HGH Dosing Time

GHRH's are better for sleep then GHRP's. Use mod grf
Part of the reason I switched to gh from ghrh/ghrp is that I started developing an allergic type reaction to the mod grf. I’d weirdly get hives in all the spots I had previously injected mod grf. The reaction stayed even after switching ugl brands, and even my buddy’s ipa/mod grf mix from a compounding pharmacy did it. Ipamorelin also helped my sleep, though not as drastically as both mixed together,

This is a wealth of information I will explore. Thank you for sharing!
I’ve used it all different ways.

Recently I’ve been liking pinning @8pm and again @3 or 4am.

By 10pm I’m knocked out sleeping great. I naturally wake up to pee somewhere around 3 or 4am. Pin again. Fall back asleep until 6am then do daily morning fasted cardio. Eat breakfast @9am. Each dose is 5iu

For me it checks the boxes regarding sleep, fat loss and mostly avoiding insulin resistance.
GH regulates a variety of processes in the body. Children with GHD show brain structure and function alterations (26). During deep sleep, the body produces and releases the most GH. In children affected by GHD, the production of this hormone may be reduced or absent. Currently available data suggest that this can alter the structure and quality of sleep (18, 25). Even in adults, GHD has been shown to negatively impact REM sleep, body movements during sleep, and sleep microstructure (27). A study conducted in adults with GH disorders showed that all had abnormal REM sleep and delta waves during PSG (28).

If you inject your GH at any time other than before going to bed, then you won't have much of any GH release during your sleep. Which in turn can negatively impact sleep quality and cognitive function. The minor benefits of pre-workout GH use do not outweigh these significant downsides. No matter how much a certain guy is bloviating about it.
You need GHRP's (not GHRH), they work even with igf1's negative feedback. Out of all GHRP's I'd use only ipamorelin due to it having the lowest potential to modulate the HPA axis. Hexarelin is a huge offender in this regard and so are ghrp2 and 6.

The peak boluses you get with a normal - large dose of GHRP's is far greater then 1 - 2 iu's of GH. However auc is ofc nowhere near that of rhGH's.

Not quite sure how effective these short boluses are at stimulating lipolysis though. But if enhanced fasted cardio is the only goal, I imagine they are somewhat adequate (your standards may vary).

Nobody mentioned administering GH via i.v. Not really the safest of practices, but if you know what you're doing, it's an option ...
I often see tesamorelin mentioned, by other members.
Earlier, I read the name "anamorelin" in one of the vendors' threads and I googled it, as I'd never heard about it before.
After the clinical trials, it was not marketed as it was not found to be effective enough (according to wiki).
I am sure you know about it.
You do BOLOS at night?

I think I'll give it a try honestly. Hoping I'll wake up looking leaner too after doing a large-ish night injection of 6iu, then obviously fasting through the night.

I've been doing the am/pm split for a few months, so I'll do some testing with the night protocol and report back what I find, if anything. At worst I'm just hoping it gives me a deeper sleep

I'm pretty happy with the brand of hgh I'm using though (k4l). It's HPLC tested, been using it for months with great results, but you're right that certain brands probably cause more lethargy than others. I think most generics come out of China anyways though so it's probably relatively similar I would imagine.
Probably the source. Most recent tests were like 94% across the board. Some of the worst HGH testing on the market.

Def give meditropes a shot
I often see tesamorelin mentioned, by other members.
Earlier, I read the name "anamorelin" in one of the vendors' threads and I googled it, as I'd never heard about it before.
After the clinical trials, it was not marketed as it was not found to be effective enough (according to wiki).
I am sure you know about it.

Tnx, never really looked it up but I see it has a longer HL compared to mod grf, so it maybe of better use for sleep.
Probably the source. Most recent tests were like 94% across the board. Some of the worst HGH testing on the market.

Def give meditropes a shot
Yeah I saw the thread on professionalmuscle where people posting GH serum tests of 15-18. Very disappointing results. Might give TP or opti a shot

There's a member on PM that is posting GH serum testing for the supremes in the next few days which will give me a good idea.

I'm wondering if k4l did the ole bait and switch, where:
- his initial stuff tested good, then he sells the lower quality stuff
-maybe the quality has just gone down hill overtime
-or I'm hoping the supremes still test well, and that the other kits (standard, deluxe) are just the throwaway quality kits

Either way I'm definitely concerned with the low quality tests and underwhelming bloodwork. Was going to order more from him but now im holding off and looking elsewhere
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Yeah I saw the thread on professionalmuscle where people posting GH serum tests of 15-18. Very disappointing results. Might give TP or opti a shot

There's a member on PM that is posting GH serum testing for the supremes in the next few days which will give me a good idea.

I'm wondering if k4l did the ole bait and switch, where:
- his initial stuff tested good, then he sells the lower quality stuff
-maybe the quality has just gone down hill overtime
-or I'm hoping the supremes still test well, and that the other kits (standard, deluxe) are just the throwaway quality kits

Either way I'm definitely concerned with the low quality tests and underwhelming bloodwork. Was going to order more from him but now im holding off and looking elsewhere
wow i didnt know k4L quality went down. Since when? I ordered deluxe back in march and havent started using it yet.
Wen't from 2iu am/pm to 4iu pm last night. Unless it's just a coincidence, woke up feeling good. This might be my new jam.

If you inject your GH at any time other than before going to bed, then you won't have much of any GH release during your sleep. Which in turn can negatively impact sleep quality and cognitive function. The minor benefits of pre-workout GH use do not outweigh these significant downsides. No matter how much a certain guy is bloviating about it.

I scanned that article but couldn't find the study supporting your conclusion. Did your conclusion come from a different study?
Yeah I feel like I wake up looking super lean but also decently full in a fasted state. I'll probably stick with the PM dose for a few months just to compare to the am/pm split I was running.

But so far I'm very happy with it
What is BOLO dose?
I'm just looking for some reading content. I think Jin and I have a mutual respect

I've had to switch my GH shots to BOLO night time because it gives me wicked lethargy like 3-4H post subq shot, so if there's maybe something that could supplement my fasted morning training then I'd be open to atleast reading/learning about it. I know there are Peptides that can increase endogenous GH production by the equivalent of 1-2iu, but if I'm taking GH exogenously and shutting down my endogenous production, I would need to figure out If this would even work.
Even 2 iu give you bad lethargy?
Even 2 iu give you bad lethargy?
More around 3iu, but yeah 3-4 hours post subq injection my energy level just crashes. I'm wondering if it's an individual response. Some people don't seem to get the lethargy, or they say it goes away in time. I haven't experienced this. I get the lethargy every time around the 3 to 4 hour mark
I have been doing my shot 2.5 hours pre cardio fasted, so that it peaks at hour 3 while fasted cardio. I used to do it split, but then i wanted maximum lipolysus while ustilizinh fat stores. Yet now i dont know if thats better or split so my body burns fat stores throughout day?