Hair Loss

Can confirm that Mast did nothing to my hair and primo destroy it.

Ordered RU and started using DHT blocker shampoo , will update with results once starting with RU588451
I didn’t know if anyone had already asked/ or talked about RU. You got any experience with it?
Everything I have heard is that it is good. I currently run finasteride, minoxidil, keto shampoo, and micro needle. Hair stays the same throughout cycles (test/var). Will be running GH starting next week (have run before but not this long), and will be adding RU to the mix soon. I’ll post up if anything noticeable changes.
Everything I have heard is that it is good. I currently run finasteride, minoxidil, keto shampoo, and micro needle. Hair stays the same throughout cycles (test/var). Will be running GH starting next week (have run before but not this long), and will be adding RU to the mix soon. I’ll post up if anything noticeable changes.
Kinda intense stack just for Test/Var , unless you are extremely prone to hair loss, but that’s just my opinion.
If you ran deca solo you won’t lose hair. Even on 2-3g a week. No hair loss. It’s pretty much impossible. That comes with its own set of issues which I’ve discussed before though. Believe it or not it’s not so much libido related, but blood pressure and cardiac related.

Key to hair growth is hgh + minoxidil + microneedling. Without hgh or peptides you can’t achieve significant regrowth. But I’ve seen guys regrow hair on even straight test or eq with high doses of GH. Androgens decrease igf1 in the dermal papilla. With minoxidil and GH you get 1+1 = 3 effect and microneedling amplifies it even further.

For me though I shave my shit so I don’t care lol, I’m kind of in the same boat as you here, but for guys who want hair this is relevant info
How does gh regrow hair?

I used gh solo for six months before adding test and while my hair color went 50% from gray back to blonde, it didn't grow. Once I added test, it started thinning, while continuing gh.
Kinda intense stack just for Test/Var , unless you are extremely prone to hair loss, but that’s just my opinion.
Yeah, started thinning in my late 20s, then when I was placed on trt in late 30’s it was shedding like crazy. Finasteride brought it back quite a bit. I added the rest of the protocol about 9 months ago. Crown is slowly coming back in. I only run test/var cycles due to how paranoid I am about going bald. I could probably run some mast or tren for around 4 weeks or so during cycles, but I’m not trying to compete.
Got a bottle of RU58841 from Minoxidilmax and got cold feet, gonna just use FDA approved Fin lol and got 3 months supply on Minoxidil foam that i dont use.

If anyone is from Canada wants it PM me :)
whats the most hair safe compound for off season? I usually do 250mg test + 900mg EQ, but I feel like that giving me low libido problems. I was thinking of replacing EQ with primo, but no sure how hair safe that is, another option is running deca/npp.
whats the most hair safe compound for off season? I usually do 250mg test + 900mg EQ, but I feel like that giving me low libido problems. I was thinking of replacing EQ with primo, but no sure how hair safe that is, another option is running deca/npp.
Deca/npp give me no issues with hair.

Did 600mg Mast , no issue

Now on 600mg primo, and I’m shedding like a fucker.