HGH sleep issues


New Member
About a month in on ugl GH, 4iu every night before bed, 2hrs after dinner. First couple weeks it knocked me out all night. Past couple weeks I've been wide awake at 3am every night. Almost feels like a cortisol spike. Wondering if I should ride it out, switch to am, or if anyone has had the same experience or knows the possible science behind this regarding the gh interactions with prolactin, progesterone or adrenals.
I don't think this happens, or at least without seeing hGH levels after a week off. Which I doubt long-term hGH users would have any interest in doing. Plus age and other factors, relative to baseline levels.

You're shutdown while on it no? IGF 1 negative feedback loop.

I understand you bounce back once you come off, but I have no intentions of doing that. Will most likely be on for life, followed by TRT at some point.
Dosing should be split as you naturally produce 3+ pulses per day. 50-70% during sleep and the rest is distributed during the day. Ideally, 2 doses split 12 hours apart ie 11pm and 11am. So, if taking 4ius take 2.5-3 at night and the rest at daytime pin. Half life is 3 hours which means it’s completely eliminated after 18hours but 85% of that dose is gone in 9 hours. If doing one pin you’re pretty much at near zero for 15 hours and imo that’s suboptimal. But, do I as you wish.

I dose 430 am, I sleep at 830 pm and sleep great. However I do want to go am/pm dose schedule for benefits you mention. I am worried it will wreck my sleep
I dose 430 am, I sleep at 830 pm and sleep great. However I do want to go am/pm dose schedule for benefits you mention. I am worried it will wreck my sleep
All you can do is try it. Hgh timing and dosage can be a fickle b&$@- lol. IMO if what your doing now is working and you’re able to sleep and get good recovery I wouldn’t mess with it.
I dose 430 am, I sleep at 830 pm and sleep great. However I do want to go am/pm dose schedule for benefits you mention. I am worried it will wreck my sleep

IMO if what your doing now is working and you’re able to sleep and get good recovery I wouldn’t mess with it.


sleep great. However I do want to go am/pm dose schedule for benefits you mention.

sleep great

No benefits outweigh this.
Sleep is obviously critical for recovery. in my experience using hgh if not timed properly, regardless of sleep quality/amount you will not get optimal recovery . For a few months I took hgh solely post workout around 11am and after a couple of weeks I just could not recover. No matter what I did including taking extra days off. Nothing worked. Then realizing I was getting zero hgh in my system during sleep I switched it up and split dose to 50/50 pW and bedtime and after a week I started to recover properly. I think alot of this depends training intensity and the user.
Try it if your having issues recovering.
I'm another poor sleep sufferer on HGH. I am currently pinning 2IU mornings, which is tolerable, but I use edibles and an occasional Benzo if I want a proper 8+-hour sleep.

Have tried 3IU and 6IU EOD but sleep was poor. Frequent nighttime awakenings, difficulty getting back to sleep and waking up early despite feeling like I needed more sleep.

I take for bone density (I had a hip fracture and osteopenia) so for me it's a price I'm willing to pay, for the time being. Once I get to 2 years consistent usage (which most trials have shown to cause significant improvements in BMD) I will be taking a long or potentially permanent holiday from it, unless I can work out a lower dose that I can fully tolerate.

Side note: Bone density increased +14% after 1 year of usage along with TRT + a small cycle using Test, NPP and some Anavar sprinkled in here and there.
I've just heard from someone with the same issues say they take propranolol and it helps. That or any beta blocker. So now I'm looking for the quickest way to acquire some.
Propanolol definitely helps offset the increase RHR.

I still wake up a lot though if I dose my hgh before bed. The fragmented sleep effect from the GH is rather noticeable.

It's weird though. When I was on k4l GH, I could dose it before bed and slept amazing

Switched to the provider's GH and I get bad sleep if I dose the GH before bed, but the results with the providers gh has been way better so I know its quality. Kind of makes me wonder what was in k4ls product. I can't explain it
Propanolol definitely helps offset the increase RHR.

I still wake up a lot though if I dose my hgh before bed. The fragmented sleep effect from the GH is rather noticeable.

It's weird though. When I was on k4l GH, I could dose it before bed and slept amazing

Switched to the provider's GH and I get bad sleep if I dose the GH before bed, but the results with the providers gh has been way better so I know its quality. Kind of makes me wonder what was in k4ls product. I can't explain it
Ah ok, so blockers don’t fix the sleep. I thought they might blunt the adrenal effects. Also thought ashwaganda but it tends to cause anhedonia.

Interesting about the different labs. Ive only ran opti’s. Always wondered if true pharma was different
Ah ok, so blockers don’t fix the sleep. I thought they might blunt the adrenal effects. Also thought ashwaganda but it tends to cause anhedonia.

Interesting about the different labs. Ive only ran opti’s. Always wondered if true pharma was different
They'll help you fall asleep. I just find I wake up frequent with night time GH, but everyone responds differently.

It definitely won't hurt your sleep