Getting on my first anabolic- any tips?

Then why are you listening to Dr. Istaratel then? Or to anyone who has a better physique than you? Holy fuck, you have the most defeatist mentality I’ve seen around here lately.

Anyway, you’re not unique, most noobs who displayed the same behavior and personality will try a cycle find out steroids aren’t that magical if you do not possess any work ethic/discipline whatsoever and give up. Unless you change your point of view on how to approach this in a progressive manner, you will be just like the rest of guys who drop by create a thread then disappear after they lose interest.

And who the fuck is this Madison Beer you kept mentioning? At least mention someone who actually is a figure in the bodybuilding world lmao.
I listen to Dr. Istaratel because he is intelligent and he provides me with insights about topics I know nothing about, his videos are helpful, even when he is judgemental he has sarcastic undertone in his comments, Not because his body is good.

Your opinion of my world-view is absolutely irrelevant to the conversation. I presented a goal and I mentioned what ways I choose not to follow. If you don't have any helpful advice in the way I want it, you can choose not to respond to this thread instead of choosing to insult me, The reason you choose to insult me is because I am questioning the fundamental principles with which you have either achieved your goals or are trying to achieve your goals, and me being right would prove things aren't exactly how you perceive them to be. Which would shatter your world view, That is why instead of dismantling any of my claims, which u can't, you choose to insult me.

I know what chronic starvation and increased energy expenditure over a long period of time can do to people and I choose not to be as ignorant as you.

Madison beer is basically the new age Megan fox, I did not know I was talking to a boomer so you can replace her with Megan Fox.The reason I didn't mention any bodybuilding figure is because I wanted to mention someone who is just born like that and wouldn't know shit about diet or fitness and therefore would make such dumb claims as mentioned in the example.

You can think what u wanna think but I am not gonna give up on my goals and will achieve them sooner or later.
I listen to Dr. Istaratel because he is intelligent and he provides me with insights about topics I know nothing about, his videos are helpful, even when he is judgemental he has sarcastic undertone in his comments, Not because his body is good.

Your opinion of my world-view is absolutely irrelevant to the conversation. I presented a goal and I mentioned what ways I choose not to follow. If you don't have any helpful advice in the way I want it, you can choose not to respond to this thread instead of choosing to insult me, The reason you choose to insult me is because I am questioning the fundamental principles with which you have either achieved your goals or are trying to achieve your goals, and me being right would prove things aren't exactly how you perceive them to be. Which would shatter your world view, That is why instead of dismantling any of my claims, which u can't, you choose to insult me.

I know what chronic starvation and increased energy expenditure over a long period of time can do to people and I choose not to be as ignorant as you.

Madison beer is basically the new age Megan fox, I did not know I was talking to a boomer so you can replace her with Megan Fox.The reason I didn't mention any bodybuilding figure is because I wanted to mention someone who is just born like that and wouldn't know shit about diet or fitness and therefore would make such dumb claims as mentioned in the example.

You can think what u wanna think but I am not gonna give up on my goals and will achieve them sooner or later.
Do you think you’re in the right forum brother? I would understand if you said zyzz or other influencers but Megan fox equivalent to compare genetic advantage? Lmao are you trying to be a petite girl?

Megan fox and whoever you admire don’t fit the demography here, this is a bodybuilding forum focused on steroids related discussions as you can see on the website title.

Everyone is welcome to learn and share, any age even boomers, even if I’m not lol.

Forgive me if I missed your point, I thought your goal is to look like a bodybuilder or at least a gym bro. Anyway, you don’t need anavar to look like a little girl, that is against the point of harm reduction, I don’t think it’s worth it to sacrifice your hpta system just to look “toned”.

Anyway, if you can’t take the heat, don’t start a thread, this is Meso; we call stupid if we see stupid. At least I do.
Do you think you’re in the right forum brother? I would understand if you said zyzz or other influencers but Megan fox equivalent to compare genetic advantage? Lmao are you trying to be a petite girl?

Megan fox and whoever you admire don’t fit the demography here, this is a bodybuilding forum focused on steroids related discussions as you can see on the website title.

Everyone is welcome to learn and share, any age even boomers, even if I’m not lol.

Forgive me if I missed your point, I thought your goal is to look like a bodybuilder or at least a gym bro. Anyway, you don’t need anavar to look like a little girl, that is against the point of harm reduction, I don’t think it’s worth it to sacrifice your hpta system just to look “toned”.

