GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

No fucking way. Ill post my results when everything gets finalized with ultra e2 but it says. I have been on test U 220 per week for a while. I have been using 1ml of the new test U GSO

I inject every Wednesday and rest Mondays

I wonder if this is quest.

I feel fine as well.

Gonna retest in 3 weeks after I do a large loading dose

Total test is 768ng/dl
Free test is 303pg/dl
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No fucking way. Ill post my results when everything gets finalized with ultra e2 but it says. This has to be quest. I have been on test U 220 per week for a while. I feel fine as well

Total test is 768ng/dl
Free test is 303pg/dl
Out of curiosity, what numbers did you hope to see?

The reason I ask is on my pharma trt script of 200mg test c per week split into three doses, my total test is 735 and free test is 218. This is taken the day I would normally pin, prior to pinning
Out of curiosity, what numbers did you hope to see?

The reason I ask is on my pharma trt script of 200mg test c per week split into three doses, my total test is 735 and free test is 218. This is taken the day I would normally pin, prior to pinning
I was hoping to see 1100.

At the end of the day. I feel fine. I'm still cutting and making great progress.
Ok good to know because that was actually what I would've expected

Actually looking back at labs. When I was on 180 a week it was 682/240.

It kind of checks out.

Will be going this for my blast. Afterwards I may skip doses for a couple of weeks

I do the 2nd part of 940 test in one week

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Well this is weird...

IDK wtf is up with that ultra e2 of 77

it was 99 a few months ago when I was on 325 a week of test

ill make a thread on it.

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Out of curiosity, what numbers did you hope to see?

The reason I ask is on my pharma trt script of 200mg test c per week split into three doses, my total test is 735 and free test is 218. This is taken the day I would normally pin, prior to pinning
just a question... when i was on 200 test c per week my test levels were over 1500. why are these numbers so low? is this because your shooting twice per week? thanks
Hahahahaha damn pika needs a job lmao

It helps with fertility? Honestly didn’t even know much about it. How much do you have to take to be effective?
HCG also fights off testicular atrophy. You don't want to be atrophied too long if you don't want scar tissue testes.
For me personally it keeps my sexual function, sex drive, erection quality, etc All in check just using lowest efficacious dose for me.. 500iu 2x a wk
HCG also fights off testicular atrophy. You don't want to be atrophied too long if you don't want scar tissue testes.
For me personally it keeps my sexual function, sex drive, erection quality, etc All in check just using lowest efficacious dose for me.. 500iu 2x a wk
Exact same experience and dosage for me, as well.
HCG also fights off testicular atrophy. You don't want to be atrophied too long if you don't want scar tissue testes.
For me personally it keeps my sexual function, sex drive, erection quality, etc All in check just using lowest efficacious dose for me.. 500iu 2x a wk
I’ve never used HCG after 8 years of BNC. My nuts are tiny. But it makes my dick look twice as big by comparison lol

I’ve only had one woman comment on the size of my balls so I commented on her weight and that was the end of that conversation
I’ve never used HCG after 8 years of BNC. My nuts are tiny. But it makes my dick look twice as big by comparison lol

I’ve only had one woman comment on the size of my balls so I commented on her weight and that was the end of that conversation
Sounds like a fair argument lol
I’ve never used HCG after 8 years of BNC. My nuts are tiny. But it makes my dick look twice as big by comparison lol

I’ve only had one woman comment on the size of my balls so I commented on her weight and that was the end of that conversation
I’ve never used HCG after 8 years of BNC. My nuts are tiny. But it makes my dick look twice as big by comparison lol

I’ve only had one woman comment on the size of my balls so I commented on her weight and that was the end of that conversation

Before I went on HCG, I had chicks reach down to fondle me during BJ's and they were grasping at nothing I decided that was enough and I wanted the berries back lol


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