GLPs that don't focus on appetite suppression?


Is there a general rating of the drugs that lean more towards increased metabolic rate or fat burning?

I'm using tirz right now and it's good but I don't really need a huge help in appetite reduction especially as I transition into a bulk. Increasing BMR and insulin sensitivity are the focus.

These seem to be the ones I've seen mentioned, interested to hear what experiences you guys have especially if used on a gaining phase.

Cagrilintide (maybe?)
Any glp agonist will focus on appetite. It’s one the hormone main function to lower blood sugar.
For insulin sensitivity nothing beats cardio and then intermediate fasting.
I'm just using GLP as a catch all, I'm not super versed in the differences between GLP, GIP agonists and glucagon agonists but I believe the latter two are more what I'm talking about.
I had not heard of GLP type drugs increasing metabolic rate significantly, but it's not something I follow super closely either and there are too many new ones these days to keep up with.

I do know that Increasing BMR/RMR can be best achieved through improved cardio function, so engaging in HIIT regularly for example. This is the most sure fire method. People with a higher VO2 max have a higher BMR without fail. Also improving body composition by increasing lean mass. Lean people burn more calories even at rest because lean tissue burns more calories than adipose tissue.

It is possible to get your BMR tested if you want to get really dialed in, which I have done a couple of times. Places like DexaFit and sports medicine clinics will have the equipment and pricing has gone down significantly in the last several years as public interest as increased.
Giving this a bump, Jj, just because it's you and I ❤ you.

The only thing I know about Reta in relation to what you are already taking is that it is a triple, rather than double agonist.

As for taking glps for health, rather than weightloss whilst bulking, I think it is a good idea.
Is it feasible, to reduce the dose of glp to where there is NO appetite suppression, so that you are not hindered in achieving adequate calorific intake, whilst reaping the benefits they bring for insulin sensitivity, for example?

Idk if the lowest dose would be enough for this to happen.
But you can try by monitoring bg levels regularly, maybe.
That would give you an idea whether that is affected by going from full dose, now, to a lower one, with less or no appetite suppression.
I read in one of the threads that reta is less suppressive for appetite, but I guess there is also a bit of individual response to take into consideration and the fact that switching from a glp to another may not be so straightforward.

Sorry I have no personal experience to share, just my thoughts.
But your idea is good.

I am tagging you for the second time today @Xplicit just because I warned you it may happen, lol.

Do you take glps when you bulk, or do you taper down and go without?
Is it possible to use them at the lowest dose, just to keep health markers in check?

@PaintDrinker you have taken glps to cut, what do you think about this?
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I am tagging you for the second time today @Xplicit just because I warned you it may happen, lol.

Do you take glps when you bulk, or do you taper down and go without?
Is it possible to use them at the lowest dose, just to keep health markers in check?

Actually, I am about to try this with Tirz for numerous reasons. 2.5mg to 5mg split 2x a week on lower calorie off days.

I get no appetite supression from Tirz, only thing ill be watching out for is slowed gastric emptying.

All anyone needs to do is search Ghoul's post history to find all the information they could need to start to make an informed gameplan based on their own needs regarding the various GLPs and their individual benefits/potential applications.
Giving this a bump, Jj, just because it's you and I ❤ you.

The only thing I know about Reta in relation to what you are already taking is that it is a triple, rather than double agonist.

As for taking glps for health, rather than weightloss whilst bulking, I think it is a good idea.
Is it feasible, to reduce the dose of glp to where there is NO appetite suppression, so that you are not hindered in achieving adequate calorific intake, whilst reaping the benefits they bring for insulin sensitivity, for example?

Idk if the lowest dose would be enough for this to happen.
But you can try by monitoring bg levels regularly, maybe.
That would give you an idea whether that is affected by going from full dose, now, to a lower one, with less or no appetite suppression.
I read in one of the threads that reta is less suppressive for appetite, but I guess there is also a bit of individual response to take into consideration and the fact that switching from a glp to another may not be so straightforward.

Sorry I have no personal experience to share, just my thoughts.
But your idea is good.

I am tagging you for the second time today @Xplicit just because I warned you it may happen, lol.

Do you take glps when you bulk, or do you taper down and go without?
Is it possible to use them at the lowest dose, just to keep health markers in check?

@PaintDrinker you have taken glps to cut, what do you think about this?
Danke Iris as always.

I'm going to keep on the tirz at a low dose, I'm not worried about appetite I can put away 5000 cal cheat meals right now with only mild discomfort lol.

I don't know if nutrient partitioning is something GLPs can help with but even just helping out with insulin sensitivity would be great as I go very heavy on the carbs when I'm gaining.

Will have to take some notes when and see how it goes.
Danke Iris as always.

I'm going to keep on the tirz at a low dose, I'm not worried about appetite I can put away 5000 cal cheat meals right now with only mild discomfort lol.

I don't know if nutrient partitioning is something GLPs can help with but even just helping out with insulin sensitivity would be great as I go very heavy on the carbs when I'm gaining.

Will have to take some notes when and see how it goes.
During the first weeks, I can't go past 2300 calories if my diet is clean, with 2.5mg. Good luck hahaha
Actually, I am about to try this with Tirz for numerous reasons. 2.5mg to 5mg split 2x a week on lower calorie off days.

I get no appetite supression from Tirz, only thing ill be watching out for is slowed gastric emptying.

All anyone needs to do is search Ghoul's post history to find all the information they could need to start to make an informed gameplan based on their own needs regarding the various GLPs and their individual benefits/potential applications.