Anyway, if you can’t take the heat, don’t start a thread, this is Meso; we call stupid if we see stupid. At least I do.
I just want to be 10-12% body fat but also not want to
1)severely restrict my diet or
2)Exercise more than an hour a day

That's my only goal
I just want to be 10-12% body fat but also not want to
1)severely restrict my diet or
2)Exercise more than an hour a day

That's my only goal
ah got ya, then follow liverking’s tenets or consume duck eggs from Mike O hearn.

Or you could follow Dr. Isratel’s modules and actually get in shape.
This thread:

A clinicians textbook. How to diagnose borderline personality disorder. Clinical practice guidelines and outpatient examples.
This is a endless loop, i wouldn't bother giving this any more attention here
People said enough here, he needs to do serious research on his own and get a reality check
Grow a pair and pin. Or don't grow a pair and do an anavar only cycle like the lady you are.
It's funny to me how in the fantasy land in your head, it's manly to pin steroids.

The fact that you take steroids already makes u a pussy in normie perspective lil bro.

And yes I am gonna start with anavar only, will get onto pinning once my production shuts down due to anavar(if it does), and if I like being on it.
will get onto pinning
I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF
Post your pre cycle blood work here and we’ll see if you think a girl cycle would not really shut you down.
I never said I am certain it will not shut me down lil bro, I said that there is a study on Rats that shows metformin administration alongside oxandrolone ameliorates the oxandrolone induced bad effects on fertility markers including testosterone reduction to a significant degree.

Also even if it does, if I just stop oxandrolone administration wouldn't my test production go back to normal in like 3 months?(I am not sure about this so genuine question)
I love how newbies come to this forum, ask a question and every single experienced person tells them not to do it and why. Yet, they still are gonna do it because they did a little research. Why bother asking if your not going to listen
I never said I am certain it will not shut me down lil bro, I said that there is a study on Rats that shows metformin administration alongside oxandrolone ameliorates the oxandrolone induced bad effects on fertility markers including testosterone reduction to a significant degree.

Also even if it does, if I just stop oxandrolone administration wouldn't my test production go back to normal in like 3 months?(I am not sure about this so genuine question)
Who knows, some guys blast a gram of aas stop cold turkey and recover in less than a year and have kids; others use 250mg and lose hpta function and sperm production is gone.

Studies are good and all but individuals have varying responses that is why you need a baseline blood panel so you have some numbers to compare to.

Get a complete panel done, then make the decision based on the results. Shit who knows you might have some liver issues that orals can aggrevate.
Who knows, some guys blast a gram of aas stop cold turkey and recover in less than a year and have kids; others use 250mg and lose hpta function and sperm production is gone.

Studies are good and all but individuals have varying responses that is why you need a baseline blood panel so you have some numbers to compare to.

Get a complete panel done, then make the decision based on the results. Shit who knows you might have some liver issues that orals can aggrevate.
Cool, thanks for the advice bro, and sure I'll share pre-post panel here. Might even get dexa if I can afford it.
I love how newbies come to this forum, ask a question and every single experienced person tells them not to do it and why. Yet, they still are gonna do it because they did a little research. Why bother asking if your not going to listen
You are a new member too lil bro stop thinking ur so special, so intelligent you see how peasents like me come on here and do that, while ur intelligent ass just observes and laughs at stupid newcomers like me. you're so intelligent bro, what a great insight bro, The CIA should hire you.

I never asked whether I should do anavar or not, I said I am gonna do anavar, is there anything I should do in regards to harm reduction, precautionary stuff etc, everyone who gave me advice in that regard, I thanked.

why bother answering when u can't even understand the question?
You are a new member too lil bro stop thinking ur so special, so intelligent you see how peasents like me come on here and do that, while ur intelligent ass just observes and laughs at stupid newcomers like me. you're so intelligent bro, what a great insight bro, The CIA should hire you.

I never asked whether I should do anavar or not, I said I am gonna do anavar, is there anything I should do in regards to harm reduction, precautionary stuff etc, everyone who gave me advice in that regard, I thanked.

why bother answering when u can't even understand the question
Here were your questions in your first posts:
My main goal is just to not be a fatass, what do you guys think?
Why do u think I shouldn't take anavar?

You're still going to be a fatass because you're a lazy fatass and anavar and rat studies aren't going to change that. Anavar isn't good for weight loss and you don't know how to eat or train.

You're 176lbs and fat? LOL what are you 5'2"? And don't believe in the calories in/calories out that has been used for years successfully. "observes and laughs at stupid newcomers like me." YEP, stupidity needs to be mocked

Don't take the advice a people who have being doing it for years. Take your feminine amount of anavar and stay fat. IDGAF

Remember the lady anavar goes in your vagina.