Hair Loss

For the average person, is test or primo worse for hair on a mg for mg basis? Wondering whether to push the test more or add some primo.
When taking androgens that can cause hair loss I recommend using RU topical.
I used it in a 50mg a day winstrol cycle with my test and had zero shedding
Wanting to start fin, been using minoxidil, but heard such great success stories from fin. I'm still worried about sides. Mainly fertility and semen problems. Debating on if I should do 1 mg a day or cut tablet in half?
Wanting to start fin, been using minoxidil, but heard such great success stories from fin. I'm still worried about sides. Mainly fertility and semen problems. Debating on if I should do 1 mg a day or cut tablet in half?
I started fin at .5mg daily and had no sides for the first 2.5 weeks and upped it to 1mg daily and hair has stopped shedding completely after a month. Still no sides. I also take the 1mg a night as I saw a few people mention that dht peaks early in the morning so dosing at night before bed can be more beneficial to stopping shedding. I don’t know if that’s true but I have noticed that my hair shed more early in the morning.

It seems most that have success with all the hair products are the ones that start early and don’t wait till they are almost bald. As soon as I noticed shedding from TRT I started it shortly after.

I really think the sides are similar to tren, so many people talk about how crazy the sides are from tren. I was so worried and I actually said fuck it and ran it and the only side I had was broken sleep and sweating but I live in Florida it’s not as fuck anyway. Most of the time the people echoing the crazy tren and Finasteride sides have never actually tried it they just heard it from someone else. Who heard it from someone else. The half life is so short on fin that you could take it for a week and if you get sides stop it and it will be out of your system in no time. I don’t see how a week of fin could do irreversible damage. Or even a month.
I started fin at .5mg daily and had no sides for the first 2.5 weeks and upped it to 1mg daily and hair has stopped shedding completely after a month. Still no sides. I also take the 1mg a night as I saw a few people mention that dht peaks early in the morning so dosing at night before bed can be more beneficial to stopping shedding. I don’t know if that’s true but I have noticed that my hair shed more early in the morning.

It seems most that have success with all the hair products are the ones that start early and don’t wait till they are almost bald. As soon as I noticed shedding from TRT I started it shortly after.

I really think the sides are similar to tren, so many people talk about how crazy the sides are from tren. I was so worried and I actually said fuck it and ran it and the only side I had was broken sleep and sweating but I live in Florida it’s not as fuck anyway. Most of the time the people echoing the crazy tren and Finasteride sides have never actually tried it they just heard it from someone else. Who heard it from someone else. The half life is so short on fin that you could take it for a week and if you get sides stop it and it will be out of your system in no time. I don’t see how a week of fin could do irreversible damage. Or even a month.
Thanks man yea gonna give it a go. Wife's currently pregnant and we want to have another soon after. Would I just stop taking the fin for a few months when we try again. Any danger in jizzing in my wife while she's preggo as they say traces of fin can be found in semen? Also on trt so regularly donate blood. Fin is on the least of no nos so what do I do about donating?
I make my own topical with RU, Fin and Min. I use it in combination with microneedling for the best effect. Topical Fin is show to have a lot less systemic DHT reduction, mostly in the scalp. There might still be some fin that goes systemic, but if it is low enough to be acceptable for blood donation I don't know.
I make my own topical with RU, Fin and Min. I use it in combination with microneedling for the best effect. Topical Fin is show to have a lot less systemic DHT reduction, mostly in the scalp. There might still be some fin that goes systemic, but if it is low enough to be acceptable for blood donation I don't know.
Topical fin scares me having around the house with the wife and kid
Thanks man yea gonna give it a go. Wife's currently pregnant and we want to have another soon after. Would I just stop taking the fin for a few months when we try again. Any danger in jizzing in my wife while she's preggo as they say traces of fin can be found in semen? Also on trt so regularly donate blood. Fin is on the least of no nos so what do I do about donating?
Yea man no problem. Sorry about my spelling errors. I posted earlier while driving using talk to text on my phone. My main point was I really think people love to just repeat what they heard about fin. Not what actually happened to them. So it makes it out to be like a lot of people had a bad experience with it. When in reality it’s a small percentage of users. Don’t get me wrong some do have problems with it. But Fin has been around a long time and it’s a go to prescription for many docs to prescribe. Also there’s lots of variables. For example-Maybe someone using it already had low T or high estrogen prior to using it and they were aware and fin just made it worse. That doesn’t mean that will happen to you.

For your questions, I’ve never heard of it being an issue for females during sex. And never heard of blood collectors not wanting you to be using it. So wish I could help answer but I can’t.
Cutting hair short today, seeing whats up. Started 3.2 mg minox, i am dropping the drops in emtpy pill capsules and taking.

Will start .25 mg fin when it comes
Cutting hair short today, seeing whats up. Started 3.2 mg minox, i am dropping the drops in emtpy pill capsules and taking.

Will start .25 mg fin when it comes
Good luck with the oral minox. I’m still contemplating trying it with my fin. I’m doing topical but it’s a complete pain in the ass. It gets exhausting putting it evenly on your head.
btw I have the pictures to go along with my experience. The shedding is in your head because we shed every day. the moment i took fin (not pharma fin which i do now use) it stopped 'shedding' and had a normal 'shed' of hairs which was significantly less when i washed my hair or woke up and didnt see much hair on the pillow. This was a 1mg dropper. Not even pharmacy finasteride. This only lasted a couple months before i got access to pharmacy fin, no difference between ugl or pharmacy fin. as the years went by i got on testosterone, however i did lose ground. I bumped the fin dose to 1.25mg, still loss ground over the years. Then i did micro needling and topical fin and oral fin. Gained some ground but the new hairs never matured and it was tough (btw, this was me using minoxidil years before i took fin orally in combincation, so in context, this is all with minoxidil). Once i applied RU , game changer. im 2.5 months on RU and i think to myself, how the fuck did i not use ru sooner. now i am still using topical/oral fin since i have a bunch, ru, minoxidil and microneedling. i left some details out from other topicals/orals so those are ruled out. these are the big 3 imo, fin i can squeeze in there because i have not experiemented without it yet. however ru does do the samething as fin. btw i am still on a trt dose, and gaining hairs.

IMO big 3 = microneedling 1.5mm, RU and minoxidil.

when your microneedle, you want to draw blood, if you dont see blood, then you are not microneedling correctly.

some say to wait 24hrs after microneedling to add any topical. i add fin/minoxidil right after microneedling. but i do wait 24hrs to apply the ru.
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