Hair Loss

You all should check pyrilutamide
it should be a game changer, stronger than RU.
2nd phase trial in probably will be FDA approved
500mg for $120 when they're showing results at 5mg twice daily in the trials. I'm definitely going to give it a try. Seems like the most common adverse effect is the same shit you get from minoxidil.
Will it age your face like minox aswell? (not sure if this is even true in the first place but heard it often)
In Hairless Man, Arthritis Drug Spurs Hair Growth — Lots Of It!!!

Craiglow BG, King BA, Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Oral Tofacitinib Reverses Alopecia Universalis in a Patient with Plaque Psoriasis, Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Home Page: Journal of Investigative Dermatology

A man with almost no hair on his body has grown a full head of it after a novel treatment. The patient had previously been diagnosed with both alopecia universalis, a disease that results in loss of all body hair, and plaque psoriasis, a condition characterized by scaly red areas of skin.

The only hair on his body was within the psoriasis plaques on his head. The patient has also grown eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as facial, armpit, and other hair, which he lacked at the time he sought help.

Clinicians believed it might be possible to address both diseases simultaneously using an existing FDA-approved drug for rheumatoid arthritis called tofacitinib citrate. The drug had been used successfully for treating psoriasis in humans. It had also reversed alopecia areata, a less extreme form of alopecia, in mice.

After three more months of therapy, the patient had completely regrown scalp hair and also had clearly visible eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial hair, as well as armpit and other hair. y eight months there was full regrowth of hair.

These panels show the patient's head
a) before treatmen with tofacitinib,
b) two months into treatment,
c) five months into treatment, and
d) eight months into treatment.

View attachment 14599
What is the current thinking on the efficacy of Tofacitinib regarding hair restoration?
How does gh regrow hair?

I used gh solo for six months before adding test and while my hair color went 50% from gray back to blonde, it didn't grow. Once I added test, it started thinning, while continuing gh.
It hasnt had effect on my head hair however bodyhair grows much much faster to the point of it being annoying
Been taking fin at .5mg daily. I had some minor shedding that started about 2 months ago. I would say 25-30 hairs a day on my hand but likely more then that. I’m two weeks into taking fin and no sides except for extremely dry hands. I know it’s from the fin cause I normally have oily skin. But if that’s the worst side I’m okay with it. Apparently is not very uncommon as a lot of people have posted about it various websites. Shedding has basically come to an end. I will keep a couple hairs every few days but go several days with no hairs at all. I’m on TRT test and DHB but the shedding began before starting DHB.
To add, anecdotally, microneedling (1.5mm) + topical fin (0,75mg) + minoxidil (5%) + RU suffice. Now, was not aware of all the information which is now displayed to the clearnet WHICH can be compiled with a simple search. Started with minoxidil first for years thinking it prevented androgenic alopecia. Eventually, 1mg fin orally. Halting the hairloss but still lost ground , (much slower). 1yr microneedling with 1.5mm is definitely a game changer. NOW, finally on RU and its another game changer. Might drop Fin totally but i dont mind putting it topical in my minoxidil. Micro needling is not fun, but def wanna add that in if someone wants to resurrect and 10x their gains in this battlefield we call fuck going bald.

The big 3 imo (microneedling, ru, minoxidil)

The pyrilutamide maybe one day. Cheers.

edit** peds: Test E + hcg , holding all hair gains.
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To add, anecdotally, microneedling (1.5mm) + topical fin (0,75mg) + minoxidil (5%) + RU suffice. Now, was not aware of all the information which is now displayed to the clearnet WHICH can be compiled with a simple search. Started with minoxidil first for years thinking it prevented androgenic alopecia. Eventually, 1mg fin orally. Halting the hairloss but still lost ground , (much slower). 1yr microneedling with 1.5mm is definitely a game changer. NOW, finally on RU and its another game changer. Might drop Fin totally but i dont mind putting it topical in my minoxidil. Micro needling is not fun, but def wanna add that in if someone wants to resurrect and 10x their gains in this battlefield we call fuck going bald.

The big 3 imo (microneedling, ru, minoxidil)

The pyrilutamide maybe one day. Cheers.

edit** peds: Test E + hcg , holding all hair gains.
What dose RU are you using? Im putting 1ml from chemyo (50mg) onto my see through areas on topnof my head and rubbing it in
What dose RU are you using? Im putting 1ml from chemyo (50mg) onto my see through areas on topnof my head and rubbing it in
Sorry i should have stated it in the post. 5% RU , kb + ethanol solution. Since ive been microneedling and using fin before (1yr microneedling, 7yrs fin) RU , the baby hairs appeared to have reached their potential and not mature further. After applying RU for 1 month sometimes once a day, and days i microneedle ill wait 24hrs, the hairs are coming in crazy and growing further in length. no shedding. I cant believe i waited years to try RU.
For the average person, is test or primo worse for hair on a mg for mg basis? Wondering whether to push the test more or add some primo.