Got strung out.... Detox round 4

It's funny how many addicts swap to being gym rats, it's a definite pipeline, haha.

dropped heroin and all kinds of fentanyl derivates in 2017

hooked on steroids since last year, at least i look better than ever... it is the better addiction :)
This is threat man. I'm an addiction neurobiologist, got here in a wild way. I was going to med school, made it through undergrad and most of my masters strung out on opioids. Got clean in 2016, finished my masters and swapped to my path now because I wanted to figure out my own brain.

We're making some cool progress on fast tracking the post acute phase right now, been working on a study the last 8 months trying to speed that process up with peptides, proper nutrition, heavy supplementation, enhancing BDNF, GDNF, NGF etc. There's a really friggin cool noribogaine analog in the pipeline that could totally shut down the methadone/Suboxone sectors.

It's funny how many addicts swap to being gym rats, it's a definite pipeline, haha.
That's exciting, I've known so many people struggling to kick methadone, or end up on Suboxone long term. I was lucky that I was able to detox without Suboxone.
That's exciting, I've known so many people struggling to kick methadone, or end up on Suboxone long term. I was lucky that I was able to detox without Suboxone.

Friend kicked heroin and started methadone when she got knocked up. Had to go to the methadone clinic every single fucking morning while pregnant then they had trouble weaning her baby (for a few months, iirc).

This was a long time ago and they're both fine now thank god.
I just relapsed was 15 months clean. Terrible. Everything went to shit in just 3 days. Amazing how fast it comes back. Full force, like it never left.

Keep up the good work!

The trick is just to stay off again.

Throw the dope away and don't trick yourself into thinking you can't just stop now

Basically, don't overdramatize a relapse, don't think you are hooked again forever
The trick is just to stay off again.

Throw the dope away and don't trick yourself into thinking you can't just stop now

Basically, don't overdramatize a relapse, don't think you are hooked again forever
Ok, i havent in 2-3 days, and it was 2-3 days long. I agree with you. I have none at my disposal. Going to stick with it. I did it to escape, but holy crap, it made everything 1000% worse.
Anyone remember this? 1997 danm I feel old.Screenshot_20240701-212330_Chrome.jpg
Addiction is not always a linear thing. It's a struggle like they say once an addict always a addict you just gota always be on toes. I'm cali sober, I use a little canabis no psychedelics. I usto do it all back in the day but speed balls or baluchi we called it was my thing for a bit, I was kicking once and a freind gave me a suboxone the shit is nasty.

I havent touched anything hard in years.
Friend kicked heroin and started methadone when she got knocked up. Had to go to the methadone clinic every single fucking morning while pregnant then they had trouble weaning her baby (for a few months, iirc).

This was a long time ago and they're both fine now thank god.
Unfortunately that's the absolute best move we have for addicted mothers that end up pregnant. The stress of detox will lose the pregnancy and short acting opioids will inevitably land you in a position where you are if you're relying on a street supply. And in the US, we can't prescribe short acting opioids like morphine for replacement therapy, where it only takes 4-5 days to kick them vs months for methadone. That needs to change.

The babies are put on a morphine drip at birth to slowly taper them and are usually good after 4ish weeks. The "bright side," is that opioids don't impact brain development to any notable degree, there won't be lasting harm.

The mom still go through the mess of dropping a milligram a week if they don't want to be a useless new mother. That absolutely takes months. If not a year or more.
Congratulations on getting clean man! Got strung out on heroine and crack for a little while too and lifting literally saved my life. There's no getting around the hell of detox but working out once you're through the worst of it really helps get that dopamine going again.


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