Hair Loss

Ok i will do .25 mg and see what occurs. As i havent lost that badly of hair. But want to stop it going. I just want to function well.

Do you take TRT?

Why would you want to have the DHT in your body go away, it is good for you to have it?

I want DHT in my body
I guess im not dht sensitive? i first took fin ugl 1mg liquid dropper and was natty. took it for a couple months then i decided to buy it at a local pharmacy and they were 5mg so i was taking 1.25mg for a couple years. ive also taken dut too. never had side effects, always have had a high drive for sex and i penis pump so my sex drive is good. ide say im more driven , been on test for 2 years now and no sides. i also took my natty baseline blood test while on fin and was good. (only got lipids, total test, free test and estradiol tested)

tldr, no fin sides natty or while on trt.

however, while upping the dose to about 200-250mg test e , i do get acne. ive experimented a small amount of times. but dht it appears im sentsitve to hairloss. libido is good. and im in my 30's
Effective for prostate or preventing androgenic alopecia? It slows down hairloss furrure (in my case)
Stopping hair loss, I would like to try some Primo but I am not sure if I'm susceptible to male pattern baldness, I was hoping to buy some raws and make a solution comprising topical Finasteride, Ru58841 and Minoxidil to use preemptively.
You drop that poison and take bactrim instead. Trust me I've run Accutane more than anyone and lost 50% of my hair because of it. And the anti-acne effects aren't even permanent, and come with severe side effects, from hairloss, to autoimmune conditions such as ibd etc.

Bactrim is a mild antibiotic that cured my acne and I took it for 5 years with no issues (knock on wood), there are also long term studies supporting its safety for severe acne users.
Whats your yearound dosage with bactrim?
As far as I'm aware, Ru58841, Minoxidil, Finasteride and Dutasteride all dissolve in 70% ethanol 30% proplylene glycol
So food grade propylene glycol from amazon works? And Ethanol from amazon works?

So in 1 mL 70% ethanol and 30% propylene, and if i crush 1 finastride pill. That would be 1 mg/mL. Which i am going to reduce substatially to a number that doesnt allow sides.

This should work right?
I’m using 1mg finasteride a day along with a topical dutasteride, minoxidil, and 10,000 mcg biotin. It’s a pain doing all these separately but my hair has FULLY rebounded after severe fallout from Trazodone. Beware of that shit guys. Was taking so many supplements at the time I didn’t expect it to be that… took a month to narrow it down. Only other side I knowingly have is acne from biotin. Cut it back to 10,000 mcg E3D and it’s going away fast
I'm low 30's and have 0 hair loss but I'll be starting my first cycle (just test e) soon.

Is there any risk to concurrently taking oral finasteride for the duration of the cycle to minimize chances of hair loss starting? I'd think not, but just making sure.
Any heart or blood pressure issues using minoxidil 5%?
No none but I know that every individual reacts differently to it. For example I do get itchy scalp on occasion and other guys I know don’t. I have spoken to others who take the stuff and so far no one I know has but like I said everyone reacts differently
I'm low 30's and have 0 hair loss but I'll be starting my first cycle (just test e) soon.

Is there any risk to concurrently taking oral finasteride for the duration of the cycle to minimize chances of hair loss starting? I'd think not, but just making sure.
I have read that it’s has to do with genetics
If you don’t have the MPB gene then you won’t be needing any of that stuff. Correct me someone if I’m wrong.
However, someone like me who has the MPB gene if I’m taking the stuff while on a cycle I will still lose hair, it’s inevitable. My hair tends to grow back only when I’m off the juice not when I’m on it, but I don’t lose as much as let’s say if I wasn’t taking finasteride.
Can you take finasteride just when you cycle on gear that needs it?

This would pretty much just be test and halo right? Don't think fin helps with anything else - I'd look into RU if I were you. It seems to be far and away the most effective and broad-range hair saver.
This would pretty much just be test and halo right? Don't think fin helps with anything else - I'd look into RU if I were you. It seems to be far and away the most effective and broad-range hair saver.
Yes i agree
Is 3.75 oral minox too much? Should i back too 2.5? 3.75 is working, just dont want to mess with heart