75mcg at 4-5 iu is perfect for me and I run 100mcg 6 iu plus.... it keeps me in the normal range for T4
Oh cool. I did not realize you had done your homework. Glad to know you are back on normal routines and can eat. Ramadan has to be tough for a bodybuilder and I commend you for your faith brother.
OK, so now are back to GH not suppressing natural production? I guess you missed the discussion a few pages back.

But the question is: if low blood sugar stimulates HGH production no matter what you are taking, as mentioned by one of the posters, then would IGF1, which also lowers blood sugar, stimulate more natural HGH production?
Nonono saying that at all. Im a rookie with regard to...well just about all aas and hgh. I retract what I said and am just happy to learn.
Methyl mike!!!! It’s time for a break brother. I dealt with the same thing and it’s painful what your talking about. It would wake me up in the night and I would have to run cold water over my hands to alleviate the pain then go back to sleep to be woke up again 1-2 hours later. The sleep deprivation is counterproductive to the goal and miserable when you gotta work the next day. I run excavators backhoes and scrapers doing dirt work and it was painful operating these machines all day. The only time I felt good was after killing in the gym but that only last until the night. It took 4 weeks for me my hands to go back to normal and two weeks of keto followed by a low carb diet for another two, with long acting basal insulin at night to get my fasted blood sugar below 100. Check your morning blood sugar if you havnt to make sure your good there. If I remember correctly you were taking 10iu of gh a day? I did 20iu a day for six weeks. Like I said previously on this thread I’ll never do it that way again too much dide effects. Go for a reset and take Logan’s advice and titrate up see how that works. I know we all want gains now, but I always have to remind myself because the maniac i an in anything I do, but the turtle wins the race in body building.
I am for the moment running a PPL split and going one day on one day off etc. Today was chest shoulder triceps and i kept workload and intensity at 80% which is unbelievably difficult for me. But i have seen crazy gains already, im just so used to the idea i can be like Dorian and push thru anything. I am human afterall. Ty for your input always.
I am for the moment running a PPL split and going one day on one day off etc. Today was chest shoulder triceps and i kept workload and intensity at 80% which is unbelievably difficult for me. But i have seen crazy gains already, im just so used to the idea i can be like Dorian and push thru anything. I am human afterall. Ty for your input always.
When i ll be able to train again i ll try Dorian’s advice to reach failure with negatives too… did you already try it?
The theory that you.believe to be true is just as provable the other direction.
I don't have a theory I believe to be true, so no need to get all up in arms to disprove something I have not asserted.

I do know, however, that there is more to regulation of growth hormone levels than simply growth hormone levels. That is not theory. So the half life of growth hormone (your words) cannot be the sole determinant of your natural production.

If that does not make sense, then just ask me, and I will try to do a better job of explaining it.
I am for the moment running a PPL split and going one day on one day off etc. Today was chest shoulder triceps and i kept workload and intensity at 80% which is unbelievably difficult for me. But i have seen crazy gains already, im just so used to the idea i can be like Dorian and push thru anything. I am human afterall. Ty for your input always.
When you say 80% intensity what do you mean? I can accurately determine zero intensity (doing nothing) and maximum intensity (going to failure) but, and I know it's not going to be exact, but what is 80%? Two reps short of failure? One rep? Three reps?
I don't have a theory I believe to be true, so no need to get all up in arms to disprove something I have not asserted.

I do know, however, that there is more to regulation of growth hormone levels than simply growth hormone levels. That is not theory. So the half life of growth hormone (your words) cannot be the sole determinant of your natural production.

If that does not make sense, then just ask me, and I will try to do a better job of explaining it.
I knew, or rather know, someone who because he couldn't afford GH, or even those GH releases that he didn't have much faith in any way, use to artificially get himself into a hypoglycemic state using Humulin R. The idea was to get his blood sugar so low that it will stimulate his GH production.

