High dose anavar?

J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2006 Mar;41(3):304-14.
Oxandrolone in the treatment of HIV-associated weight loss in men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Grunfeld C, Kotler DP, Dobs A, Glesby M, Bhasin S.


To evaluate the efficacy and safety of oxandrolone in promoting body weight and body cell mass (BCM) gain in HIV-associated weight loss.

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Two hundred sixty-two HIV-infected men with documented 10% to 20% weight loss or body mass index < or =20 kg/m were randomized to placebo or to 20, 40, or 80 mg of oxandrolone daily. After 12 weeks, subjects were allowed to receive open-label oxandrolone at a dose of 20 mg for another 12 weeks.

Body weight increased in all groups, including the group receiving placebo, during the double-blind phase (1.1 +/- 2.7, 1.8 +/- 3.9, 2.8 +/- 3.3, and 2.3 +/- 2.9 kg in placebo and 20-, 40-, and 80-mg oxandrolone groups, respectively; all P < 0.014 vs. baseline). BCM increased from baseline in all groups (0.45 +/- 1.7, 0.91 +/- 2.2, 1.5 +/- 2.5, and 1.8 +/- 1.8 kg in placebo and 20-, 40-, and 80-mg oxandrolone groups, respectively). At 12 weeks, only the gain in weight at the 40-mg dose of oxandrolone and the gain in BCM at the 40- and 80-mg doses of oxandrolone were greater than those in the placebo group, however. Oxandrolone treatment was associated with significant suppression of sex hormone-binding globulin, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and total and free testosterone levels. Treatment was generally well tolerated but accompanied by significant increases in transaminases and low-density lipoprotein as well as decreases in high-density lipoprotein.

Oxandrolone administration is effective in promoting dose-dependent gains in body weight and BCM in HIV-infected men with weight loss.

OK, the conclusion more is better, if I read correctly.. More importantly, how are 262 men w/ AIDS extrapolated to the general public, let alone hard core gym rats.
So based on what you read in the study, Var was administered once daily? Some meds require 2 or 3 times daily in order to be more effective. Since a half life is 12 hours, & Var's half life is only 8 hours, is it more effective splitting the doses? Are there any studies done in regards to dosing times/amts, or do all studies make the assumption that Var will only be the system for 8 hrs? My question is,what is most effective? Try to maintain a steady level in one's system, or to have spikes?

I think it really depends on what you mean by effective. Are you looking to gain strength, get leaner, or maybe gain more mass? Are you looking for something that will make you an animal in the gym? I'm with Peicles here. Trying to determine an optimum "effective" dose from a study on weight gain of HIV patients is really a stretch. I don't know anyone who uses var with the primary purpose being that of gaining mass.
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Gee, what does Dorian know, he is only a 6 time Olympian champion. Do you think he got there w/ out good connections). Seriously Doc you are failing to understand one of the gifts that successful bodybuilders have: The ability to take, and utilize massive amounts of gear.

I think it's true that IFBB pros are good responders to AAS. Does that mean they get more benefit from 240mgs than 120mgs? If they do, it's probably only a tiny percentage of difference. But maybe that's enough to make the difference between the winner and loser. I don't see how it could be a dramatic difference even with good genes, they're still human.

It's difficult to draw any conclusions based on what the pros use, though. They use a shotgun approach to drug use and I suspect most of them have no idea what is doing what. It's an interesting topic, though.
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I think the only way to properly conduct an analysis for us GyM Rats. Guys like me and a large % of forum members) that put their training ahead of everything else, including my wife[:o)], yes)? OK my son comes first, but only because he is a bad ass little five year old).

Lets analyze the effect on hard core guys...but we first need to define hard core. I have seen some clean guys who really trained like animals. We could set up a study, but again, we are unlikely to have a large enough # of participants to satisfy a study that is both valid and reliable. Validity and reliability depend on 2 basic things: First we will need an ANOVA (analysis of variance) and some other statistical measures like T scores and margins of error that weed out the bullshit factor. As mentioned, these types of indicators need a larger sampling body.

More importantly, we need a study that makes sense that can be extrapolated to a more general population. The old saying is "garbage in, garbage out". Trying to apply a study based on AIDS patients to predict the effect upon robust hard core body builders and strength athletes is, Garbage in".
There are 3-4 studies using var at upper end doses and no benefit has been shown in any I'm aware of.

Perhaps Dr S can shed some light on the subject.

If you believe any Mr O became so because of Var your completely missing my point. (If at all possible, it would be great if you could locate the source of a quote in the future, especially when the topic is relatively controversial such as "high dose Var")

The specifics of quotes made by those experienced Mr O's in particular would help define, on a contextual basis, those details which may either increase or decrease the effectiveness of any AAS such as;

What other anabolic agents (GH, AAS, Insulin, etc) were they using and their dosages?

What dietary modifications were a part of their lifestyle?

What was their exercise routine?

