Help please !!with new cycle mix 3 pharma (tren e 100 mg/ nandrolone decanoate 200 mg/ test e 200 mg

I have a friend at my gym that just came off the cycle... been 6 weeks. He ran aromisin and clomid for 8 weeks. Then after listening to dillion gemelli im second guessing the prolactin with stacking the 2 nandrolones
My first cycle was a tren ace cycle. My body responded well other than acne i loved it... but with the deca its sketchy to me regardless of all the people who ran it loved it
Gotcha. I'm on TRT, so I'd be little help recommending a PCT protocol, but I'd hang on to the caber if you already have it and may consider an AI, though on those doses, I'm not sure if you'll actually need them.

For your next blast, seriously consider a test only run. One or two of those will give you a good baseline to determine which other compounds, if any, you'd want to stack with it.
Gotcha. I'm on TRT, so I'd be little help recommending a PCT protocol, but I'd hang on to the caber if you already have it and may consider an AI, though on those doses, I'm not sure if you'll actually need them.

For your next blast, seriously consider a test only run. One or two of those will give you a good baseline to determine which other compounds, if any, you'd want to stack with it.
I dont have the AI on hand.... thanks just for some feedback bro. I understand the severity of this cycle but i always do low doses, while everyone else is doing 6× the amount... im just asking for advice on how to pct with it and exact amounts... especially already being mixed and taking longer for the deca to leave the system leaving me confused on when to start pct
I dont have the AI on hand.... thanks just for some feedback bro. I understand the severity of this cycle but i always do low doses, while everyone else is doing 6× the amount... im just asking for advice on how to pct with it and exact amounts... especially already being mixed and taking longer for the deca to leave the system leaving me confused on when to start pct
You need to get an AI quick. And if you've only pinned once you can stop now and be fine no PCT required. You should not pin anything until you get your AI and Pct meds on hand.....also there's plenty of cycle logs on here to find the proper PCT for you
You need to get an AI quick. And if you've only pinned once you can stop now and be fine no PCT required. You should not pin anything until you get your AI and Pct meds on hand.....also there's plenty of cycle logs on here to find the proper PCT for you
I agree. Thanks for the help bro.
What are the "both sides" your talking about.
I think everyone can agree pct is essential unless you b&c.
I know its essential lol both sides on what to take and when to take it... "dont run deca and tren" or some who actually ran it say its one of the best cycles ever ran lol... then i have a guy thats taking DNP and acting like its and eca stack telling me how dangerous tren is....
I didn't say it was dangerous but NOW I'm saying you're a fucken dumbass for using it and not having a fucken clue about it or how to run it. Not to mention you proved how fucken stupid you are by staring the cycle without a pct plan or a AI. At least I was prepared to run DNP unlike your stupid ass coming here asking for help and crying like a little bitch because nobody will help you. I could have sworn I said I hope you get help from someone and good luck with your cycle but apperently you're just an asshole.
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I didn't say it was dangerous but NOW I'm saying you're a fucken dumbass for using it and not having a fucken clue about it or how to run it. Not to mention you proved how fucken stupid you are by staring the cycle without a pct plan or a AI. At least I was prepared to run DNP unlike your stupid ass coming here asking for help and crying like a little bitch because nobody will help you. I could have sworn I said I hope you get help from someone and good luck with your cycle but apperently you're just an asshole.
Lol. Agreed im stupid for grabbing my gear witjout how to pct with it.... guilty.... sounds like the DNP not only heating up your core, but brain as well...
Lol. Agreed im stupid for grabbing my gear witjout how to pct with it.... guilty.... sounds like the DNP not only heating up your core, but brain as well...
Btw... i got my pct ready to go... thanks sweetheart. Why dont you go try to learn how to eat accordingly and train hard enough to where you dont have to worry about killing yourself you fucking dipshit