It did work in the sense that his IGF level did increased and I certainly saw it first hand when I had to take an insulin sensitivity test. I could see on the chart afterward that after they injected insulin and I started to go hypo, i.e., I was in the beginning stages of blacking out, my HGH would shoot up, and then they would then inject Dextrose to bring my blood sugar back up which caused the HGH production levels to go down.

Except for the risk of dying part, that does seem like an interesting strategy for a poor man's way of increasing GH levels.
When i ll be able to train again i ll try Dorian’s advice to reach failure with negatives too… did you already try it?
Im a couple workouts in. Suffering from i guess you would call chronic fatigue syndrome. Its getting better. Lots of sleeping resting eating.

Im hoping to be 100% again after this split so legs day off back biceps day off and chest shoulders triceps @100% fingers crossed.

As for the GH protocol i am on that now which is exactly why i switched to ppl in the first place. 12ius one shot post workout EOD.

Everything is going well. My numb hands are much improved today! So i finally got a break! Ive been stretching and taking 7-8 super hot showers every day along with resting and deloading in the gym. The showers, man, they feel so good. I dont know why but they do.

Forcing food every day tho diet is cleaner than before. Still pushing 6-8 meals with one additional whey shake every day. I dont get a break from eating unfortunately. Thats how this game is played, and im its Huckleberry.
I knew, or rather know, someone who because he couldn't afford GH, or even those GH releases that he didn't have much faith in any way, use to artificially get himself into a hypoglycemic state using Humulin R. The idea was to get his blood sugar so low that it will stimulate his GH production.

It did work in the sense that his IGF level did increased and I certainly saw it first hand when I had to take an insulin sensitivity test. I could see on the chart afterward that after they injected insulin and I started to go hypo, i.e., I was in the beginning stages of blacking out, my HGH would shoot up, and then they would then inject Dextrose to bring my blood sugar back up which caused the HGH production levels to go down.

Except for the risk of dying part, that does seem like an interesting strategy for a poor man's way of increasing GH levels.
Oh my lord haha
When you say 80% intensity what do you mean? I can accurately determine zero intensity (doing nothing) and maximum intensity (going to failure) but, and I know it's not going to be exact, but what is 80%? Two reps short of failure? One rep? Three reps?
Well i cant say its exactly 80% but last chest workout i did 2 chest exercises instead of my usual 3 or 4 same with shoulders and triceps. Intensity wise i did not go as heavy and stopped pretty far short of failure. Maybe 6-8 reps short of failure. Ex i did 4 sets of dips for chest and stopped with 50lbs around my waist for 10 where usually i could get 8 or 10 with 75 but that puts me at or failure.

I guess you could say i am being tolerant of my bodys limits for the time being. Where usually i chase my log book and nothing stops me from putting some kind of progress down right now im getting a pump and working through full ROM with controlled but not exaggerated negatives and stopping far enough from failure that i am not mentally or physically exhausted when I leave the gym.
It seems that the one and only legit IGF1 is increlex and it should be even stored and shipped properly since i read its fragile and comes already reconstituted. As far i know

@janoshik did you ever test Mecasermin?
Is that insubolic that roid source makes/sells is that real igf1.. they say it is.. identical to the rich pianna shit..increlex
Is that insubolic that roid source makes/sells is that real igf1.. they say it is.. identical to the rich pianna shit..increlex

They who? Insubolic makers? Ahah…

Cmon dont joke… “they said its legit” Oh ok fine i ll order a pallet then.. thanks
No.. inwoukdnt do that.. I'm if you know of the stuff they have called insubolic.. it's says it's real igf1.. I'm asking know if it's real or any info about it.. I know some ppl like their qtropin or whatever it's called.. they say the 2 together is the shit.. bit everyone says that.. I habent seen any real.evidence
As far i know even legit increlex out of a fridge from Ipsen in France could be wasted if not stored correctly, so i dont know how the pros get that stuff from who s it seems to be called Mr Increlex… Not my business unfortunately..

So, i would send to Jano or Lab4tox some to get anal yzed and would laugh already thinking about if its sugar or wheat flour