Hair Loss

In my early 20's and have not noticed any hair loss despite my father going bald, my moms dad going bald and my dads dad going bald. Don't want to try my luck though, what measure can I take to prevent going bald?
In my early 20's and have not noticed any hair loss despite my father going bald, my moms dad going bald and my dads dad going bald. Don't want to try my luck though, what measure can I take to prevent going bald?
That's a good question man someone should make a thread on it..
Hagenaars SP, Hill WD, Harris SE, et al. Genetic prediction of male pattern baldness. PLOS Genetics 2017;13(2):e1006594. Genetic prediction of male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness can have substantial psychosocial effects, and it has been phenotypically linked to adverse health outcomes such as prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease. We explored the genetic architecture of the trait using data from over 52,000 male participants of UK Biobank, aged 40–69 years. We identified over 250 independent genetic loci associated with severe hair loss (P<5x10-8). By splitting the cohort into a discovery sample of 40,000 and target sample of 12,000, we developed a prediction algorithm based entirely on common genetic variants that discriminated (AUC = 0.78, sensitivity = 0.74, specificity = 0.69, PPV = 59%, NPV = 82%) those with no hair loss from those with severe hair loss. The results of this study might help identify those at greatest risk of hair loss, and also potential genetic targets for intervention.
My hair began falling out at 17 years old. No joke. By 19 i had the receeded hairline of a 45 year old, and then it stopped and hasnt receeded anymore since. Fortunately i look better with a shaved head than i ever did with hair. plus im a man, so i dont give a fuck. You precious princesses need to drop your balls or hand in your man cards in exchange for a free bottle of hair gel and a pocket mirror. Metrosexual homos!! Whats next, you gonna start painting your nails, sweetcheeks?

Ps: stay the heck away from finasteride or dutasteride, way too many potential long term issues. Just google about finasteride syndrome, scarry shit. Do not recommend anyone go that route without first researching all about finasteride syndrome.

lol right, that's why so many beautiful girls have told me they find balding men absolutely atrocious and makes someone look 20 years older than they really are.
I use finesteride, nizoral, and Minix daily and have grown a lot of hair. I have diffuse thinning which responds well to therapy. Some hair doc's are now adding a weekly dose of dusteride on top with even better results.
Anitua E, Pino A, Martinez N, Orive G, Berridi D. The Effect of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors on Pattern Hair Loss: A Pilot Study. Dermatol Surg.

BACKGROUND: Autologous growth factors have proved to promote tissue regeneration in various medical fields. Recent findings suggest that platelet rich plasma may also play an important role in hair follicle restoration.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety and clinical efficacy of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGFs) for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (AGA).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five PRGF injections were administered over 19 patients with AGA. Phototrichograms regarding follicle density/diameter and terminal/vellus hair ratio were performed at baseline and after 1 year follow-up period. Consenting participants underwent histologic scalp examination. At the end of the study, overall patient satisfaction and clinical improvement were determined.

RESULTS: After PRGF therapy, mean hair density/diameter increased and terminal/vellus hair ratio was also improved. Patients presented epidermal thickness, perifollicular neoangiogenesis, cell proliferation, and terminal/miniaturized hair ratio improvement. Plasma rich in growth factors seemed to reduce the perivascular inflammatory infiltrate, promote the remodeling of dermo-epidermal tissue, and increase bulge stem cell niches. Patients declared an overall positive satisfaction, and a high clinical improvement score was achieved when comparing premacrophotographs and postmacrophotographs.

CONCLUSION: Although randomized clinical trials are needed, this study provides preliminary data supporting the positive therapeutic effect of autologous growth factors on hair follicle regeneration.
Whens the last time a chick had a poster of a bald guy hanging on her wall or a bald guy pic hanging in her locker??! Never..
all the hollywood actors girls like have hair. Maybe one exception being the Rock but he is half black. White guys look silly with pale/ bald heads.
Chicks like hair.
My doc says irregardless of genetics, if you are exposed to high levels of dht for long periods, your hair will be affected. Those with no genetic predisposition to male pattern baldness dont have a problem with normal levels of dht. Those with the gene will/ do have a problem. That said, everybody has a " dht thresh hold " with or without the gene. He also said if dht doesnt get your hair it will get your prostate. He kind of joked about that but said all his friends in their 50's and 60's that have full heads of hair all have issues with enlarged prostates. Go figure.
I myself have been going bald for some time and finally just started shaving my head lol. None of my family is bald on either side or distant cousins so I don't worry to much about it anymore figured I just got screwed but a buddy of mine got on the gear and frankly won't listen to my advice about cycling or anything which will probably bit him in the ass but he did start loosing hair fast into his 13th week.... he started buying the capsules of ground fruit and vegetables I think it was called juice plus. Within weeks of changing his diet and taking the natural capsules his hair has come back maybe even fuller, acne and shortness of breath problems he was having have disappeared. I'm not sure if juice plus was the name brand of vitamins I can find out if anyone wants. My point being a health life style and proper nutrition will do wonders for some side effects.
Hey everyone i injected eq and test not deep enough in the muscle just once this is the first time i messed up but not injecting into the muscle one time will this cause hairloss?
Lee S, Choe SJ, Lee H, Choi J, Lee WS. Variation in male sex hormone levels among the pattern subtypes of hair loss in patients with androgenetic alopecia. J Dermatol.