I'll promise you this NO Mr O became a winner because of Var. (but heck your already aware of this and probably the rest of this post, lol)

I've grown increasing weary of those quoting the experience of other BB from a yesteryear era when the evidence simply was not available to support OR refute their claims to fame OR regime.

However so much has been learned over the past FOURTY YEARS, which in many instances is capable of reinforcing or negating the "experience" once believed to be golden and in many instances extrapolated to bonafied evidence. (AKA "bro science")

Ergo because the research exists it should be embraced, critically appraised and applied, for the benefit of the entire profession of BB, to do otherwise confirms the belief, of those convinced BB and the use of AAS is anything but a science based sport, (which has been a MAJOR obstacle towards achieving the recognition desired and deserved in the sports community)

Best to ya mate,
The study was NOT performed on "AIDS" patients which could IMO have made a difference in outcomes.

Moreover they were not placed on an exercise regime involving the use of large muscle groups which has been shown to enhance testosterone levels and in some cause AR down-regulation.

However will these changes create an unexpected and remarkable difference in the proportional dose related benefit, I think NOT. Why?

Because this same dose:benefit ratio is the observed with all AAS!

Stated more specifically, the proportional benefit of AAS decreases as the dosage increases (and any experienced BB has noted this fact).

So why is Var any different? Well it's not and this study simply reinforces what is already known, nothing more or less.

Sorry for the double post. I don't know what happened. It posted before I was ready to send it.

It's interesting that they found 40mg/day gave better weight gain than 80mg/day.
It seems to show 80mg/day is in the realm of diminishing returns and increasing sides.

Most of the studies I've looked at only used a dosage of 15 - 20mg/day and found good results.

I think it's possible the people claiming significantly better results on high doses (>50mg/day) are using underdosed Anavar or it's all in their head. Probably the latter.

I've read that Var and primo are the most commonly faked chemicals in UG labs because of the cost of the raws, this is a very good theory as well as your latter theory.

Thanks to everybody that responded, can never have enough input & veteran experience in things like this!
I hope you didn't develop the "fog" reading the varied opinions on your thread, KM.
There are 3-4 studies using var at upper end doses and no benefit has been shown in any I'm aware of.

Perhaps Dr S can shed some light on the subject.

If you believe any Mr O became so because of Var your completely missing my point. (If at all possible, it would be great if you could locate the source of a quote in the future, especially when the topic is relatively controversial such as "high dose Var")

The specifics of quotes made by those experienced Mr O's in particular would help define, on a contextual basis, those details which may either increase or decrease the effectiveness of any AAS such as;

What other anabolic agents (GH, AAS, Insulin, etc) were they using and their dosages?

What dietary modifications were a part of their lifestyle?

What was their exercise routine?

I'll promise you this NO Mr O became a winner because of Var. (but heck your already aware of this and probably the rest of this post, lol)

I've grown increasing weary of those quoting the experience of other BB from a yesteryear era when the evidence simply was not available to support OR refute their claims to fame OR regime.

However so much has been learned over the past FOURTY YEARS, which in many instances is capable of reinforcing or negating the "experience" once believed to be golden and in many instances extrapolated to bonafied evidence. (AKA "bro science")

Ergo because the research exists it should be embraced, critically appraised and applied, for the benefit of the entire profession of BB, to do otherwise confirms the belief, of those convinced BB and the use of AAS is anything but a science based sport, (which has been a MAJOR obstacle towards achieving the recognition desired and deserved in the sports community)

Best to ya mate,

The source of my quote came from Chris. Why Dorian chuckled, I don't know....maybe he just wanted me to leave him alone (and he is, IMO the greatest bodybuilder ever, and a very intelligent one at that). Of course, duh, anavar alone could would not be the key to his success. He did massive amounts of everything IE polypharmacy and 5 grams of test a week, etc. He also trained harder than anyone else.

However, it seems you have failed to understand my point: These studies have virtually no correlation to the populace, and especially no insight into how they would affect gym rats. You say there are 3-4 others, but that would be like adding 4 zeros together, you still have zero. Thats worse than Bro Science. I have a friend, a very heavy steroid user hoping to make a run at a Masters pro card. He has found, over many, many years that 100 mgs works best for him.

Have you ever noticed a guy that could drink massive amounts of alcohol and be fine (assuming he does not drive). At the age of 25, I was drinking a minimum of 15 beers a day. BTW, I have not had a drink in 23 years. I have a theory, that guys who could drink amounts that would kill others, usually (assuming they stopped drinking) are the type that are able able to tolerate more gear.

We need to stop comparing apples to oranges.
No correlation with the population of interest, of course they do.

So how and why would the response to Anavar be SO DIFFERENT in those with HIV whom didn't exercise, compared to "gym rats"?

Oh I suspect the gymnast would achieve a greater benefit sure BUT the variance is NOT the consequence of using 240mg of Var daily, (which is utterly absurd) but rather the exercise and diet I spoke of earlier.

You apparently are unwilling to accept a well established fact that the proportional benefit from AAS decreases as the dosage increases.

