Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
How do you guys truly feel about the "30% of weightloss is LBM"? I think it's due to the natural way normal people diet. As I recall a similar study in "non-assisted dieting", and the average person just lost 70/30 anyways.

Basically I feel like with high protein / weights, no worries, right?
How do you guys truly feel about the "30% of weightloss is LBM"? I think it's due to the natural way normal people diet. As I recall a similar study in "non-assisted dieting", and the average person just lost 70/30 anyways.

Basically I feel like with high protein / weights, no worries, right?
Yeah it was 39% in the Step 1 study for a cohort that got DEXA scans. 5.26 of the total 13.6 kg.

I have no way to know but I strongly suspect that the LBM losses were due to people just restricting calories and not exercising. This is pure anecdote, but I know about 2 dozen people that have used one of the GLP-1's and it just straight works, but not one of them exercise. I tend to believe they are indicative of most people that use the drug instead of a select minority.

For our purposes, weight training and nearly any amount of aas will almost certainly drop that to near zero. Heck the weight training alone probably would bring it to ≈10%. And I tend to think that would be IM water instead of actual tissue. Again, I have no proof of this but it's where I stand on the topic.
Yeah it was 39% in the Step 1 study for a cohort that got DEXA scans. 5.26 of the total 13.6 kg.

I have no way to know but I strongly suspect that the LBM losses were due to people just restricting calories and not exercising. This is pure anecdote, but I know about 2 dozen people that have used one of the GLP-1's and it just straight works, but not one of them exercise. I tend to believe they are indicative of most people that use the drug instead of a select minority.

For our purposes, weight training and nearly any amount of aas will almost certainly drop that to near zero. Heck the weight training alone probably would bring it to ≈10%. And I tend to think that would be IM water instead of actual tissue. Again, I have no proof of this but it's where I stand on the topic.
Maybe up the AAS doses a wee bit when using, just to be sure.
Well shit.. I'm not on ANY AAS.. But I keep my protein high as fuck and I like weights so I'm not worried about that stuff, but I guess I can chalk the "natural" amount of loss down as a win for not being to fat anymore. Like 80-90 / 20-10

You guys mixed this with stims? Like coffee, or I know some people dabble with hard substances. I was thinking of using ye old ephedrine caffeine for not feeling down. I know it slows digestion, so wouldn't it stim you out longer? Ever stacked multiple stims on a cut? Even just not with sema.
Well shit.. I'm not on ANY AAS.. But I keep my protein high as fuck and I like weights so I'm not worried about that stuff, but I guess I can chalk the "natural" amount of loss down as a win for not being to fat anymore. Like 80-90 / 20-10

You guys mixed this with stims? Like coffee, or I know some people dabble with hard substances. I was thinking of using ye old ephedrine caffeine for not feeling down. I know it slows digestion, so wouldn't it stim you out longer? Ever stacked multiple stims on a cut? Even just not with sema.
No that's not how stimulants work, it won't last longer because it slows digestion.

Some people utilize B12 in conjunction with it to increase treatment tolerance.
No that's not how stimulants work, it won't last longer because it slows digestion.

Some people utilize B12 in conjunction with it to increase treatment tolerance.
Hm yeah, I suppose once it's absorbed it doesn't necessarily need to be digested huh? What about coffee, would that still work that way? Technically, you would digest that slower, but I bet that's grasping at straws.
Hm yeah, I suppose once it's absorbed it doesn't necessarily need to be digested huh? What about coffee, would that still work that way? Technically, you would digest that slower, but I bet that's grasping at straws.

no it wouldnt. its liquid... it doesnt affect absorption of medication typically...
Hm yeah, I suppose once it's absorbed it doesn't necessarily need to be digested huh? What about coffee, would that still work that way? Technically, you would digest that slower, but I bet that's grasping at straws.
no it wouldnt. its liquid... it doesnt affect absorption of medication typically...
I have been watching this aspect
of these drugs. It definitely takes longer for me to feel things I take orally to kick in.

For example, phenibut. Phenibut normally takes 2 hours for me to be able to notice I took anything. Since starting Tirzepatide I have noticed that time has doubled. It takes 4-5 hours now to notice anything. I’m a very experienced phen user and I’m pretty in tune with how things like that affect me.

I’ve noticed delayed onset from other feel drugs too. However not so much with stims. They are hardly delayed at all. As far as drugs lasting longer because of the delayed digestion, I haven’t noticed it significantly. Just slightly and with only a few things a few times.
Well shit.. I'm not on ANY AAS.. But I keep my protein high as fuck and I like weights so I'm not worried about that stuff, but I guess I can chalk the "natural" amount of loss down as a win for not being to fat anymore. Like 80-90 / 20-10
You'd likely be fine. Resistance training alone sways weight loss to fat loss significantly. It's not 100% but pretty close. Certainly not 60/40.

I have been watching this aspect
of these drugs. It definitely takes longer for me to feel things I take orally to kick in.

For example, phenibut. Phenibut normally takes 2 hours for me to be able to notice I took anything. Since starting Tirzepatide I have noticed that time has doubled. It takes 4-5 hours now to notice anything. I’m a very experienced phen user and I’m pretty in tune with how things like that affect me.

I’ve noticed delayed onset from other feel drugs too. However not so much with stims. They are hardly delayed at all. As far as drugs lasting longer because of the delayed digestion, I haven’t noticed it significantly. Just slightly and with only a few things a few times.

You guys mixed this with stims? Like coffee, or I know some people dabble with hard substances. I was thinking of using ye old ephedrine caffeine for not feeling down. I know it slows digestion, so wouldn't it stim you out longer? Ever stacked multiple stims on a cut? Even just not with sema.
Doesn't appear to do so. At least not to a signfiicant degree. But that's not to say it can't happen.

