody knows someone like that, I don't understand how everyone here just participates in mass delusion of CICO despite having contrary evidence around their eyes everyday.

I have a sister who eats like 2k calories in chocolates and cola daily ignoring the food she eats, is 5'1 or something, still is lean as shit. Do you guys seriously don't know any one of that kind? What is the obsession with Cico here I don't understand.

I don't know my current bodyfat percentage but my weight is 80-84 kg at 5'8
I want to be 10% bodyfat without any effort, idk why everyone wants me to grind my ass off here.

If I come to anecdotes like most people here are presenting I know people who eat more than me have less TDEE than me, and are still leaner than me...what is so wrong with my desire to be lean without any effort? I am sure you know some people who can eat anything and still stay lean... I am sure everybody knows someone like that, I don't understand how everyone here just participates in mass delusion of CICO despite having contrary evidence around their eyes everyday.

I have a sister who eats like 2k calories in chocolates and cola daily ignoring the food she eats, is 5'1 or something, still is lean as shit. Do you guys seriously don't know any one of that kind? What is the obsession with Cico here I don't understand.

I don't know my current bodyfat percentage but my weight is 80-84 kg at 5'8
You don’t need to diet or even workout to become lean, you don’t need anavar either.

There is a sure way to get beach lean body with a six pack without hardwork in just a month. All you have to do is subscribe to my program, it is a revolutionary method that has been proven by fitness models/stars for a while now.

Let me know and I’ll give you the information where to send your payments.
Pretty fuggin arrogant for someone asking for advice.. So I see you want at most 10% body fat, you may have mentioned it before, but what regiment you plan on doing as far as physically? Do you plan on dieting? What bf% are you at now? Seen some of the replies before, some were fairly harsh but right in trying to get you to not waste money, destroy your organs for little to zero results.
Also how am I arrogant I don't understand, I am literally admitting to being lazy in a place where most people derive their ego from not being lazy and they are attacking me like sharks here. All I have done is state facts and stand by them, nobody has been able to dismantle anything I have said, I am linking sources for my claims, and the claims that don't have sources, I am providing reason for as to why I reached to those conclusions, nobody has tried counter argue with reason here and everyone is calling me dumb and laughing at me just because they are so defensive about the fundamental principles that are accepted here, that they can't comprehend those principles being an error or a misjudgement.

If you took chemistry and studied the structure of atom you must know about the christmas pudding model of the atom, and how a person was trying to prove it right ended up proving it wrong instead with the alpha radiation experiment or whatever, and he fell into depression after because he couldn't believe that the fundamental beliefs he held were not true. All I see is people attached to similar false ideas with the passion of their life unable to justify them, but will still continue believing them cause if they stop, their perception about how they are so superior compared to fat people because they have discipline and are lazy would shatter, when in reality above-said discipline and non-laziness isn't even necessary and they are just putting their body to such grueling stress that isn't even required, that is if your get your hands on the right compounds or are just naturally gifted.
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You don’t need to diet or even workout to become lean, you don’t need anavar either.

There is a sure way to get beach lean body with a six pack without hardwork in just a month. All you have to do is subscribe to my program, it is a revolutionary method that has been proven by fitness models/stars for a while now.

Let me know and I’ll give you the information where to send your payments.
Lost me at chemistry and the atom.. If you wanna lose weight and that’s solely what you want, check into a thermogenic/appetite suppressant. If you’re not going to put in work on anavar what’s the point? The risk isn’t really worth the reward imo.
Ronnie Coleman!
Ronnie Coleman!
I don't want to be no body builder bro, I need a physique like prime Justin Bieber or prime Leo di caprio, do you think those people ever calorie counted, they probably lived the most sedantary lives possible as well, filled with luxury, f*cking 3kcal cake slices they Be eating everyday we people couldn't even afford. (Exaggeration obviously)

But yeah dude they be lean af, they don't diet or exercise, I want to be like them ez. Sure maybe var isn't the ideal compound whatever, let me just dip my toes in, that's how most well respected people in the comm suggest to dip your toes in...

Is there anything better u wanna suggest? If it's injectables they usually have such a long half life bro what If I am predisposed to acne, what if since my testosterone is already so high (800 ng/dl) for a person with my lifestyle(sedantary) I don't even like the stimulating androgenicity of test, I am also very neurotic, and those tendencies can be exaggerated by trt, there are so many nexuses, causual relationships that are variable on the individuals reactions to the compund, the answer to everything isn't "just pin test bro" like everyone here seems to suggest.

Of course I entered here looking for advice, I just didn't know what I am getting into, I was expecting logical advice catering to my strategies and goals , not "screw your strategies, pin test get big bro" ooga booga ooga.
Bieber?!? The kid ate drugs and no food! Fuggin A ! You don’t need anabolics. Get some meth or coke you’ll be sub 10 in like two weeks, even have bags under the eyes like Bieber.