HGH sleep issues


New Member
About a month in on ugl GH, 4iu every night before bed, 2hrs after dinner. First couple weeks it knocked me out all night. Past couple weeks I've been wide awake at 3am every night. Almost feels like a cortisol spike. Wondering if I should ride it out, switch to am, or if anyone has had the same experience or knows the possible science behind this regarding the gh interactions with prolactin, progesterone or adrenals.
About a month in on ugl GH, 4iu every night before bed, 2hrs after dinner. First couple weeks it knocked me out all night. Past couple weeks I've been wide awake at 3am every night. Almost feels like a cortisol spike. Wondering if I should ride it out, switch to am, or if anyone has had the same experience or knows the possible science behind this regarding the gh interactions with prolactin, progesterone or adrenals.
The problem here is you release 50-70% of hgh during sleep so, you should reduce to 2 or 2.5ius and take the rest at some point during the day.
About a month in on ugl GH, 4iu every night before bed, 2hrs after dinner. First couple weeks it knocked me out all night. Past couple weeks I've been wide awake at 3am every night. Almost feels like a cortisol spike. Wondering if I should ride it out, switch to am, or if anyone has had the same experience or knows the possible science behind this regarding the gh interactions with prolactin, progesterone or adrenals.
So how do we make all of this information actionable?

I can read it, nod my head, pretend to understand, mutter, "Cortisol," oh, and "beta receptors," and pretend like I am keeping up in the conversation, but what do I then do about my hgh administration?
Direct effects of GH have no solution besides, er, not using GH. So, increased nighttime awakenings like the OP posted... if you don't want that, then the solution is to not take GH anymore, try reducing dose, take a break.

For GH lethargy, an inhibitor of 11β-HSD1 would be most selective, all the way through using adrenaline:
So no hope of a restful sleep after 3:00 am if taken at night?

I split dose @ ~7am and ~6pm. Bedtime around 11. Sleep is good but I pretty much always get up to pee at least once. I don't remember the last time I slept for 8 hours straight but that goes back way before hGH.

Disclaimer: hGH never influenced my sleep quality but I have decent sleep hygiene so probably less likely to be affected (consistent pre-bed routine, no TV or doom scrolling on phone in bed, etc.)