I know JJ has been looking at that thread and he is very familiar with Ghoul's posts.
It's just that Ghoul writes about this from a different point of view.
Idk if he has ever said anything about this kind of scenario, because his view is to follow the medical protocols according to which these drugs were developed.
It's fair enough and understandable.
I guess for anyone like JJ, who intends to make them work for him in a different manner, a bit of experimentation is in order.
But from my own very ignorant perspective, what he plans to do makes a lot of sense and I look forward to hearing about his experience, if he is willing to keep us posted.
I think that it will be successful for him.

Thank you for the reply.
I promise I will leave you alone, for the next few days, lol
During the first weeks, I can't go past 2300 calories if my diet is clean, with 2.5mg. Good luck hahaha
I'm jealous lmao, my stomach is a literal bottomless pit.

The tirz still helps even just by keeping my mind off food for the most part.

look forward to hearing about his experience, if he is willing to keep us posted.
I will indeed for what it's worth, I'm not going to be writing any books but this will be my first real bulk in about 3 years so I'm keen to make the most of it and share what I've learned.

Historically I tend to brute force most things in bodybuilding but we'll see if I can't do it a bit smarter this time.
I'm jealous lmao, my stomach is a literal bottomless pit.

The tirz still helps even just by keeping my mind off food for the most part.
I think you just have to find the GLP/GLP-1 agonist that works for you. Before finding tirzepatide, I spent over $1000 trying semaglutide, retatrutide, survodutide, and liraglutide at different doses, but none of them even slightly suppressed my appetite.
I think you just have to find the GLP/GLP-1 agonist that works for you. Before finding tirzepatide, I spent over $1000 trying semaglutide, retatrutide, survodutide, and liraglutide at different doses, but none of them even slightly suppressed my appetite.

Although to be clear it does suppress my appetite, just that it moreso brings it back to what a normal person might have or a little lower. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what tirz is supposed to do but I can easily out-eat it if I choose to even at 15mg, it's just more of a conscious choice where as normally I'd be thinking about food literally any time I'm not full.

It works for my needs though. I'm never getting contest lean but if I was I'd probably use sema, literally can't get food down on that stuff.

Although to be clear it does suppress my appetite, just that it moreso brings it back to what a normal person might have or a little lower. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what tirz is supposed to do but I can easily out-eat it if I choose to even at 15mg, it's just more of a conscious choice where as normally I'd be thinking about food literally any time I'm not full.

It works for my needs though. I'm never getting contest lean but if I was I'd probably use sema, literally can't get food down on that stuff.
funny how it's so personal on 2.5mg tirz I can't eat much on 5mg tirz food is not what I want at all like literally disguted by it, I can cheat like a mofo on 1mg sema instead.
During the first weeks, I can't go past 2300 calories if my diet is clean, with 2.5mg. Good luck hahaha

My guess is you naturally produce high (correct?) levels of GLP/GIP. Tirz (Sema/Reta) don't attenuate the natural production of those appetite regulating hormones, they add to them. 2.5mg did nothing whatsoever for my appetite.

Out of curiosity, when you were younger, did you ever have to consciously focus efforts to keep weight off or were you more of "skinny kid" who had to work to put it on, as some do?

Just curious. Adding to my body of anecdotal knowledge...
funny how it's so personal on 2.5mg tirz I can't eat much on 5mg tirz food is not what I want at all like literally disguted by it, I can cheat like a mofo on 1mg sema instead.

I was so hoping you would show up, but refrained from tagging you.
I thought you were covered in castor oil lol.
Are you using tirz now on a cut or what?
Yes, the individual response is so interesting.
So many people say sema made them feel sick and gave them lots of gi issues.
I saw you writing about reta.
Are you considering trying and why?
My guess is you naturally produce high (correct?) levels of GLP/GIP. Tirz (Sema/Reta) don't attenuate the natural production of those appetite regulating hormones, they add to them. 2.5mg did nothing whatsoever for my appetite.

Out of curiosity, when you were younger, did you ever have to consciously focus efforts to keep weight off or were you more of "skinny kid" who had to work to put it on, as some do?

Just curious. Adding to my body of anecdotal knowledge...
Yeah, it's possible.

When I was younger, I was overweight but didn’t really care about it until I was around 16 or 17. Since then, I've always done mini cuts of 2-4 weeks between cycles because I couldn't go further with my BED, so I’d stay really big but around 20-25% body fat. This is the first time I’ve actually cut for over 4 weeks straight, currently at +4 months, thanks to tirzepatide (thank god). For once, I’m actually able to keep pushing my cut for a few more months to hit that 7% body fat goal.

Currently at like 15%, feel flat, but I am a new man.
Yeah, it's possible.

When I was younger, I was overweight but didn’t really care about it until I was around 16 or 17. Since then, I've always done mini cuts of 2-4 weeks between cycles because I couldn't go further with my BED, so I’d stay really big but around 20-25% body fat. This is the first time I’ve actually cut for over 4 weeks straight, currently at +4 months, thanks to tirzepatide (thank god). For once, I’m actually able to keep pushing my cut for a few more months to hit that 7% body fat goal.

Currently at like 15%, feel flat, but I am a new man.

Well the other side of this formula is GLP/GIP sensitivity. You may not produce high levels of those hormones, hence your struggle with weight, but have good sensitivity to them, which is why Tirz worked so well for you.


"We can now tell with confidence who is going to respond to semaglutide, said Andres Acosta, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic."

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Well the other side of this formula is GLP/GIP sensitivity. You may not produce high levels of those hormones, hence your struggle with weight, but have good sensitivity to them, which is why Tirz worked so well for you.


"We can now tell with confidence who is going to respond to semaglutide, said Andres Acosta, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic."

Thanks for the clarifications !
So blood sugar maybe the issue then if food is not the issue? Thats what im trying to to wrap my head around… tirz will help ur liver and ither items… so if low bs is a side effect… hgh maybe a good counter then… perhaps?