Had to come completely off, court order

My friend and i that are both on trt just added HCG to bring our balls back. He has complained of premature ejac and real sensitive penis since starting HCG. I have not had that problem using twice as much as HCG as him. There is anecdotal evidence that HCG increases penile sensitivity and that can cause premature ejac.
Yeah when I used HCG (with just hgh) the precum was insane, and the load was MASSIVE, especially with my other supplements (however yes, it would come out within 3-5 mins top, sensitivity felt good tho)

I have also used oxytocin before (peptide form injected with CJC dacless nightly), it was very comparable to hcg but with more of a pump down there.

HCG without an aromatase inhibitor will lead to more downstream estrogen which then affects oxytocin signaling. same thing with regular testosterone-based steroids (not DHT based steroids, those arent converted by aromatase).

I will say oxytocin is not a bad thing nessesarily. If you REALLY want you could try an SSRI or something else, but given that you don't know how hcg affects you fully, I don't think you would be able to take the time to learn the complexities of dosing anything for premature ejaculation

if you have a decent pelvic floor and know how to edge, then with a few supplements you can get a pretty substantial load going, but I don't know if that's your thing. Pairs well with a lot of foreplay and oral
Court order to stop using juice.
This for real mane I don’t know if they can test you but your baby mama is a crazy bitch sorry bug that’s just messed up, tbh I’ve been with chicks like that in the past n they would use anything I told em against me but I had enough sense to tell em to fk off n didn’t have a kid so I feel for ya mane imo you shouldn’t come off totally unless you need to as I’m pretty sure even GCMS testing can’t tell if the testosterone you have is from exogenous or not, but other stuff I guess you might have to look into what you could do but damn that’s fked up
Court order to stop using juice.
Yes since its not a criminal case for me using it but a condition for me to see my kids.... I could fight it but I'd have to go to court and have to do a lot of proving that steroids don't affect your ability to be a parent and I don't know if that type of cinnamon would be accepted in most courts really
Yes since its not a criminal case for me using it but a condition for me to see my kids.... I could fight it but I'd have to go to court and have to do a lot of proving that steroids don't affect your ability to be a parent and I don't know if that type of cinnamon would be accepted in most courts really
So do they drug test you for it or just don't look "too big"?
Baby mama leveraged my steroid use in custody case....im still on hgh and I use hcg 300iu/day to maintain. So two questions: do anabolic steroid increase oxytocin? Does hcg decrease oxytocin. Im having trouble with premature ejaculation...
I find it unlikely a court would order a testosterone test on somebody who is not under the supervision of the department of corrections. You can accuse your wife of abusing weight loss drugs, that doesn't make it true or believable. Especially in a custody case, which is civil.
I find it unlikely a court would order a testosterone test on somebody who is not under the supervision of the department of corrections. You can accuse your wife of abusing weight loss drugs, that doesn't make it true or believable. Especially in a custody case, which is civil.
yeah i was going to say does she drink alcohol? Smoke weed? To test for gear is pretty extreme. I played college football and we never got tested. I bet you most nfl players arent getting tested. Its very rare to actually have to get tested for gear. Unless youre in the ufc or olympics its pretty rare. Like you said unless youre on probation or in criminal court. Its none of my buisness to specualte but just saying. I hope it works out for you.
i got 10mg of oxytocin and 10 mg of cjc+grhp6 blend from biotech peptides, then I reconstituted it with 30 ius of bac and then did 1 iu of each a day (if you want you can get by with more like 125-150mcg, but the vial was too small to add more bac water)