Even though the sensitivity of follicles toward androgenic hormones is a major factor in the pathogenesis of AGA, there were few studies to reveal the relationship between the pattern of hair loss and serum androgenic hormone.

The findings in this study could propose the hypothesis that the serum testosterone level is associated with balding area and the sensitivity of hair follicles toward androgenic hormone could be different between those located in the bitemporal and frontal area.

Although the research about comparison between the androgen receptor level of frontal hair follicles as representative for androgen-sensitive area and occipital hair follicles for androgen- insensitive area is available, there is no study comparing the properties between androgen-sensitive groups of hair follicles, distributed in the bitemporal, frontal and vertical area.

Further investigation is needed to validate the possible link between serum testosterone level and the pattern of hair loss. Limitations of this study are the lack of normal control, and that the time of blood sampling was not unified.
Barron-Hernandez YL, Antonella T. Bimatoprost for the treatment of eyelash, eyebrow and scalp alopecia. Expert Opin Investig Drugs.

INTRODUCTION: Alopecia is a common condition observed among people of all ages. It is a disorder that can involve only the scalp as observed in androgenetic alopecia or scalp and body as in alopecia areata or patients under chemotherapy treatment. There are several treatment options with different safety and efficacy outcomes.

Bimatoprost, a synthetic prostamide F2alpha analog originally approved for the treatment of ocular hypertension and open-angle glaucoma, is now FDA approved as a 0.03%, solution to be applied once daily to increase eyelashes growth.

AREAS COVERED: In this review, the authors evaluate the role of bimatoprost in idiopathic hypotrichosis of the eyelashes, in hypotrichosis of the eyelashes associated to chemotherapy, in alopecia areata of the eyelashes and eyebrows and in androgenetic alopecia. In addition, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety and tolerability of bimatoprost are discussed.

EXPERT OPINION: Bimatoprost will likely be the third FDA approved weapon in the fight against hair loss. Prostaglandin analogs are the only possible treatment for hypotrichosis and alopecia of the eyelashes regardless of its etiology. Eyebrow hypotrichosis due to alopecia areata or frontal fibrosis alopecia can also possibly benefit of these medications.
I myself have been going bald for some time and finally just started shaving my head lol. None of my family is bald on either side or distant cousins so I don't worry to much about it anymore figured I just got screwed but a buddy of mine got on the gear and frankly won't listen to my advice about cycling or anything which will probably bit him in the ass but he did start loosing hair fast into his 13th week.... he started buying the capsules of ground fruit and vegetables I think it was called juice plus. Within weeks of changing his diet and taking the natural capsules his hair has come back maybe even fuller, acne and shortness of breath problems he was having have disappeared. I'm not sure if juice plus was the name brand of vitamins I can find out if anyone wants. My point being a health life style and proper nutrition will do wonders for some side effects.

Sounds like a advertisement..

(For crazy overpriced vitamins)
Have you guys noted either in your research or personal experience a DHT numeric threshold in lab work that is the sweet spot for hair issues or lack there of?

Similar to how we have a sweet spot for estrogen (15-25 pg/mL)

For DHT; (ng/dL)
Low = below 16
In Range = 16-79
High = above 79

While I know this can easily be answered by saying that everyone responds different to different levels of DHT. I agree and understand that also applies to estrogen but is there a sweet spot for DHT is what I am asking?
Heilmann-Heimbach S, Herold C, Hochfeld LM, et al. Meta-analysis identifies novel risk loci and yields systematic insights into the biology of male-pattern baldness. Nat Commun 2017;8:14694.

Male-pattern baldness (MPB) is a common and highly heritable trait characterized by androgen-dependent, progressive hair loss from the scalp.

Here, we carry out the largest GWAS meta-analysis of MPB to date, comprising 10,846 early-onset cases and 11,672 controls from eight independent cohorts.

We identify 63 MPB-associated loci (P<5 x 10-8, METAL) of which 23 have not been reported previously.

The 63 loci explain approximately 39% of the phenotypic variance in MPB and highlight several plausible candidate genes (FGF5, IRF4, DKK2) and pathways (melatonin signalling, adipogenesis) that are likely to be implicated in the key-pathophysiological features of MPB and may represent promising targets for the development of novel therapeutic options.

The data provide molecular evidence that rather than being an isolated trait, MPB shares a substantial biological basis with numerous other human phenotypes and may deserve evaluation as an early prognostic marker, for example, for prostate cancer, sudden cardiac arrest and neurodegenerative disorders.

