Help please !!with new cycle mix 3 pharma (tren e 100 mg/ nandrolone decanoate 200 mg/ test e 200 mg


New Member
Ill be running 10 weeks. 1 ML a week which is 100 mg tren, 200 mg deca/ 200 test... i hear so much diferent stuff about pct and running other substances while cycling, so confused... please help me put together pct and any other advice. Caber or no caber?
I'm pretty sure this is your first cycle. I haven't done one in 5 years and I've done 5 total. I'm starting again in June and I have never run tren because I have no idea how it're going about this all wrong, you need to start with a test only cycle
Hate to admit but my first cycle was actually tren ace and test...2nd was deca and test.... that was 4 years ago and was just doing everything my buddy instructed... found out he wasnt as smart as he thought. So im asking for guidance from fellas from here
Dude you're mixing too much, its a marathon not a sprint. Find out how much test you need to grow and how you react. Next cycle add something like dbol or Anadrol. Next cycle try test and Decca or tren then you can start mixing them all
Appreciate it though. I didnt want to admit running tren on my first cycle. I knew id get criticized for it.

Because you know you're moving too quick. Trust me I'm dying to get back on but I'm just finishing up my dnp cycle because I know I'm not ready yet.
My body responded fine on the tren and deca. Ive been off for a Lol like DNP?? Dude thats the most dangerous shit i ever heard of, im moving to fast? lol
My body responded fine on the tren and deca. Ive been off for a Lol like DNP?? Dude thats the most dangerous shit i ever heard of, im moving to fast? lol

Ugh really? I'm still alive believe it or not and people that think that usually have never tried it. Low doses will not kill you
Ugh really? I'm still alive believe it or not and people that think that usually have never tried it. Low doses will not kill you
Just saying my man... that shit is straight poison. Im not saying you dunno how to use it, but ive read plenty on it, enough to where i wouldnt touch it. Thats just me.
Well idk what to tell you man. Hopefully someone helps you out but I'm pretty sure most people are going to flame you for running all that and not knowing how to. Good luck!
Its my third cycle.... how am i suppossed to learn when i read forums and everyone says different shit? Stack nandrolones dont stack nandrolones. Run caber dont run caber. High prolactin, no its a myth that deca and tren induce prolactin... and the list goes on.... its all good though, everyones a dr when it comes to gear which is why individuals like me are so fuckung confused
Why not ditch the tren and deca and do a straight test blast, or like mentioned above, test with some drol or dbol thrown in? That'll be my next cycle. Granted, I'm not the most experienced AAS user, but I prefer to know what I'm getting into long before I actually get into it.

I've been surprised to see what test only cycles and a clean bulking diet can do to someone in a relatively short amount of time.
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