Moreover if you choose to ignore every AAS study performed on non-athletes good luck locating any which meet your criteria. Why because the use of performing enhancing substances for that select purpose is unethical and in many instances illegal!

So good luck acquiring said study approval by ANY governing agency which oversees medical research!

Accordingly I guess we will just continue with the onslaught of bro science, NOT!

Because we can and must do better for our patients and the profession itself!

More importantly, we need a study that makes sense that can be extrapolated to a more general population. The old saying is "garbage in, garbage out". Trying to apply a study based on AIDS patients to predict the effect upon robust hard core body builders and strength athletes is, Garbage in".

I'm not sure what your argument is. What is your concern with the study? By your own admission, returns start to diminish above 60mg/day. The study found a similar result.
If the half life is 8 hrs, then what is the "effective dose" of Anavar? If 40-50mg is the maximum range, is it necessary to keep that effective dose at adequate levels for 24 hours, without losing ground overnight? In other words, is it best to split the 40-50mgs into 3 times per day (20,20,10), or take 40-50mgs 3 times per day(40,40,40)?

Most of the research I looked at used bid dosing.
This is a strange conversation. People keep talking about the "effectiveness" of var without being the least bit clear about what they mean by effective. It's as if there is some predetermined absolute meaning that remains constant across all ASS and all ASS cycles. I guess the op is somewhat to blame for this because he never stated any particular goal. He just asked about taking 70 - 100 mg's with no particular purpose given.
Re: Re: High dose anavar?

I'm not sure what your argument is. What is your concern with the study? By your own admission, returns start to diminish above 60mg/day. The study found a similar result.

Perculis being a Lean SIG Sigma Black Belt looks at how the data was compiled, and the survey to establish base lines. Without knowing certain variables it's hard to see what is going to get washed out. Studies are good, but can become great with a few more questions in determining baseline parameters and ranges. Again, certain numbers are needed to validate your data from a correct sample size. Just a question, do the returns really start to diminish? None of the studies were done on test subjects that were BB with a complete different physiological make up. Not to mention the additional supplements/diets. Would the var not clear a BB systems faster than someone who is lethargic. In which case 40mgs to each individual run may have substantially different half life's. So would they benefit the same results?
The source of my quote came from Chris. Why Dorian chuckled, I don't know....maybe he just wanted me to leave him alone (and he is, IMO the greatest bodybuilder ever, and a very intelligent one at that). Of course, duh, anavar alone could would not be the key to his success. He did massive amounts of everything IE polypharmacy and 5 grams of test a week, etc. He also trained harder than anyone else.

Because of massive doses of multiple AAS's, pros have no idea what a particular drug is doing. They use everything but the kitchen sink in the highest possible dose they can tolerate. Their drug cocktails are based on what their training partners or trainers tell them. These guys are in mostly uncharted waters and theres very little scientific evidence for what they're doing.

However, it seems you have failed to understand my point: These studies have virtually no correlation to the populace, and especially no insight into how they would affect gym rats. You say there are 3-4 others, but that would be like adding 4 zeros together, you still have zero. Thats worse than Bro Science. I have a friend, a very heavy steroid user hoping to make a run at a Masters pro card. He has found, over many, many years that 100 mgs works best for him.

That doesn't mean he's not past the point of diminishing returns.

Have you ever noticed a guy that could drink massive amounts of alcohol and be fine (assuming he does not drive). At the age of 25, I was drinking a minimum of 15 beers a day. BTW, I have not had a drink in 23 years. I have a theory, that guys who could drink amounts that would kill others, usually (assuming they stopped drinking) are the type that are able able to tolerate more gear.

You're confusing tolerance with toxicity. I believe the LD50 is the same for an alcoholic or novice drinker, but novices are more likely to vomit before poisoning occurs because they lack tolerance.
How in the heck someone can determine the "benefit" of ONE drug in a particular drug class when the subjects under study are consuming them ALL is beyond laughable.

Similarily, why some are more than willing to repeatedly ignore this form of diminutive anecdotal "experience", yet stil suggest it's evidence, denotes one of many fallacies commonplace to "bro science"!

Fine work CBS, IMO.

How in the heck someone can determine the "benefit" of ONE drug in a particular drug class when the subjects under study are consuming them ALL is beyond laughable.

Similarily, why some are more than willing to repeatedly ignore this form of diminutive anecdotal "experience", yet stil suggest it's evidence, denotes one of many fallacies commonplace to "bro science"!

Fine work CBS, IMO.


Ironically, Jim, you are correct about one thing:: A study of professional BBers could never be representative of AIDS patients. But please Jim, reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Did I ever once claim that what is good for Dorian is good for AIDS patients, or the general population? No, I did not....why are you saying that I did, especially since that would be just as bad as using the HIV study to determine meaning to me or pros? Are you aware that Dorian walked around at 320 lbs? What was the average weight of the study participants?

Again, apples and oranges.