Had to come completely off, court order

Shes a alcoholic with 2 dui and im the bad guy...
Play chess. My ex did same and I got full legal custody and all but 60 days a year visitation.

I dumped Anabolics for two years and rode her tenaciously, sold my truck, house and everything I didn’t need and owned to keep my two.

8 years later she has no chance to get custody back, and candidly has told me I will never let her cause she knows I will never quit.

Be vicious. Not mean. Be ruthless. Be calculated and relentless. You will end up well. Study how to stonewall depositions.

Go to war. Men don’t fight like they should


Come clean for now but don't let this shit slide forever. Clear your system, pass a few tests, then go back for a new custody hearing with a good attorney. I'm appalled she would stoop this low but you know what they say about child custody - you'll see peoples true colors and women are experts at hitting below the belt.

Once you have proof of a certain amount of passed tests, you can easily argue that it's ridiculous to keep doing (and I assume you're the one paying for them)

Take the cost of drug tests out of her child support, use the clean tests to leverage more visitations, whatever you gotta do man. That is absolute bullshit that the mothers attorney has access to your medical records. Your representation failed you big time.

Best of luck to you soldier. Just remember to be the bigger person. One day your kiddos will be adults and see the big picture. If anything they will respect you more for handling their moms pettiness.
Somehow make her drunk and call the cops on her. Do it a few more times. She will loose custody once and for all.

Yeah play dirty, there is no fair play on war.