Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Currently on 5mg Tirzepatide, 1 mg ozempic and 500mg metformin ER. Loving this combo. Zero sides, except some occasional light headedness when i stand up but no very little appetite. I dont get the absolute crushing appetite thing tho. I'm just fuller much much quicker and dont obsess about food anymore. Which is nice for a change. Weight loss has slowed alot because i'm approaching single digits now. Occassional cravings but i can literally eat 1 bite of ice cream and be satisfied. I love this shit. Tonight upping to 10mg Tirzepatide and lowering Ozempic again untill week 3.
I went up on my Sema dose. I was so hungry on .5 so I tried an extra .25 and am not hungry anymore. I have some good self control but I work with food for a living and the smells would trigger me and I would have this internal fight not to eat a hundred trays or whatever I was making. I’m using amino asylums Sema until QSC order gets here. I’m impressed with amino asylum for the money I had to spend. I do have sides now though. The first week I was burping every 5-15 minutes. It smelled like death and tasted weird. Even after brushing my teeth multiple times a day. I also feel very tired. I’m usually up and ready to go with almost no drowsiness. My mental health medicine stimulates me but now I don’t feel the effects at all (Wellbutrin and adderall). I do feel a little nauseated the first few hours of the day but i pop a zofran and it goes away. And lastly, the heartburn is irritating. Always happens in the morning between 5-6pm. Wakes me up.

It’s all very manageable though and I’m happy. I’m still losing weight and have about 10 pounds left.
the whole 4mg once a week? or 2mg? max for ozempic is 2.4mg.. or do you think the QSC is that much weaker?
I have some dosing instructions that me and 2 other members feel that is comparable.

I am using the 4mg

we feel like its about 30-40% weaker. there is something with the delivery system that I am suspecting..
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Any thoughts on this?

Good one, thanks for sharing. I personally think 36 cases is a very low incidence rate when several millions have used this kind of drug class for over a decade. But I do agree to your point to not go overboard with doses. I will stay at 1mg sema and 5mg tirz per week as that seems a very common dose with a good safety profile to me.
Shared my post from the QSC thread.
Ok so final question. What’s the equivalent dose roughly for Qsc sema vs 1 mg of Ozempic ? Is it 40 percent of pharma grade?
Take it for what its worth, I dont feel much of a difference, I have both Ozempic and QSC's sematlutide. The 2mg kit is slightly underdosed imho, I would say possibly 20 to 25% underdosed. Keep in mind that the 5mg kit tested 20% underdosed, too, and is now being sold as 4mg kit.

I dont have any lab test to back up my claim and judge it by how I felt.


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