Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
What I’m getting at though is it seems people keep pushing the dose because it’s no longer effective as it once was. So where does it end? Do you keep upping the milligrams indefinitely?
I've been on 5mg Mounjaro on the coupon since November (started 2.5 October). Food is no longer revolting and appetite suppression has changed. Don't eat a ton but I get hungry and crave carbs sometimes. Lost 20ish lbs and dont have anymore to loose. But I haven't gained any weight, even if I eat poorly sometimes. I take berberine too, but I believe there are other mechanisms than the appetite suppression going on, and that's been shown studies.
I've been on 5mg Mounjaro on the coupon since November (started 2.5 October). Food is no longer revolting and appetite suppression has changed. Don't eat a ton but I get hungry and crave carbs sometimes. Lost 20ish lbs and dont have anymore to loose. But I haven't gained any weight, even if I eat poorly sometimes. I take berberine too, but I believe there are other mechanisms than the appetite suppression going on, and that's been shown studies.
Here's one study on GIPR agonism. And the benefits of GIPR agonism (insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal in white adipose tissue) were found to be not just weight dependent but also by independent mechanisms.

Why not go back to Mounjaro. Have your script up to 10. Split the does so your in 5 an get two months worth for 575..
My coupon ran out and I can't afford pharma Mounjaro anymore otherwise I never would have stopped it.

I just ordered 100mg from QSC for $550 which should last almost five months if it's not underdosed. I do not want to keep gaining weight :(
Can someone tell,please, just clear how to use tirzepatite. Found that 3mg a week. Is it right? Do I need to split doses? What is the best time to inject (morning,day,evening? Any more tips?
I know someone earlier in this thread (@Yosyr) was combining tirzep with sema, kinda using the sema as a “topper offer” to finish each week. Anyone else doing this, or think it’s a good or bad idea for any reason?
I do sometimes wonder if the weekly dosing was on purpose/planned to give you that last couple of days each week to get hungry and get a little cheat/refeed (or at least maintenance day or 2) in, keeping the furnace burning.
I know someone earlier in this thread (@Yosyr) was combining tirzep with sema, kinda using the sema as a “topper offer” to finish each week. Anyone else doing this, or think it’s a good or bad idea for any reason?
I was doing it with QSC's semaglutide & Rx liraglutide (Victoza).
1st dose the long acting then 4-5 days later the short.
(I liked that combo simply because the liraglutide is short acting, once daily injection).
Now doing ugl tirzepatide & rx liraglutide.
Kicking around the idea of tirzepatide & semaglutide
BUT I'm doing great as is & if it "ain't broke, don't fix it". Plus I do think the long/short makes more sense but don't have any scientific proof
I will buy ugl. Also theraphy doses are different then we using in bb
Why would you believe that to be true? This isn’t a situation where you’re weighing trt vs bodybuilding doses of testosterone for muscle growth, this is about weight loss. The calculation for that is pretty much the same irrespective of your starting size: eat less. GLP-1/GIP drugs aid in that, and we know exactly how to use them for that purpose because we have tons of trial data. If you want to spend more money than is necessary then you’re free to do so, but following the progression laid out by Lilly is cheaper and is tremendously effective. The wheel exists and is amazing, so how much of your time do you intend on spending trying to reinvent it?
Why would you believe that to be true? This isn’t a situation where you’re weighing trt vs bodybuilding doses of testosterone for muscle growth, this is about weight loss. The calculation for that is pretty much the same irrespective of your starting size: eat less. GLP-1/GIP drugs aid in that, and we know exactly how to use them for that purpose because we have tons of trial data. If you want to spend more money than is necessary then you’re free to do so, but following the progression laid out by Lilly is cheaper and is tremendously effective. The wheel exists and is amazing, so how much of your time do you intend on spending trying to reinvent it?
Listen bro are priest? Why you speak demagoguery?
why people taking gear? Because want to get fester,yes? Or no? I'm not speaking about theraphys,plumpy isuses and so on
Why would you believe that to be true? This isn’t a situation where you’re weighing trt vs bodybuilding doses of testosterone for muscle growth, this is about weight loss. The calculation for that is pretty much the same irrespective of your starting size: eat less. GLP-1/GIP drugs aid in that, and we know exactly how to use them for that purpose because we have tons of trial data. If you want to spend more money than is necessary then you’re free to do so, but following the progression laid out by Lilly is cheaper and is tremendously effective. The wheel exists and is amazing, so how much of your time do you intend on spending trying to reinvent it?
Everyone needs to realize this. Most of us are used to having to combine slightly tangential research with anecdotal experience. We’ve finally got an incredibly effective compound that has piles of data on exactly what we want to use it for — and people are still improvising, often in a way that increases cost and unpleasant side effects.

Some people must just get a kick from buying and consuming pharmaceuticals, not using them as a means to an end. It’s nuts.
I know someone earlier in this thread (@Yosyr) was combining tirzep with sema, kinda using the sema as a “topper offer” to finish each week. Anyone else doing this, or think it’s a good or bad idea for any reason?
It doesn't seem worth it unless you have to for financial reasons. Sema is a GLP-1 agonist, Tirz is a GLP-1/GIP dual agonist. Just taking more Tirz would be more effective than combining it with Sema.

I technically had both in my body at the same time at multiple points but there was no extra or superior effect that I noticed. I plan on staying on Tirz because there are no side effects - with sema I had horrible acid reflux and actually briefly lost my voice due to it.