"Oral Medications OZEMPIC causes a delay of gastric emptying, and thereby has the potential to impact the absorption of concomitantly administered oral medications. In clinical pharmacology trials, semaglutide did not affect the absorption of orally administered medications to any clinically relevant degree [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)]. Nonetheless, caution should be exercised when oral medications are concomitantly administered with OZEMPIC."
How do you guys truly feel about the "30% of weightloss is LBM"? I think it's due to the natural way normal people diet. As I recall a similar study in "non-assisted dieting", and the average person just lost 70/30 anyways.

Basically I feel like with high protein / weights, no worries, right?
I’ve lost more muscle mass than I would have thought possible from dieting while maintaining training and being on trt. But it’s also a result of not getting enough protein on a lot of days. Know how protein is satiating and is great when you’re cutting? Not so when using these drugs. You already don’t want food, so stuffing one chicken breast down is hard enough, let alone a second one. Now multiply that problem over at least two meals a day, every day, for months.

So the answer is yes, you’ll shed muscle mass at an alarming rate unless you plan your protein consumption better than I initially did. I was able to make adjustments once I realized what was happening, but it took me a lot longer than it should have. If you’re not an idiot like I was then I can’t see how you’d lose any appreciable muscle while using these drugs.
Just coming off a PCT after a 15 week cycle of Test E, NPP and Mast E but sitting at relatively high body weight. Next I am looking to get lean as possible, keeping as much gains from the cycle as i can.

I am thinking of 20 weeks "shred" cycle and looking at stacking 1mg Semaglutide a week and combining that with 1000mg Metformin, 20mg Cardarine and 20mg MK-677 every day for the entire 20 week period.

From the limited information it looks like Semaglutide and Metformin potentiate each other and would do the bulk of the weight loss activity. The Cardarine and Mk-677 in the stack used to keep retain the maximum muscle mass while running a calorie deficit.

Do you guys see any contraindictions in that stack or issues that may cause injury?
...looking to get lean as possible, keeping as much gains from the cycle as i can.

I am thinking of 20 weeks "shred" cycle...
1mg Semaglutide a week and combining that with 1000mg Metformin,
20mg Cardarine and
20mg MK-677 every day for the entire 20 week per
Do you guys see any contraindictions in that stack or issues that may cause injury?
1.) I doubt Semaglutide @ 1mg/wk will work for 20 wks.
2.) Read same re: metformin increasing Semaglutide effectiveness. I've started 1000mg slow release am & pm.
3.) Might be a bit much Cardarine, I'm avoiding it due to new info. Replace with inj L-carnitine...?
4.)MK-677 always makes me ravenously hungry. Idk if this would be controlled on an effective Semaglutide dose, but I doubt on your layout it would be after the 1st month.
Why not hgh @ 4iu/day 5 on 2 off?
1.) I doubt Semaglutide @ 1mg/wk will work for 20 wks.
2.) Read same re: metformin increasing Semaglutide effectiveness. I've started 1000mg slow release am & pm.
3.) Might be a bit much Cardarine, I'm avoiding it due to new info. Replace with inj L-carnitine...?
4.)MK-677 always makes me ravenously hungry. Idk if this would be controlled on an effective Semaglutide dose, but I doubt on your layout it would be after the 1st month.
Why not hgh @ 4iu/day 5 on 2 off?

Good shout on swapping out the MK-677 for HGH 4iu. Will keep the pile of MK for next cycle.

Re 1) You think better start at 1mg Semaglutide and pyramid it up to 2.4mg incrementally over the 20 weeks? or another idea

Re 3) You referring to the Cardarine cancer link?
Good shout on swapping out the MK-677 for HGH 4iu. Will keep the pile of MK for next cycle.

Re 1) You think better start at 1mg Semaglutide and pyramid it up to 2.4mg incrementally over the 20 weeks? or another idea

Re 3) You referring to the Cardarine cancer link?
HGH is a much better choice than MK677 in every sense. It's more expensive but much more effective, and there's plenty of good generics. Definitely a better choice.

Use the same dosing strategy that Pharma uses. Start at 0.25mg/wk for 4 weeks, 0.5mg/wk for 4 weeks, 1mg/wk for the next 4 weeks and you're hopefully finished by then.

Leaving aside the carcinogenic concerns (I'm still trying to find the actual data instead of forum posts), it's a pretty poor fat burner on its own. Yes it can help you work harder but that's about it. And does next to nothing to preserve muscle tissue. If using it specifically to accelerate fat loss, then I'd look elsewhere.

Semaglutide and metformin do seem to work well together.
Hmm... Shit, seems I have to take my semaglutide out of my freezer for a day or two. Is this a big deal? I can fridge em maybe but most likely out for 1-2 days.

Also to Yuppie I'm looking at that as a good thing to me. I eat to much protein man gotta save some $$$
I injected 0.4mg of QSC Semaglutide as per Cridi's dosage instructions on Friday night. That shit works. I have to force myself to eat, and I barely have any appetite. Still keeping up my protein/carb goal for the day but definitely eating less, so being more conscious as to what/when I eat it. I'd say that since Saturday I've been on a 500-750 calorie deficit for sure.

No other side effects besides some very mild heartburn but low enough that I didn't even take Tums. The only thing I notice is that even though my appetite is low, it also kills my thirst(?) so I have to literally remind myself to drink water.

Overall, pretty excited to keep it going.
I’m a couple months in on Tirz, but only a few weeks in on QSC, I’ll keep y’all posted.

That’s interesting on the med absorption, I guess I’ll eat my sleep cocktail pill pile a couple hours earlier lol