High blood pressure (critical level)


New Member
What's the highest BP reading you've ever had and did you even realise your blood pressure was too high before you had a test?
I was recently tested by my GP and a Nurse 5 times over 60 minutes between 184 and 220 with an average of 196. Scary numbers considering I'm off cycle.
did they send you to the ER?

Not if in USA. If you have mediocre health insurance, you'd have to leave the doctors office and call a specialist to find out who you need a referral from, make an appointment with them, get the referral, make an appointment to see the referral, and so on, and so on.

I pay more for the convenience of not having to jump through all those hoops, but it isn't cheap.

Not judging and I have no recommendations, just noting it's not great no matter how you slice it.
did they send you to the ER?

No, They prescribed me some pills and now I have to keep going back every 2 weeks for check ups. Last reading was 164 so hopefully the pills are doing something but my GP is still worried about me and a blood test showed my cholesterol level was too high also so I'm now on other pills for that too. This is the month I usually start my winter cycle (test/tren) but I'm scared I might kill myself this time...
No, They prescribed me some pills and now I have to keep going back every 2 weeks for check ups. Last reading was 164 so hopefully the pills are doing something but my GP is still worried about me and a blood test showed my cholesterol level was too high also so I'm now on other pills for that too. This is the month I usually start my winter cycle (test/tren) but I'm scared I might kill myself this time...
I hope you get better brother. Maybe, sit the cycle out for now until you are 100%, you will stop it anyway if shit goes south. I know you know this but I’ll say it anyway, you can’t display your muscles wearing a dress shirt in a coffin.

Get well brother.
Sit this one out, untill you get your health markers in line. And best to find the root cause of that, bp and lipids. Normalize your health numbers, wait a few months and then recheck before starting a cycle.

OT, highest reading, when I was pushing food and drugs was 175/95. But I was 3+ bills water buffalo
Not if in USA. If you have mediocre health insurance, you'd have to leave the doctors office and call a specialist to find out who you need a referral from, make an appointment with them, get the referral, make an appointment to see the referral, and so on, and so on.

I pay more for the convenience of not having to jump through all those hoops, but it isn't cheap.

Not judging and I have no recommendations, just noting it's not great no matter how you slice it.
They would send an American to the ER for hypertensive crisis.
What's the highest BP reading you've ever had and did you even realise your blood pressure was too high before you had a test?
I was recently tested by my GP and a Nurse 5 times over 60 minutes between 184 and 220 with an average of 196. Scary numbers considering I'm off cycle.
With those numbers you should have been referred to the ER. That’s strike level.
With those numbers you should have been referred to the ER. That’s strike level.

The nurse thought I was about to have a heart attack hence why she made me see a GP and wouldn't let me leave the surgery without signing a legal waiver. I'm seriously worried about my health now.
Dude, don't even consider blasting at all till your BP is in normal range for a prolonged period of time.

And stay the F away from tren going forward. People have become so obsessed with tren, it isn't even the best mass builder and it causes SO MANY negative health consequences. It can permanently damage your heart, causes neurological damage, the list goes on.

Stick to test, primo, mast. Safe and you will make great gains if diet and training are in check.

You should be very worried with where your BP is at, your #1 priority right now should be health.

Cardio, lots of water, fiber, citrus bergamot, fish oil pills, BP meds such as telmisartan, IPV6 (can get this off amazon).

Do the above for a month and check your bloods + BP, you should see a huge improvement.
I was hitting over 200/100 on a stress test a while back. But would not want that as normal. What are your levels on the average. 1 situation is something to look into but not a do or die as i see it. But i have my own monitor so i know what is going on. Do you have one? If you do some research jut for entertainment BP can hit around 360/240 in a heavy squat and even 245/195 in a 1 arm curl.
I was hitting over 200/100 on a stress test a while back. But would not want that as normal. What are your levels on the average. 1 situation is something to look into but not a do or die as i see it. But i have my own monitor so i know what is going on. Do you have one? If you do some research jut for entertainment BP can hit around 360/240 in a heavy squat and even 245/195 in a 1 arm curl.

That's interesting. I'm buying a BP monitor today so I can watch the situation daily without waiting 2 weeks to see my GP for check ups. Good idea mate ;)
You should be very worried with where your BP is at, your #1 priority right now should be health.

I've been looking forward to this cycle for 6 months on a cruise over summer so it's hard to stop myself jumping on a blast but it's good that you guys on MESO are giving me solid advice and making me think sensibly.
I was always curious what type of pressure happens during intense exercise, especially squats. Granted it’s just a few seconds.

Triceposauraus, keep sodium to a minimum. I may be slightly more sensitive to the effects of sodium than others but if I eat foods with high Na content my bp increases significantly. Stay away from gear for now. Maybe a trt dose of test but even that would be questionable. Be prepared to be on a few different bp meds, it’s normal and best practice at controlling bp. Maybe even look into the dash diet until you get on some medications.
If your that high BP on a cruise maybe adjust your cruise dose down to 100mg or whatever you need to be bellow 1000 free test. Also if your cruising on orals or anything else beside test drop that stuff.

My worst was 156/80 and that was mostly bad eating aka sugar with GH. I dropped all sugar and any high glycemic food, took cardio up to 1/2 min per day, added Telmisartan and Hzct and stopped GH. It took about 2-3 weeks for me to get back to 120/70
Not if in USA. If you have mediocre health insurance, you'd have to leave the doctors office and call a specialist to find out who you need a referral from, make an appointment with them, get the referral, make an appointment to see the referral, and so on, and so on.

I pay more for the convenience of not having to jump through all those hoops, but it isn't cheap.

Not judging and I have no recommendations, just noting it's not great no matter how you slice it.
False, you’d be sent right to the ER. If you were sent back out on the street, stroked out, that’s a major lawsuit.
False, you’d be sent right to the ER. If you were sent back out on the street, stroked out, that’s a major lawsuit.
The nurse thought I was about to have a heart attack hence why she made me see a GP and wouldn't let me leave the surgery without signing a legal waiver. I'm seriously worried about my health now.

So you left AMA, against medical advice due to stroke level blood pressure, then came
Here to ask if test/tren is a good idea right now?
I've been looking forward to this cycle for 6 months on a cruise over summer so it's hard to stop myself jumping on a blast but it's good that you guys on MESO are giving me solid advice and making me think sensibly.
Your BP is just under 200 systolic while not on cycle. You shouldn't touch anything until this is under control.

What is your lifestyle like? Diet, cardio, work etc.