High dose anavar?

All caps=yelling, poor manners, and a general lack of netiquette.

Of course this is coming from a guy who actually took seriously the joke that I used to train w/ Arnold back in the 90s.
all caps=yelling, poor manners, and a general lack of netiquette.

Of course this is coming from a guy who actually took seriously the joke that i used to train w/ arnold back in the 90s.

we can all see right threw ur bs and lies / you have zero credibility on here now, best thing would be to start a new account man
you were not joking when you said you knew and trained with arnold - we all just caught you in one of your many lies and now you are trying to play it off - anyone can see that - seriously best thing would be to start a new account you have no credibility anymore at all
Dude, seriously, stop stalking me (commenting on each post I make, and all on different threads) and trying to insult me at any opportunity. Your an idiot, and you only make yourself look worse. Even Mands is not so foolish. You seem to be unaware of the fact that I come from old school, and there were no powders from China. Yes, I readily admit that I am still learning how things are done today, and when you turn it into a personal attack, you are making this forum worse, not better.

I really don't care if you think I lack credibility, and this coming from a guy who tries to peddle his addictive and dangerous drugs (benzos). I have a network of friends, and connections here, and that is all I care about. I am not going to waste my time w/ personal attacks and debates over the effect of var on HIV patients. What I care about is what guys w/ long experience are doing. Yes, it is called bro science, but when 10 bros get similar results, I consider it possible to believe their experience.

we can all see right threw ur bs and lies / you have zero credibility on here now, best thing would be to start a new account man
you were not joking when you said you knew and trained with arnold - we all just caught you in one of your many lies and now you are trying to play it off - anyone can see that - seriously best thing would be to start a new account you have no credibility anymore at all
When a person is in their mass building phase.... I really wonder.. and many others do... if Var is worth the cost per pound of muscle... personally I've only known people in comp and women taking it.
When a person is in their mass building phase.... I really wonder.. and many others do... if Var is worth the cost per pound of muscle... personally I've only known people in comp and women taking it.

That's sort of related to the point I have been trying to make all along but doesn't get seem to get across. To some degree the study supports Dr. Jim's assertion about optimal dose for mass gain. But, to whom would this be most interesting? Maybe Female BB's and those who want to run an oral only cycle and a limited number of others?

As I understand it most PL's and BB's use var for other purposes than to add mass. Whether or not the optimal dose for those purposes is consistent with the optimal does for mass gain is still an open question in my mind. Furthermore, to answer those questions we only have the "bro science" of personal experience to guide us. Not that the study doesn't provided us with some useful information, it does. It gives us a reference point to start with so to speak.

Clearly, someone like Dorian would never use var for the purposes of adding mass. And just as clearly, the rest of us human level BB's should not use Dorian's dose as a guide. But to ignore the personal experience of others and dismiss it as some sort of useless "bro science" is foolish in my mind. Like PC, I have also come across a number to BB's who claim that var was more successful at higher doses (around 80 to 100mg). None of them were using it for the purposes of gaining mass.
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Anavar is an excellent drug, really, IMO, the only concern is cost. Its very expensive.

I am currently running it along w/ some deca and test on a 6week mini bulk. I have found that for me, the best dose is 70 mgs (on days I lift and do cardio). The 3 days I just do cardio, I don't take it. Above 70 mgs, I get diminishing returns. I also know several big bb'ers who swear by 100 mgs.